Source code for static_frame.core.index

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from itertools import zip_longest

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp
from arraykit import array_deepcopy
from arraykit import immutable_filter
from arraykit import mloc
from arraykit import name_filter
from arraykit import resolve_dtype
from arraymap import AutoMap  # pylint: disable=E0611
from arraymap import FrozenAutoMap  # pylint: disable=E0611
from arraymap import NonUniqueError  # pylint: disable=E0611

from static_frame.core.container import ContainerOperand
from static_frame.core.container_util import apply_binary_operator
from static_frame.core.container_util import iter_component_signature_bytes
from static_frame.core.container_util import key_from_container_key
from static_frame.core.container_util import matmul
from static_frame.core.container_util import sort_index_for_order
from static_frame.core.display import Display
from static_frame.core.display import DisplayActive
from static_frame.core.display import DisplayHeader
from static_frame.core.display_config import DisplayConfig
from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_inject
from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_update
from static_frame.core.exception import ErrorInitIndex
from static_frame.core.exception import ErrorInitIndexNonUnique
from static_frame.core.index_base import IndexBase
from static_frame.core.loc_map import LocMap
from static_frame.core.node_dt import InterfaceDatetime
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeApplyType
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeDepthLevel
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeType
from static_frame.core.node_re import InterfaceRe
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterfaceSelectDuo
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterGetItemLocReduces
from static_frame.core.node_selector import TVContainer_co
from static_frame.core.node_str import InterfaceString
from static_frame.core.node_values import InterfaceValues
from static_frame.core.style_config import StyleConfig
from static_frame.core.util import DEFAULT_SORT_KIND
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_BOOL
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_NA_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_OBJECT
from static_frame.core.util import EMPTY_ARRAY
from static_frame.core.util import INT_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import KEY_ITERABLE_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import NAME_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.util import NULL_SLICE
from static_frame.core.util import PositionsAllocator
from static_frame.core.util import TDepthLevel
from static_frame.core.util import TDtypeSpecifier
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelectorMany
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelectorOne
from static_frame.core.util import TIndexCtor
from static_frame.core.util import TIndexCtorSpecifier
from static_frame.core.util import TIndexInitializer
from static_frame.core.util import TKeyIterable
from static_frame.core.util import TKeyTransform
from static_frame.core.util import TLabel
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TName
from static_frame.core.util import TUFunc
from static_frame.core.util import argsort_array
from static_frame.core.util import array2d_to_tuples
from static_frame.core.util import array_sample
from static_frame.core.util import array_shift
from static_frame.core.util import array_ufunc_axis_skipna
from static_frame.core.util import arrays_equal
from static_frame.core.util import concat_resolved
from static_frame.core.util import dtype_from_element
from static_frame.core.util import isfalsy_array
from static_frame.core.util import isin
from static_frame.core.util import isna_array
from static_frame.core.util import iterable_to_array_1d
from static_frame.core.util import key_to_str
from static_frame.core.util import pos_loc_slice_to_iloc_slice
from static_frame.core.util import to_datetime64
from static_frame.core.util import ufunc_unique1d_indexer
from static_frame.core.util import validate_dtype_specifier

    import pandas  # pragma: no cover

    from static_frame import IndexHierarchy  # pylint: disable=C0412 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame import Series  # pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.index_auto import TRelabelInput  # pragma: no cover

    TNDArrayAny = np.ndarray[tp.Any, tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    TDtypeAny = np.dtype[tp.Any] #pragma: no cover

I = tp.TypeVar('I', bound='Index[tp.Any]')

class ILocMeta(type):

    def __getitem__(cls,
            key: TLocSelector
            ) -> 'ILoc':
        return cls(key) #type: ignore

[docs] class ILoc(metaclass=ILocMeta): '''A wrapper for embedding ``iloc`` specifications within a single axis argument of a ``loc`` selection. ''' STATIC = True __slots__ = ( 'key', )
[docs] def __init__(self, key: TLocSelector): self.key = key
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: if isinstance(self.key, tuple): return f'<ILoc[{",".join(map(key_to_str, self.key))}]>' return f'<ILoc[{key_to_str(self.key)}]>'
def immutable_index_filter(index: IndexBase) -> IndexBase: '''Return an immutable index. All index objects handle converting from mutable to immutable via the __init__ constructor; but need to use appropriate class between Index and IndexHierarchy.''' if index.STATIC: return index return index._IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR(index) def mutable_immutable_index_filter( target_static: bool, index: IndexBase, ) -> IndexBase: if target_static: return immutable_index_filter(index) # target mutable if index.STATIC: return index._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR(index) return index.__class__(index) # create new instance #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class _ArgsortCache(tp.NamedTuple): arr: TNDArrayAny key: TNDArrayAny def __deepcopy__(self, memo: tp.Dict[int, tp.Any]) -> '_ArgsortCache': obj = self.__class__( array_deepcopy(self.arr, memo=memo), array_deepcopy(self.key, memo=memo), ) memo[id(self)] = obj return obj TVDtype = tp.TypeVar('TVDtype', bound=np.generic, default=tp.Any)
