Source code for static_frame.core.node_dt

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp
from arraykit import isna_element
from arraykit import resolve_dtype

from static_frame.core.node_selector import Interface
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterfaceBatch
from static_frame.core.node_selector import TVContainer_co
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_AS
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_DAY
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_FS
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_H
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_M
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_MONTH
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_MS
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_NS
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_PS
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_S
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_US
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_YEAR
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_OBJECT
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_STR
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_STR_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_YEAR_MONTH_STR
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_YEAR_QUARTER_STR
from static_frame.core.util import FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.util import TCallableAny
from static_frame.core.util import TDtypeAny
from static_frame.core.util import TNDArrayAny
from static_frame.core.util import TNDArrayIntDefault
from static_frame.core.util import array_from_element_apply
from static_frame.core.util import array_from_element_attr
from static_frame.core.util import array_from_element_method
from static_frame.core.util import dtype_from_element
from static_frame.core.util import isna_array

    from static_frame.core.batch import Batch  # pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.frame import Frame  # pylint: disable=W0611 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.index import Index  # pylint: disable=W0611 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.index_hierarchy import IndexHierarchy  # pylint: disable=W0611 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.series import Series  # pylint: disable=W0611 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.type_blocks import TypeBlocks  # pylint: disable=W0611 #pragma: no cover

    BlocksType = tp.Iterable[TNDArrayAny] #pragma: no cover
    ToContainerType = tp.Callable[[tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]], TVContainer_co] #pragma: no cover


class InterfaceDatetime(Interface, tp.Generic[TVContainer_co]):

    __slots__ = (
            '_blocks', # function that returns iterable of arrays
            '_blocks_to_container', # partialed function that will return a new container

    DT64_TIME = frozenset((


    def __init__(self,
            blocks: BlocksType,
            blocks_to_container: ToContainerType[TVContainer_co], #type: ignore[type-var]
            fill_value: tp.Any = FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT,
            ) -> None:
        self._blocks: BlocksType = blocks
        self._blocks_to_container: ToContainerType[TVContainer_co] = blocks_to_container
        self._fill_value: tp.Any = fill_value

        # only set attr if we will need to use the value
        if fill_value is not FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT:
            self._fill_value_dtype = dtype_from_element(fill_value)

        # self._fill_value_dtype: tp.Optional[TDtypeAny] = (None
        #         if fill_value is FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT
        #         else dtype_from_element(fill_value))

