Source code for static_frame.core.store_filter

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp

from static_frame.core.interface_meta import InterfaceMeta
from static_frame.core.util import COMPLEX_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_MONTH
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_YEAR
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_BOOL
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_COMPLEX_KIND
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_FLOAT_KIND
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_INEXACT_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_INT_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_NAT_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_OBJECT
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_OBJECT_KIND
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_STR_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import EMPTY_SET
from static_frame.core.util import FLOAT_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import NAT
from static_frame.core.util import NAT_STR
from static_frame.core.util import frozenset_filter

    TNDArrayAny = np.ndarray[tp.Any, tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    # TDtypeAny = np.dtype[tp.Any] #pragma: no cover

[docs] class StoreFilter(metaclass=InterfaceMeta): ''' Utility for defining and applying translation of values going to and from a data store, as needed for XLSX and other writers. ''' __slots__ = ( 'from_nan', 'from_nat', 'from_none', 'from_posinf', 'from_neginf', 'to_nan', 'to_nat', 'to_none', 'to_posinf', 'to_neginf', '_FLOAT_FUNC_TO_FROM', '_EQUAL_FUNC_TO_FROM', '_TYPE_TO_TO_SET', '_TYPE_TO_TO_TUPLE', 'value_format_float_scientific', 'value_format_float_positional', 'value_format_complex_scientific', 'value_format_complex_positional', '_value_format_active', ) # from type to string (encoding into the data store) from_nan: tp.Optional[str] from_nat: tp.Optional[str] from_none: tp.Optional[str] from_posinf: tp.Optional[str] from_neginf: tp.Optional[str] # from string to type (decoding from the data store) to_nan: tp.FrozenSet[str] to_nat: tp.FrozenSet[str] to_none: tp.FrozenSet[str] to_posinf: tp.FrozenSet[str] to_neginf: tp.FrozenSet[str] # formatting for inexact types, from type to string value_format_float_scientific: tp.Optional[str] value_format_float_positional: tp.Optional[str] value_format_complex_scientific: tp.Optional[str] value_format_complex_positional: tp.Optional[str] # reference collections defined with values given above; cannot use TCallableAny here _FLOAT_FUNC_TO_FROM: tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[tp.Any, tp.Optional[str]], ...] _EQUAL_FUNC_TO_FROM: tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[tp.Any, tp.Optional[str]], ...] _TYPE_TO_TO_SET: tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[tp.Any, tp.FrozenSet[str]], ...] _TYPE_TO_TO_TUPLE: tp.Tuple[tp.Tuple[tp.Any, tp.Tuple[str, ...]], ...]
[docs] def __init__(self, *, # from type to str from_nan: tp.Optional[str] = '', from_nat: tp.Optional[str] = '', from_none: tp.Optional[str] = 'None', from_posinf: tp.Optional[str] = 'inf', from_neginf: tp.Optional[str] = '-inf', # str to type to_nan: tp.Collection[str] = frozenset(('', 'nan', 'NaN', 'NAN', 'NULL', '#N/A')), to_nat: tp.Collection[str] = frozenset(()), # do not assume there are NaTs. to_none: tp.Collection[str] = frozenset(('None',)), to_posinf: tp.Collection[str] = frozenset(('inf',)), to_neginf: tp.Collection[str] = frozenset(('-inf',)), # from float to str value_format_float_positional: tp.Optional[str] = None, value_format_float_scientific: tp.Optional[str] = None, value_format_complex_positional: tp.Optional[str] = None, value_format_complex_scientific: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.from_nan = from_nan self.from_nat = from_nat self.from_none = from_none self.from_posinf = from_posinf self.from_neginf = from_neginf self.to_nan = frozenset_filter(to_nan) self.to_nat = frozenset_filter(to_nat) self.to_none = frozenset_filter(to_none) self.to_posinf = frozenset_filter(to_posinf) self.to_neginf = frozenset_filter(to_neginf) self.value_format_float_positional = value_format_float_positional self.value_format_float_scientific = value_format_float_scientific self.value_format_complex_positional = value_format_complex_positional self.value_format_complex_scientific = value_format_complex_scientific self._value_format_active = ( self.value_format_float_positional is not None or self.value_format_float_scientific is not None or self.value_format_complex_positional is not None or self.value_format_complex_scientific is not None ) # assumed faster to define these per instance than at the class level # None has to be handled separately self._FLOAT_FUNC_TO_FROM = ( (np.isnan, self.from_nan), (np.isposinf, self.from_posinf), (np.isneginf, self.from_neginf) ) # for object array processing self._EQUAL_FUNC_TO_FROM = ( # NOTE: this using the same heuristic as util.isna_array, which may not be the best choice for non-standard objects (lambda x: np.not_equal(x, x), self.from_nan), (lambda x: np.equal(x, None), self.from_none), # type: ignore (lambda x: np.equal(x, np.inf), self.from_posinf), (lambda x: np.equal(x, -np.inf), self.from_neginf) ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # these are used for converting from strings to types self._TYPE_TO_TO_SET = ( (np.nan, self.to_nan), (NAT, self.to_nat), (None, self.to_none), (np.inf, self.to_posinf), (-np.inf, self.to_neginf) ) # for using isin, cannot use a set, so pre-convert to tuples here self._TYPE_TO_TO_TUPLE = ( (np.nan, tuple(self.to_nan)), (NAT, tuple(self.to_nat)), (None, tuple(self.to_none)), (np.inf, tuple(self.to_posinf)), (-np.inf, tuple(self.to_neginf)), )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # converting from types (in memory) to data store def _format_inexact_element(self, value: tp.Any, kind: str, ) -> tp.Any: ''' Must let unexact types pass, as object arrays will have mixed types. ''' if kind == DTYPE_OBJECT_KIND: is_float = isinstance(value, FLOAT_TYPES) is_complex = False if is_float else isinstance(value, COMPLEX_TYPES) elif kind == DTYPE_FLOAT_KIND: is_float = True is_complex = False elif kind == DTYPE_COMPLEX_KIND: is_float = False is_complex = True if not is_float and not is_complex: return value # NOTE: similar move in Display.to_cell # must call built-in str() to get native realization per element is_scientific = 'e' in str(value) if is_float: if self.value_format_float_scientific is not None and is_scientific: return self.value_format_float_scientific.format(value) elif self.value_format_float_positional is not None: return self.value_format_float_positional.format(value) return value # is_complex if self.value_format_complex_scientific is not None and is_scientific: return self.value_format_complex_scientific.format(value) elif self.value_format_complex_positional is not None: return self.value_format_complex_positional.format(value) return value def _format_inexact_array(self, array: TNDArrayAny, array_object: tp.Optional[TNDArrayAny], ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Args: array_object: if we have already created an object array, use it as destination, mutating values in-place. ``array`` and ``array_object`` can be the same array. ''' # NOTE: assume only called on object or inexact dtypes, and when at least one of the value_format attributes is non-None kind = array.dtype.kind if array_object is None: if kind == DTYPE_OBJECT_KIND: array_object = array.copy() else: array_object = array.astype(DTYPE_OBJECT) func = self._format_inexact_element for iloc, e in np.ndenumerate(array): array_object[iloc] = func(e, kind) return array_object