[docs] class Index(IndexBase, tp.Generic[TVDtype]): '''A mapping of labels to positions, immutable and of fixed size. Used by default in :obj:`Series` and as index and columns in :obj:`Frame`. Base class of all 1D indices.''' __slots__ = ( '_map', '_labels', '_positions', '_recache', '_name', '_argsort_cache', ) # _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR is None from IndexBase # _MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR will be set after IndexGO defined _DTYPE: tp.Optional[TDtypeAny] = None # for specialized indices requiring a typed labels # for compatability with IndexHierarchy, where this is implemented as a property method depth: int = 1 _NDIM: int = 1 _map: tp.Optional[FrozenAutoMap] _labels: TNDArrayAny _positions: TNDArrayAny _recache: bool _name: TName _argsort_cache: tp.Optional[_ArgsortCache] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # methods used in __init__ that are customized in derived classes; there, we need to mutate instance state, this these are instance methods @staticmethod def _extract_labels( mapping: tp.Optional[tp.Dict[TLabel, int]], labels: tp.Iterable[TLabel], dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None ) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Derive labels, a cache of the mapping keys in a sequence type (either an ndarray or a list). If the labels passed at instantiation are an ndarray, they are used after immutable filtering. Otherwise, the mapping keys are used to create an ndarray. This method is overridden in the derived class. Args: mapping: Can be None if loc_is_iloc. labels: might be an expired Generator, but if it is an immutable ndarray, we can use it without a copy. ''' # pre-fetching labels for faster get_item construction if labels.__class__ is np.ndarray: if dtype is not None and dtype != labels.dtype: #type: ignore raise ErrorInitIndex('invalid label dtype for this Index') # NOTE: all labels arrays should be made immutable before this call return labels #type: ignore # labels may be an expired generator, must use the mapping labels_src = labels if hasattr(labels, '__len__') else mapping if len(labels_src) == 0: #type: ignore if dtype is None: labels = EMPTY_ARRAY else: labels = np.empty(0, dtype=dtype) labels.flags.writeable = False else: # resolving the dtype is expensive, pass if possible labels, _ = iterable_to_array_1d(labels_src, dtype=dtype) #type: ignore return labels @staticmethod def _extract_positions( size: int, positions: tp.Optional[TNDArrayAny] ) -> TNDArrayAny: # positions is either None or an ndarray if positions.__class__ is np.ndarray: return immutable_filter(positions) # type: ignore return PositionsAllocator.get(size) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # constructors
[docs] @classmethod def from_labels(cls: tp.Type[I], labels: tp.Iterable[tp.Sequence[TLabel]], *, name: TName = None ) -> I: ''' Construct an ``Index`` from an iterable of labels, where each label is a hashable. Provided for a compatible interface to ``IndexHierarchy``. ''' return cls(labels, name=name)
@staticmethod def _error_init_index_non_unique( labels: tp.Iterable[tp.Any], ) -> ErrorInitIndexNonUnique: '''Return an exception configured with an informative message. ''' msg = '' labels_counter = Counter(labels) if len(labels_counter) == 0: # generator consumed msg = 'Labels have non-unique values. Examples from iterators not are available.' else: labels_all = sum(labels_counter.values()) labels_duplicated = [repr(p[0]) for p in labels_counter.most_common(10) if p[1] > 1] msg = f'Labels have {labels_all - len(labels_counter)} non-unique values, including {", ".join(labels_duplicated)}.' return ErrorInitIndexNonUnique(msg) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, labels: TIndexInitializer, *, loc_is_iloc: bool = False, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, ) -> None: '''Initializer. {args} ''' self._recache: bool = False self._map: tp.Optional[FrozenAutoMap] = None self._argsort_cache: tp.Optional[_ArgsortCache] = None positions: TNDArrayAny | None = None is_typed = self._DTYPE is not None # only True for datetime64 indices # resolve the targetted labels dtype, by lookin at the class attr _DTYPE and/or the passed dtype argument if dtype is None: dtype_extract = self._DTYPE # set in some specialized Index sub-classes else: # passed dtype is not None if is_typed and dtype != self._DTYPE: # NOTE: should never get to this branch, as derived Index classes that set _DTYPE remove dtype from __init__ raise ErrorInitIndex('invalid dtype argument for this Index', dtype, self._DTYPE) #pragma: no cover # self._DTYPE is None, passed dtype is not None, use dtype dtype_extract = dtype # type: ignore #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if labels.__class__ is np.ndarray: labels = immutable_filter(labels) # type: ignore elif isinstance(labels, IndexBase): # handle all Index subclasses if labels._recache: labels._update_array_cache() if name is NAME_DEFAULT: name = # immutable, so no copy necessary if labels.depth == 1: # not an IndexHierarchy if (labels.STATIC and self.STATIC and dtype is None): if not is_typed or (is_typed and self._DTYPE == labels.dtype): # type: ignore # can take the map if static and if types in the dict are the same as those in the labels (or to become the labels after conversion) self._map = labels._map #type: ignore # get a reference to the immutable arrays, even if this is an IndexGO index, we can take the cached arrays, assuming they are up to date; for datetime64 indices, we might need to translate to a different type positions = labels._positions #type: ignore loc_is_iloc = labels._map is None #type: ignore labels = labels._labels # type: ignore else: # IndexHierarchy # will be a generator of tuples; already updated caches labels = labels.