[docs] def __call__(self, *, fill_value: tp.Any, ) -> 'InterfaceDatetime[TVContainer_co]': ''' Args: fill_value: If NAT are encountered, use this value. ''' return self.__class__( blocks=self._blocks, blocks_to_container=self._blocks_to_container, fill_value=fill_value, )
@staticmethod def _validate_dtype_non_str( dtype: TDtypeAny, exclude: tp.Iterable[TDtypeAny] = (), ) -> None: ''' Only support dtypes that are (or contain) datetime64 types. This is because most conversions from string can be done simply with astype(). ''' if ((dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND or dtype == DTYPE_OBJECT) and dtype not in exclude ): return raise RuntimeError(f'invalid dtype ({dtype}) for date operation') @staticmethod def _validate_dtype_str( dtype: TDtypeAny, exclude: tp.Iterable[TDtypeAny] = (), ) -> None: ''' Only support dtypes that are (or contain) strings. ''' if ((dtype.kind in DTYPE_STR_KINDS or dtype == DTYPE_OBJECT) and dtype not in exclude ): return raise RuntimeError(f'invalid dtype ({dtype}) for operation on string types') def _fill_missing_dt64(self, array_src: TNDArrayAny, array_dst: TNDArrayAny, ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Args: array_src: The raw array, before any dytpe conversions; used to identify missing values. array_dst: The array post any conversions, to be filled with missing values. ''' targets = isna_array(array_src) if targets.any(): if self._fill_value is FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT: raise RuntimeError('Cannot convert NaT: provide a `fill_value` to `via_dt()`.') else: dt = resolve_dtype(array_dst.dtype, self._fill_value_dtype) if dt != array_dst.dtype: array_dst = array_dst.astype(dt) array_dst[targets] = self._fill_value array_dst.flags.writeable = False return array_dst def _fill_missing_element_method(self, array: TNDArrayAny, *, method_name: str, args: tp.Tuple[tp.Any, ...], dtype: TDtypeAny, ) -> TNDArrayAny: if self._fill_value is FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT: if isna_array(array).any(): raise RuntimeError('Cannot convert NaT: provide a `fill_value` to `via_dt()`.') array = array_from_element_method( array=array, method_name=method_name, args=args, dtype=dtype, ) else: dt = resolve_dtype(dtype, self._fill_value_dtype) if dtype.itemsize == 0 and dt.kind == dtype.kind: dt = dtype # set to unsized def func(e: tp.Any) -> tp.Any: if isna_element(e): return self._fill_value return getattr(e, method_name)(*args) array = array_from_element_apply( array=array, func=func, dtype=dt, ) return array def _fill_missing_element_attr(self, array: TNDArrayAny, *, attr_name: str, dtype: TDtypeAny, ) -> TNDArrayAny: if self._fill_value is FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT: if isna_array(array).any(): raise RuntimeError('Cannot convert NaT: provide a `fill_value` to `via_dt()`.') array = array_from_element_attr( array=array, attr_name=attr_name, dtype=dtype, ) else: dt = resolve_dtype(dtype, self._fill_value_dtype) assert dtype.itemsize != 0 # expect numeric scalar def func(e: tp.Any) -> tp.Any: if isna_element(e): return self._fill_value return getattr(e, attr_name) array = array_from_element_apply( array=array, func=func, dtype=dt, ) return array @staticmethod def _array_to_quarter_int( block: TNDArrayAny, ) -> TNDArrayIntDefault: # astype object dtypes to month if block.dtype != DT64_MONTH: b = block.astype(DT64_MONTH) else: b = block # months will start from 0 bint = b.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) % 12 array = np.empty(block.shape, dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) np.floor_divide(bint, 3, out=array) return array + 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # date, datetime attributes @property def year(self) -> TVContainer_co: 'Return the year of each element.' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: array = block.astype(DT64_YEAR).astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) + 1970 array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: # must be object type array = self._fill_missing_element_attr( array=block, attr_name='year', dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) @property def month(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the month of each element, between 1 and 12 inclusive. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: array = block.astype(DT64_MONTH).astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) % 12 + 1 array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: # must be object type array = self._fill_missing_element_attr( array=block, attr_name='month', dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) @property def year_month(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the year and month of each element as string formatted YYYY-MM. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: array = block.astype(DT64_MONTH).astype(DTYPE_YEAR_MONTH_STR) array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: array = self._fill_missing_element_method(block, method_name='strftime', args=('%Y-%m',), dtype=DTYPE_YEAR_MONTH_STR, ) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) @property def year_quarter(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the year and quarter of each element as a string formatted YYYY-QQ. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR) array_year = block.astype(DT64_YEAR) array_quarter = self._array_to_quarter_int(block) # get full size and flat iter, then reshape if necessary array = np.empty(block.size, dtype=DTYPE_YEAR_QUARTER_STR) for i, (y, q) in enumerate(zip(array_year.flat, array_quarter.flat)): array[i] = f'{y}-Q{q}' if block.ndim == 2: array = array.reshape(block.shape) yield self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) @property def day(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the day of each element, between 1 and the number of days in the given month of the given year. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: block = block.astype(DT64_DAY) # subtract the first of the month, then shift array = (block - block.astype(DT64_MONTH)).astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) + 1 # type: ignore array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: # must be object type array = self._fill_missing_element_attr( array=block, attr_name='day', dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # datetime attributes @property def hour(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the hour of each element, between 0 and 24. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # permit all dt64 types self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: if block.dtype != DT64_H: block = block.astype(DT64_H) # subtract the first of the month, then shfit array = block.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) % 24 array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: # must be object datetime type array = self._fill_missing_element_attr( array=block, attr_name='hour', dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) @property def minute(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the minute of each element, between 0 and 60. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # permit all dt64 types self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: if block.dtype != DT64_M: block = block.astype(DT64_M) array = block.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) % 60 array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: # must be object datetime type array = self._fill_missing_element_attr( array=block, attr_name='minute', dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) @property def second(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the second of each element, between 0 and 60. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # permit all dt64 types self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: if block.dtype != DT64_S: block = block.astype(DT64_S) # subtract the first of the month, then shfit array = block.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) % 60 array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: # must be object datetime type array = self._fill_missing_element_attr( array=block, attr_name='second', dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks()) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # replace: awkward to implement, as cannot provide None for the parameters that you do not want to set
[docs] def weekday(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the day of the week as an integer, where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: # go to day first, then object block = block.astype(DT64_DAY) # shift to set first Monday, then modulo array = (block.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) + 3) % 7 array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) else: # NOTE: might be faster to convert to datetime64 then do shift / modulo array = self._fill_missing_element_method( array=block, method_name='weekday', args=(), dtype=DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT ) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def quarter(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the quarter of the year as an integer, where January through March is quarter 1. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype) array = self._array_to_quarter_int(block) yield self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # boolean matches
[docs] def is_month_end(self) -> TVContainer_co: '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the month end. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) # astype object dtypes to day too if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: b = block.astype(DT64_DAY) else: b = block # convert to month, shift to next, convert to day, slide back to eom array = b == ((b.astype(DT64_MONTH) + 1).astype(DT64_DAY) - 1) array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def is_month_start(self) -> TVContainer_co: '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the month start. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) # astype object dtypes to day too if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: b = block.astype(DT64_DAY) else: b = block array = b == b.astype(DT64_MONTH).astype(DT64_DAY) array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def is_year_end(self) -> TVContainer_co: '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the year end. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) # astype object dtypes to day too if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: b = block.astype(DT64_DAY) else: b = block # convert to year, shift to next, convert to day, slide back to eoy array = b == ((b.astype(DT64_YEAR) + 1).astype(DT64_DAY) - 1) array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def is_year_start(self) -> TVContainer_co: '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the year start. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) # astype object dtypes to day too if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: b = block.astype(DT64_DAY) else: b = block # convert to month, shift to next, convert to day, slide back to eom array = b == b.astype(DT64_YEAR).astype(DT64_DAY) array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def is_quarter_end(self) -> TVContainer_co: '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the quarter end. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) # astype object dtypes to day too if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: b = block.astype(DT64_DAY) else: b = block # convert to month, shift to next, convert to day, slide back to eom month = b.astype(DT64_MONTH) eom = (month + 1).astype(DT64_DAY) - 1 # months starting from 0 month_int = month.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) % 12 month_valid = ((month_int == 2) | (month_int == 5) | (month_int == 8) | (month_int == 11) ) array = (b == eom) & month_valid array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def is_quarter_start(self) -> TVContainer_co: '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the quarter start. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH) # astype object dtypes to day too if block.dtype != DT64_DAY: b = block.astype(DT64_DAY) else: b = block # convert to month, shift to next, convert to day, slide back to eom month = b.astype(DT64_MONTH) som = month.astype(DT64_DAY) # months starting from 0 month_int = month.astype(DTYPE_INT_DEFAULT) % 12 month_valid = ((month_int == 0) | (month_int == 3) | (month_int == 6) | (month_int == 9) ) array = (b == som) & month_valid array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # time methods