[docs] def from_type_filter_array(self, array: TNDArrayAny ) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Given an array, replace types with strings ''' kind = array.dtype.kind dtype = array.dtype if kind in DTYPE_INT_KINDS or kind in DTYPE_STR_KINDS or dtype == DTYPE_BOOL: return array # no replacements possible kind_is_complex = kind == DTYPE_COMPLEX_KIND kind_is_object = kind == DTYPE_OBJECT_KIND if kind in DTYPE_INEXACT_KINDS or kind_is_object: func_value_replace_pairs = ( self._EQUAL_FUNC_TO_FROM if kind_is_object else self._FLOAT_FUNC_TO_FROM) post = None # defer creating until we have a match for func, value_replace in func_value_replace_pairs: if value_replace is not None: # cannot use these ufuncs on complex array if kind_is_complex and (func == np.isposinf or func == np.isneginf): continue found = func(array) if found.any(): if post is None: # need to store string replacements in object type # astype always returns a copy by default post = array.astype(DTYPE_OBJECT) post[found] = value_replace array_final = post if post is not None else array if self._value_format_active: return self._format_inexact_array(array_final, post) return array_final if kind in DTYPE_NAT_KINDS: post = None if array.dtype == DT64_YEAR or array.dtype == DT64_MONTH: post = array.astype(str) # nat will go to 'NaT' if post is not None and post.dtype.kind in DTYPE_STR_KINDS: is_nat = post == NAT_STR else: # still datetime is_nat = np.isnat(array) # we always force datetime64 to object, as most formats (i.e., XLSX) are not prepared to write them post = post if post is not None else array.astype(DTYPE_OBJECT) if is_nat.any(): post[is_nat] = self.from_nat return post if post is not None else array raise NotImplementedError(f'no handling for dtype {dtype}') #pragma: no cover
[docs] def from_type_filter_element(self, value: tp.Any ) -> tp.Any: ''' Filter single values to string. ''' # apply to all types if self.from_none is not None and value is None: return self.from_none is_float = isinstance(value, FLOAT_TYPES) is_complex = False if is_float else isinstance(value, COMPLEX_TYPES) if is_float or is_complex: for func, value_replace in self._FLOAT_FUNC_TO_FROM: if value_replace is not None: if is_complex and (func == np.isposinf or func == np.isneginf): continue if func(value): return value_replace if isinstance(value, np.datetime64): if np.isnat(value): value = self.from_nat elif value.dtype == DT64_YEAR or value.dtype == DT64_MONTH: value = str(value) # convert year, month to string if self._value_format_active: if is_float: kind = DTYPE_FLOAT_KIND elif is_complex: kind = DTYPE_COMPLEX_KIND else: kind = DTYPE_OBJECT_KIND return self._format_inexact_element(value, kind) return value
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # converting from strings (in data store) to types
[docs] def to_type_filter_array(self, array: TNDArrayAny ) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Given an array, replace strings with types. ''' kind = array.dtype.kind dtype = array.dtype # nothin to do with ints, floats, or bools if (kind in DTYPE_INT_KINDS or kind in DTYPE_INEXACT_KINDS or dtype == DTYPE_BOOL ): return array # no replacements possible # need to only check object or float if kind in DTYPE_STR_KINDS or dtype == DTYPE_OBJECT: # for string types, cannot use np.equal post = None for value_replace, matching in self._TYPE_TO_TO_TUPLE: if matching: found = np.isin(array, matching) if found.any(): if post is None: post = array.astype(object) # get a copy to mutate post[found] = value_replace return post if post is not None else array return array
[docs] def to_type_filter_element(self, value: tp.Any ) -> tp.Any: ''' Given a value wich may be an encoded string, decode into a type. ''' if isinstance(value, str): for value_replace, matching in self._TYPE_TO_TO_SET: if value in matching: return value_replace return value
# def to_type_filter_iterable(self, iterable: tp.Iterable[tp.Any]) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Any]: # for value in iterable: # yield self.to_type_filter_element(value) STORE_FILTER_DEFAULT = StoreFilter() STORE_FILTER_DISABLE = StoreFilter( from_nan=None, from_none=None, from_posinf=None, from_neginf=None, # str to type to_nan=EMPTY_SET, to_none=EMPTY_SET, to_posinf=EMPTY_SET, to_neginf=EMPTY_SET, )