__iter__() elif isinstance(labels, ContainerOperand): # it is a Series or similar array = labels.values if array.ndim == 1: labels = array else: labels = array2d_to_tuples(array) # else: assume an iterable suitable for labels usage, we will identify strings later #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if is_typed: # do not need to check arrays, as will and checked to match dtype_extract in _extract_labels if not labels.__class__ is np.ndarray: # if is_typed, _DTYPE is defined, we have a date labels = (to_datetime64(v, dtype_extract) for v in labels) #type: ignore # coerce to target type elif labels.dtype != dtype_extract: #type: ignore labels = labels.astype(dtype_extract) #type: ignore labels.flags.writeable = False self._name = None if name is NAME_DEFAULT else name_filter(name) # pyright: ignore if self._map is None: # if _map not shared from another Index if not loc_is_iloc: if isinstance(labels, str): # NOTE: this is necessary as otherwise a malformed Index will be created, whereby the _map will treat the string as an iterable of chars, while the labels will not and have a single string value. This is consisten as other elements (ints, Booleans) are rejected on instantiation of the AutoMap raise ErrorInitIndex('Cannot create an Index from a single string; provide an iterable of strings.') try: self._map = FrozenAutoMap(labels) if self.STATIC else AutoMap(labels) except NonUniqueError: # Automap will raise ValueError of non-unique values are encountered raise self._error_init_index_non_unique(labels) from None # must take length after map as might be iterator size = len(self._map) else: # if loc_is_iloc, labels must be positions and we assume that internal clients that provided loc_is_iloc will not give a generator size = len(labels) #type: ignore if positions is None: positions = labels # type: ignore else: # map shared from another Index size = len(self._map) # this might be NP array, or a list, depending on if static or grow only; if an array, dtype will be compared with passed dtype_extract self._labels: TNDArrayAny = self._extract_labels(self._map, labels, dtype_extract) self._positions = self._extract_positions(size, positions) if self._DTYPE and self._labels.dtype != self._DTYPE: raise ErrorInitIndex('Invalid label dtype for this Index.', #pragma: no cover self._labels.dtype, self._DTYPE) # NOTE: to implement GH # 374; do this after final self._labels creation as user may pass a dtype argument if not is_typed and self._labels.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: raise ErrorInitIndex(f'Cannot create an `Index` with a `datetime64` array (with `dtype` {self._labels.dtype} and including {self._labels[:10]}); use a subclass (e.g. `IndexDate`) directly or as a constructor argument.')
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __setstate__(self, state: tp.Tuple[None, tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]]) -> None: ''' Ensure that reanimated NP arrays are set not writeable. ''' for key, value in state[1].items(): setattr(self, key, value) self._labels.flags.writeable = False
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self: I, memo: tp.Dict[int, tp.Any]) -> I: assert not self._recache # __deepcopy__ is implemented on derived GO class obj = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) obj._map = deepcopy(self._map, memo) obj._labels = array_deepcopy(self._labels, memo) obj._positions = PositionsAllocator.get(len(self._labels)) obj._recache = False obj._name = self._name # should be hashable/immutable obj._argsort_cache = deepcopy(self._argsort_cache, memo) memo[id(self)] = obj return obj
def _memory_label_component_pairs(self, ) -> tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[str, tp.Any]]: return (('Name', self._name), ('Map', self._map), ('Labels', self._labels), ('Positions', self._positions), )
[docs] def __copy__(self: I) -> I: ''' Return shallow copy of this Index. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self.__class__(self, name=self._name)
[docs] def copy(self: I) -> I: ''' Return shallow copy of this Index. ''' return self.__copy__()
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # name interface
[docs] def rename(self: I, name: TName) -> I: ''' Return a new Frame with an updated name attribute. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() # let the constructor handle reuse return self.__class__(self, name=name)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # interfaces @property def loc(self) -> InterGetItemLocReduces[TVContainer_co, TVDtype]: return InterGetItemLocReduces(self._extract_loc) @property def iloc(self) -> InterGetItemLocReduces[TVContainer_co, TVDtype]: return InterGetItemLocReduces(self._extract_iloc) #type: ignore # # on Index, getitem is an iloc selector; on Series, getitem is a loc selector; for this extraction interface, we do not implement a getitem level function (using iloc would be consistent), as it is better to be explicit between iloc loc def _iter_label(self, depth_level: tp.Optional[TDepthLevel] = None ) -> tp.Iterator[TLabel]: yield from self._labels def _iter_label_items(self, depth_level: tp.Optional[TDepthLevel] = None ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[int, TLabel]]: yield from zip(self._positions, self._labels) @property def iter_label(self) -> IterNodeDepthLevel[tp.Any]: return IterNodeDepthLevel( container=self, function_items=self._iter_label_items, function_values=self._iter_label, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.INDEX_LABELS ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common attributes from the numpy array @property @doc_inject() def mloc(self) -> int: '''{doc_int} ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return mloc(self._labels) @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype[TVDtype]: ''' Return the dtype of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`numpy.dtype` ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._labels.dtype #type: ignore @property def shape(self) -> tp.Tuple[int, ...]: ''' Return a tuple describing the shape of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`tp.Tuple[int]` ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._labels.shape @property def ndim(self) -> int: ''' Return the number of dimensions. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._labels.ndim @property def size(self) -> int: ''' Return the size of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._labels.size @property def nbytes(self) -> int: ''' Return the total bytes of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._labels.nbytes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _drop_iloc(self, key: TILocSelector) -> tp.Self: '''Create a new index after removing the values specified by the iloc key. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() if key is None: if self.STATIC: # immutable, no selection, can return self return self labels = self._labels # already immutable elif key.__class__ is np.ndarray and key.dtype == bool: #type: ignore # can use labels, as we already recached # use Boolean area to select indices from positions, as np.delete does not work with arrays labels = np.delete(self._labels, self._positions[key], axis=0) labels.flags.writeable = False else: labels = np.delete(self._labels, key, axis=0) labels.flags.writeable = False # from labels will work with both Index and IndexHierarchy return self.__class__.from_labels(labels, name=self._name) def _drop_loc(self, key: TLocSelector) -> tp.Self: '''Create a new index after removing the values specified by the loc key. ''' return self._drop_iloc(self._loc_to_iloc(key)) @property def drop(self) -> InterfaceSelectDuo[TVContainer_co]: return InterfaceSelectDuo( #type: ignore func_iloc=self._drop_iloc, func_loc=self._drop_loc, )
[docs] @doc_inject(select='astype') def astype(self, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier) -> Index[tp.Any]: ''' Return an Index with type determined by `dtype` argument. If a `datetime64` dtype is provided, the appropriate ``Index`` subclass will be returned. Note that for Index, this is a simple function, whereas for ``IndexHierarchy``, this is an interface exposing both a callable and a getitem interface. Args: {dtype} ''' from static_frame.core.index_datetime import dtype_to_index_cls dtype = validate_dtype_specifier(dtype) array = self.values.astype(dtype) array.flags.writeable = False cls = dtype_to_index_cls(self.STATIC, array.dtype) return cls( array, name=self._name )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def via_values(self) -> InterfaceValues[Index[tp.Any]]: ''' Interface for applying functions to values (as arrays) in this container. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return InterfaceValues(self) @property def via_str(self) -> InterfaceString[TNDArrayAny]: ''' Interface for applying string methods to elements in this container. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() def blocks_to_container(blocks: tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]) -> TNDArrayAny: return next(blocks) return InterfaceString( blocks=(self._labels,), blocks_to_container=blocks_to_container, ndim=self._NDIM, labels=range(1) ) @property def via_dt(self) -> InterfaceDatetime[TNDArrayAny]: ''' Interface for applying datetime properties and methods to elements in this container. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() def blocks_to_container(blocks: tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]) -> TNDArrayAny: return next(blocks) return InterfaceDatetime( blocks=(self.values,), blocks_to_container=blocks_to_container, )
[docs] def via_re(self, pattern: str, flags: int = 0, ) -> InterfaceRe[TNDArrayAny]: ''' Interface for applying regular expressions to elements in this container. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() def blocks_to_container(blocks: tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]) -> TNDArrayAny: return next(blocks) return InterfaceRe( blocks=(self._labels,), blocks_to_container=blocks_to_container, pattern=pattern, flags=flags, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _update_array_cache(self) -> None: '''Derived classes can use this to set stored arrays, self._labels and self._positions. ''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return len(self._labels)
[docs] @doc_inject() def display(self, config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, *, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = None, ) -> Display: '''{doc} Args: {config} ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get() if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() header: tp.Optional[DisplayHeader] if config.type_show: header = DisplayHeader(self.__class__, self._name) header_depth = 1 else: header = None header_depth = 0 return Display.from_values(self.values, header=header, config=config, outermost=True, index_depth=0, header_depth=header_depth, style_config=style_config, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # core internal representation @property @doc_inject(selector='values_1d', class_name='Index') def values(self) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' {} ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._labels @property def positions(self) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Return the immutable positions array. ''' # This is needed by some clients, such as Series and Frame, to support Boolean usage in drop. if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._positions def _get_argsort_cache(self: I) -> _ArgsortCache: ''' Return a cached NT containing self.values sorted, along with the argsort key This utilizes a lazy instance cache attribute, since sorting is expensive, and this operation is typically called either never, or often. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() if self._argsort_cache is None: self._argsort_cache = _ArgsortCache(*ufunc_unique1d_indexer(self.values)) return self._argsort_cache def _index_iloc_map(self: I, other: I) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Return an array of index locations to map from this array to another Equivalent to: self.iter_label().apply(other._loc_to_iloc) ''' if self.__len__() == 0: return EMPTY_ARRAY # Equivalent to: ufunc_unique1d_indexer(self.values) ar1, ar1_indexer = self._get_argsort_cache() ar2 = other.values aux = concat_resolved((ar1, ar2)) aux_sort_indices = argsort_array(aux) aux = aux[aux_sort_indices] mask = aux[1:] == aux[:-1] indexer: TNDArrayAny = aux_sort_indices[1:][mask] - ar1.size # We want to return these indices to match ar1 before it was sorted try: indexer = indexer[ar1_indexer] except IndexError as e: # Display the first missing element raise KeyError(self.difference(other)[0]) from e indexer.flags.writeable = False return indexer @staticmethod def _depth_level_validate(depth_level: TDepthLevel) -> None: ''' Handle all variety of depth_level specifications for a 1D index: only 0, -1, and lists of the same are valid. ''' if not isinstance(depth_level, INT_TYPES): depth_level = list(depth_level) if len(depth_level) != 1: raise RuntimeError('invalid depth_level', depth_level) depth_level = depth_level[0] if depth_level > 0 or depth_level < -1: raise RuntimeError('invalid depth_level', depth_level)
[docs] def values_at_depth(self, depth_level: TDepthLevel = 0 ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Return an NP array for the `depth_level` specified. ''' self._depth_level_validate(depth_level) return self.values
[docs] @doc_inject() def label_widths_at_depth(self, depth_level: TDepthLevel = 0 ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, int]]: '''{}''' self._depth_level_validate(depth_level) yield from zip_longest(self.values, (), fillvalue=1)
@property def index_types(self) -> Series[tp.Any, np.object_]: ''' Return a Series of Index classes for each index depth. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' from static_frame.core.series import Series return Series((self.__class__,), index=(self._name,), dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def relabel(self, mapper: 'TRelabelInput') -> Index[tp.Any]: ''' Return a new Index with labels replaced by the callable or mapping; order will be retained. If a mapping is used, the mapping need not map all origin keys. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() if not callable(mapper): # if a mapper, it must support both __getitem__ and __contains__ getitem = getattr(mapper, '__getitem__') return self.__class__( (getitem(x) if x in mapper else x for x in self._labels), name=self._name ) return self.__class__( (mapper(x) for x in self._labels), name=self._name )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extraction and selection def _loc_to_iloc(self, key: TLocSelector, key_transform: TKeyTransform = None, partial_selection: bool = False, ) -> TILocSelector: ''' Args: key_transform: A function that transforms keys to specialized type; used by IndexDate indices. Returns: Return GetItemKey type that is based on integers, compatible with TypeBlocks ''' if key.__class__ is ILoc: return key.key # type: ignore key = key_from_container_key(self, key) if self._map is None: # loc_is_iloc if key.__class__ is np.ndarray: if key.dtype == DTYPE_BOOL: #type: ignore return key # type: ignore if key.dtype != DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT: #type: ignore # if key is an np.array, it must be an int or bool type # could use tolist(), but we expect all keys to be integers return key.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) #type: ignore elif key.__class__ is slice: # might raise LocInvalid key = pos_loc_slice_to_iloc_slice(key, self.__len__()) # type: ignore return key # type: ignore if key_transform: key = key_transform(key) # PERF: isolate for usage of _positions if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return LocMap.loc_to_iloc( label_to_pos=self._map, labels=self._labels, positions=self._positions, # always an np.ndarray key=key, partial_selection=partial_selection, )
[docs] def loc_to_iloc(self, key: TLocSelector, ) -> TILocSelector: '''Given a label (loc) style key (either a label, a list of labels, a slice, or a Boolean selection), return the index position (iloc) style key. Keys that are not found will raise a KeyError or a sf.LocInvalid error. Args: key: a label key. ''' if self._map is None: # loc is iloc # NOTE: the specialization here is to use the key on the positions array and return iloc values, rather than just propagating the selection array. This also handles and re-raises better exceptions. if not key.__class__ is slice: if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() key = key_from_container_key(self, key) is_array = key.__class__ is np.ndarray try: # NOTE: this insures that the returned type will be DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT result = self._positions[key] # type: ignore except IndexError as e: # NP gives us: IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices if is_array and key.dtype == DTYPE_BOOL: #type: ignore raise # loc selection on Boolean array selection returns IndexError raise KeyError(key) from e return result # return position as array # might raise LocInvalid return pos_loc_slice_to_iloc_slice(key, self.__len__()) # type: ignore return self._loc_to_iloc(key)
def _extract_iloc(self, key: TILocSelector, ) -> tp.Any: '''Extract a new index given an iloc key. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() if key is None: labels = self._labels loc_is_iloc = self._map is None elif key.__class__ is slice: if key == NULL_SLICE: labels = self._labels loc_is_iloc = self._map is None else: # if labels is an np array, this will be a view; if a list, a copy labels = self._labels[key] labels.flags.writeable = False loc_is_iloc = False elif isinstance(key, KEY_ITERABLE_TYPES): # can select directly from _labels[key] if if key is a list, array, or Boolean array labels = self._labels[key] labels.flags.writeable = False loc_is_iloc = False else: # select a single label value return self._labels[key] return self.__class__(labels=labels, loc_is_iloc=loc_is_iloc, name=self._name, ) def _extract_iloc_by_int(self, key: int | np.integer[tp.Any], ) -> tp.Any: '''Extract an element given an iloc integer key. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return self._labels[key] def _extract_loc(self: I, key: TLocSelector ) -> tp.Any: return self._extract_iloc(self._loc_to_iloc(key)) @tp.overload def __getitem__(self, key: TILocSelectorOne) -> TVDtype: ... @tp.overload def __getitem__(self, key: TILocSelectorMany) -> tp.Self: ...
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: TILocSelector ) -> tp.Any: '''Extract a new index given an iloc key. ''' return self._extract_iloc(key)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # operators def _ufunc_unary_operator(self, operator: TUFunc ) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Always return an NP array. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() array = operator(self._labels) array.flags.writeable = False return array def _ufunc_binary_operator(self, *, operator: TUFunc, other: tp.Any, fill_value: object = np.nan, ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Binary operators applied to an index always return an NP array. This deviates from Pandas, where some operations (multiplying an int index by an int) result in a new Index, while other operations result in a np.array (using == on two Index). ''' from static_frame.core.frame import Frame from static_frame.core.series import Series if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() if isinstance(other, (Series, Frame)): raise ValueError('cannot use labelled container as an operand.') values = self._labels other_is_array = False if issubclass(other.__class__, Index): other = other.values # operate on labels to labels other_is_array = True elif other.__class__ is np.ndarray: other_is_array = True if operator.__name__ == 'matmul': return matmul(values, other) # type: ignore elif operator.__name__ == 'rmatmul': return matmul(other, values) # type: ignore return apply_binary_operator( values=values, other=other, other_is_array=other_is_array, operator=operator, ) def _ufunc_axis_skipna(self, *, axis: int, skipna: bool, ufunc: TUFunc, ufunc_skipna: TUFunc, composable: bool, dtypes: tp.Tuple[TDtypeAny, ...], size_one_unity: bool ) -> tp.Any: ''' Args: dtype: Not used in 1D application, but collected here to provide a uniform signature. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() # do not need to pass on composabel here return array_ufunc_axis_skipna( array=self._labels, skipna=skipna, axis=0, ufunc=ufunc, ufunc_skipna=ufunc_skipna ) def _ufunc_shape_skipna(self, *, axis: int, skipna: bool, ufunc: TUFunc, ufunc_skipna: TUFunc, composable: bool, dtypes: tp.Tuple[TDtypeAny, ...], size_one_unity: bool ) -> tp.Any: ''' As Index and IndexHierarchy return np.ndarray from such operations, _ufunc_shape_skipna and _ufunc_axis_skipna can be defined the same. Returns: immutable NumPy array. ''' # NOTE: for 1D Index, can use axis for shape ufunc return self._ufunc_axis_skipna( axis=axis, skipna=skipna, ufunc=ufunc, ufunc_skipna=ufunc_skipna, composable=composable, # shape on axis 1 is never composable dtypes=dtypes, size_one_unity=size_one_unity ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dictionary-like interface # NOTE: we intentionally exclude keys(), items(), and get() from Index classes, as they return inconsistent result when thought of as a dictionary
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[TLabel]: '''Iterate over labels. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() yield from self._labels.__iter__()
[docs] def __reversed__(self) -> tp.Iterator[TLabel]: ''' Returns a reverse iterator on the index labels. ''' if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() return reversed(self._labels)
[docs] def __contains__(self, value: tp.Any) -> bool: '''Return True if value in the labels. ''' if self._map is None: # loc_is_iloc if isinstance(value, INT_TYPES): return value >= 0 and value < len(self) #type: ignore return False return self._map.__contains__(value) #type: ignore
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility functions
[docs] def unique(self, depth_level: TDepthLevel = 0, order_by_occurrence: bool = False, ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Return a NumPy array of unique values. Args: depth_level: defaults to 0 for for a 1D Index. order_by_occurrence: for 1D indices, this argument is a no-op. Provided for compatibility with IndexHierarchy. Returns: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` ''' self._depth_level_validate(depth_level) return self.values
[docs] @doc_inject() def equals(self, other: tp.Any, *, compare_name: bool = False, compare_dtype: bool = False, compare_class: bool = False, skipna: bool = True, ) -> bool: ''' {doc} Args: {compare_name} {compare_dtype} {compare_class} {skipna} ''' if id(other) == id(self): return True if compare_class and self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False elif not isinstance(other, Index): return False # defer updating cache if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() # same type from here if len(self) != len(other): return False if compare_name and != return False if self._map is None and other._map is None: return True # have same length must be same integer range and dtype if compare_dtype and self.dtype != other.dtype: return False return arrays_equal(self.values, other.values, skipna=skipna)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='sort') def sort(self, ascending: bool = True, kind: str = DEFAULT_SORT_KIND, key: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[ [Index[tp.Any]], tp.Union[TNDArrayAny, Index[tp.Any]] ]] = None, ) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new Index with the labels sorted. Args: {ascending} {kind} {key} ''' order = sort_index_for_order(self, kind=kind, ascending=ascending, key=key) #type: ignore [arg-type] return self._extract_iloc(order) #type: ignore
[docs] def isin(self, other: tp.Iterable[tp.Any]) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Return a Boolean array showing True where a label is found in other. If other is a multidimensional array, it is flattened. ''' return isin(self.values, other, array_is_unique=True)
[docs] def roll(self, shift: int) -> tp.Self: '''Return an Index with values rotated forward and wrapped around (with a postive shift) or backward and wrapped around (with a negative shift). ''' values = self.values # force usage of property for cache update if shift % len(values): values = array_shift( array=values, shift=shift, axis=0, wrap=True) values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, name=self._name)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # na handling # falsy handling def _drop_missing(self, func: tp.Callable[[TNDArrayAny], TNDArrayAny], dtype_kind_targets: tp.Optional[tp.FrozenSet[str]], ) -> tp.Self: ''' Args: func: TUFunc that returns True for missing values ''' labels = self.values if dtype_kind_targets is not None and labels.dtype.kind not in dtype_kind_targets: return self if self.STATIC else self.copy() # get positions that we want to keep isna = func(labels) length = len(labels) count = isna.sum() if count == length: # all are NaN return self.__class__((), if count == 0: # None are nan return self if self.STATIC else self.copy() sel = np.logical_not(isna) values = labels[sel] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, name=self._name, )
[docs] def dropna(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new :obj:`Index` after removing values of NaN or None. ''' return self._drop_missing(isna_array, DTYPE_NA_KINDS)
[docs] def dropfalsy(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new :obj:`Index` after removing values of NaN or None. ''' return self._drop_missing(isfalsy_array, None)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _fill_missing(self, func: tp.Callable[[TNDArrayAny], TNDArrayAny], value: tp.Any, ) -> Index[tp.Any]: values = self.values # force usage of property for cache update sel = func(values) if not np.any(sel): return self if self.STATIC else self.copy() value_dtype = dtype_from_element(value) assignable_dtype = resolve_dtype(value_dtype, values.dtype) if values.dtype == assignable_dtype: assigned = values.copy() else: assigned = values.astype(assignable_dtype) assigned[sel] = value assigned.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(assigned, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillna(self, value: tp.Any) -> Index[tp.Any]: '''Return an :obj:`Index` with replacing null (NaN or None) with the supplied value. Args: {value} ''' return self._fill_missing(isna_array, value)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillfalsy(self, value: tp.Any) -> Index[tp.Any]: '''Return an :obj:`Index` with replacing falsy values with the supplied value. Args: {value} ''' return self._fill_missing(isfalsy_array, value)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sample_and_key(self, count: int = 1, *, seed: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> tp.Tuple[tp.Self, TNDArrayAny]: # NOTE: base class defines pubic method # force usage of property for cache update # sort positions to avoid uncomparable objects key = array_sample(self.positions, count=count, seed=seed, sort=True) values = self.values[key] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, name=self._name), key
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='searchsorted', label_type='iloc (integer)') def iloc_searchsorted(self, values: tp.Any, *, side_left: bool = True, ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' {doc} Args: {values} {side_left} ''' if not isinstance(values, str) and hasattr(values, '__len__'): if not values.__class__ is np.ndarray: values, _ = iterable_to_array_1d(values) return np.searchsorted(self.values, # type: ignore values, 'left' if side_left else 'right', )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='searchsorted', label_type='loc (label)') def loc_searchsorted(self, values: tp.Any, *, side_left: bool = True, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Union[TLabel, TNDArrayAny]: ''' {doc} Args: {values} {side_left} {fill_value} ''' sel = self.iloc_searchsorted(values, side_left=side_left) length = self.__len__() if sel.ndim == 0 and sel == length: # an element: return fill_value #type: ignore [no-any-return] mask = sel == length if not mask.any(): return self.values[sel] post = np.empty(len(sel), dtype=resolve_dtype(self.dtype, dtype_from_element(fill_value)) ) sel[mask] = 0 # set out of range values to zero post[:] = self.values[sel] post[mask] = fill_value post.flags.writeable = False return post
[docs] def level_add(self, level: TLabel, *, index_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, ) -> 'IndexHierarchy': '''Return an IndexHierarchy with an added root level. Args: level: A hashable to used as the new root. * index_constructor ''' from static_frame import Index from static_frame import IndexGO from static_frame import IndexHierarchy from static_frame import IndexHierarchyGO cls = IndexHierarchy if self.STATIC else IndexHierarchyGO cls_depth: tp.Type[Index[tp.Any]] = Index if self.STATIC else IndexGO idx_ctor: TIndexCtor if index_constructor is None: # cannot assume new depth is the same index subclass idx_ctor = cls_depth else: idx_ctor = index_constructor indices: tp.List[Index] = [idx_ctor((level,)), immutable_index_filter(self)] # type: ignore indexers = np.array( [ np.zeros(self.__len__(), dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT), PositionsAllocator.get(self.__len__()) ] ) indexers.flags.writeable = False return cls( indices=indices, indexers=indexers, name=self._name, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # export
[docs] def to_series(self) -> Series[Index[np.int64], TVDtype]: '''Return a Series with values from this Index's labels. ''' # NOTE: while we might re-use the index on the index returned from this Series, such an approach will not work with IndexHierarchy.to_frame, as we do not know if the index should be on the index or columns; thus, returning an unindexed Series is appropriate from static_frame import Series return Series(self.values, name=self._name)
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> 'pandas.Index': '''Return a Pandas Index. ''' import pandas # must copy to remove immutability, decouple reference if self._map is None: return pandas.RangeIndex(self.__len__(), name=self._name) # pyright: ignore return pandas.Index(self.values.copy(), name=self._name)
def _to_signature_bytes(self, include_name: bool = True, include_class: bool = True, encoding: str = 'utf-8', ) -> bytes: return b''.join(chain( iter_component_signature_bytes(self, include_name=include_name, include_class=include_class, encoding=encoding), (self.values.tobytes(),), ))
doc_update(Index.__init__, selector='index_init') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class _IndexGOMixin: STATIC = False # NOTE: must define __slots__ in derived class or get TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict __slots__ = () _map: tp.Optional[AutoMap] _labels: TNDArrayAny _positions: TNDArrayAny _labels_mutable: tp.List[TLabel] _labels_mutable_dtype: tp.Optional[TDtypeAny] _positions_mutable_count: int _argsort_cache: tp.Optional[_ArgsortCache] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __deepcopy__(self: I, memo: tp.Dict[int, tp.Any]) -> I: #type: ignore if self._recache: self._update_array_cache() obj = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) obj._map = deepcopy(self._map, memo) obj._labels = array_deepcopy(self._labels, memo) obj._positions = PositionsAllocator.get(len(self._labels)) obj._recache = False # pylint: disable=E0237 obj._name = self._name # pylint: disable=E0237 obj._labels_mutable = deepcopy(self._labels_mutable, memo) #type: ignore obj._labels_mutable_dtype = deepcopy(self._labels_mutable_dtype, memo) #type: ignore obj._positions_mutable_count = self._positions_mutable_count #type: ignore obj._argsort_cache = deepcopy(self._argsort_cache, memo) memo[id(self)] = obj return obj #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _extract_labels(self, mapping: tp.Optional[tp.Dict[TLabel, int]], labels: TNDArrayAny, dtype: tp.Optional[TDtypeAny] = None ) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Called in Index.__init__(). This creates and populates mutable storage as a side effect of array derivation; this storage will be grown as needed. ''' labels = Index._extract_labels(mapping, labels, dtype) self._labels_mutable = labels.tolist() # must get a fresh list if len(labels): self._labels_mutable_dtype = labels.dtype else: # avoid setting to float default when labels is empty self._labels_mutable_dtype = None return labels def _extract_positions(self, size: int, positions: tp.Optional[TNDArrayAny] ) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Called in Index.__init__(). This creates and populates mutable storage as a side effect of array derivation. ''' pos = Index._extract_positions(size, positions) self._positions_mutable_count = size return pos def _update_array_cache(self) -> None: if self._labels_mutable_dtype is not None and len(self._labels): # only update if _labels_mutable_dtype has been set and _labels exist self._labels_mutable_dtype = resolve_dtype( self._labels.dtype, self._labels_mutable_dtype) # NOTE: necessary to support creation from iterable of tuples self._labels, _ = iterable_to_array_1d( self._labels_mutable, dtype=self._labels_mutable_dtype) self._positions = PositionsAllocator.get(self._positions_mutable_count) self._recache = False # pylint: disable=E0237 # clear cache self._argsort_cache = None #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # grow only mutation def append(self, value: TLabel) -> None: '''append a value ''' if self.__contains__(value): #type: ignore raise KeyError(f'duplicate key append attempted: {value!r}') # we might need to initialize map if not an increment that keeps loc_is_iloc relationship initialize_map = False if self._map is None: # loc_is_iloc if not (isinstance(value, INT_TYPES) and value == self._positions_mutable_count): initialize_map = True else: self._map.add(value) if self._labels_mutable_dtype is not None: self._labels_mutable_dtype = resolve_dtype( dtype_from_element(value), self._labels_mutable_dtype) else: self._labels_mutable_dtype = dtype_from_element(value) self._labels_mutable.append(value) if initialize_map: self._map = AutoMap(self._labels_mutable) self._positions_mutable_count += 1 self._recache = True # pylint: disable=E0237 def extend(self, values: TKeyIterable) -> None: '''Append multiple values Args: values: can be a generator. ''' for value in values: self.append(value) INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS = ( '_labels_mutable', '_labels_mutable_dtype', '_positions_mutable_count', )
[docs] class IndexGO(_IndexGOMixin, Index[TVDtype]): '''A mapping of labels to positions, immutable with grow-only size. Used as columns in :obj:`FrameGO`. ''' _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = Index __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
# update class attr on Index after class initialziation Index._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexGO #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _index_initializer_needs_init( value: tp.Optional[TIndexInitializer] ) -> bool: '''Determine if value is a non-empty index initializer. This could almost just be a truthy test, but ndarrays need to be handled in isolation. Generators should return True. ''' if value is None: return False if isinstance(value, IndexBase): return False if value.__class__ is np.ndarray: return bool(len(value)) #type: ignore return bool(value)