[docs] def timetuple(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a ``time.struct_time`` such as returned by time.localtime(). ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # NOTE: nanosecond and lower will return integers; should exclude self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH_SUB_MICRO) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: block = block.astype(DTYPE_OBJECT) # all object arrays by this point array = self._fill_missing_element_method( array=block, method_name='timetuple', args=(), dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT ) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def isoformat(self, sep: str = 'T', timespec: str = 'auto') -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a string representing the date in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH_SUB_MICRO) args = () if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: if block.dtype in self.DT64_TIME: # if we know this is a time type, we can pass args args = (sep, timespec) #type: ignore block = block.astype(DTYPE_OBJECT) # all object arrays by this point # NOTE: we cannot determine if an Object array has date or datetime objects with a full iteration, so we cannot be sure if we need to pass args or not. array = self._fill_missing_element_method( array=block, method_name='isoformat', args=args, dtype=DTYPE_STR, ) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def fromisoformat(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a :obj:`` object from an ISO 8601 format. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # permit only string types, or objects types that contain strings self._validate_dtype_str(block.dtype) # NOTE: might use fromisoformat on date/datetime objects directly; assumed to be faster to go through datetime64 objects, fromisoformat is only available on python 3.7 array_dt64 = block.astype(np.datetime64) if array_dt64.dtype in self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH_SUB_MICRO: raise RuntimeError(f'invalid derived dtype ({array_dt64.dtype}) for iso format') array = array_dt64.astype(object) array = self._fill_missing_dt64(block, array) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def strftime(self, format: str) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a string representing the date, controlled by an explicit ``format`` string. ''' def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # NOTE: nanosecond and lower will return integers; should exclud self._validate_dtype_non_str(block.dtype, exclude=self.DT64_EXCLUDE_YEAR_MONTH_SUB_MICRO) if block.dtype.kind == DTYPE_DATETIME_KIND: block = block.astype(DTYPE_OBJECT) # all object arrays by this point # returns an immutable array array = self._fill_missing_element_method( array=block, method_name='strftime', args=(format,), dtype=DTYPE_STR, ) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def strptime(self, format: str) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a Python datetime object from parsing a string defined with ``format``. ''' def func(s: str) -> datetime: return datetime.strptime(s, format) def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # permit only string types, or objects types that contain strings # NOTE: no missing handling necessary self._validate_dtype_str(block.dtype) # returns an immutable array array = array_from_element_apply( array=block, func=func, dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT, ) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
[docs] def strpdate(self, format: str) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a Python date object from parsing a string defined with ``format``. ''' def func(s: str) -> date: return datetime.strptime(s, format).date() def blocks() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: for block in self._blocks: # permit only string types, or objects types that contain strings self._validate_dtype_str(block.dtype) # returns an immutable array array = array_from_element_apply( array=block, func=func, dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT, ) yield array return self._blocks_to_container(blocks())
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class InterfaceBatchDatetime(InterfaceBatch): '''Alternate datetime interface specialized for the :obj:`Batch`. ''' __slots__ = ( '_batch_apply', '_fill_value', ) _INTERFACE = INTERFACE_DT def __init__(self, batch_apply: tp.Callable[[TCallableAny], 'Batch'], *, fill_value: tp.Any = FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT, ) -> None: self._batch_apply = batch_apply self._fill_value = fill_value
[docs] def __call__(self, *, fill_value: tp.Any, ) -> 'InterfaceBatchDatetime': ''' Args: fill_value: If NAT are encountered, use this value. ''' return self.__class__(self._batch_apply, fill_value=fill_value )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # date, datetime attributes @property def year(self) -> 'Batch': 'Return the year of each element.' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).year) @property def month(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the month of each element, between 1 and 12 inclusive. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).month) @property def year_month(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the year and month of each element as string formatted YYYY-MM. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).year_month) @property def year_quarter(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the year and quarter of each element as string formatted YYYY-QQ. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).year_quarter) @property def day(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the day of each element, between 1 and the number of days in the given month of the given year. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).day) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # datetime attributes @property def hour(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the hour of each element, between 0 and 24. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).hour) @property def minute(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the minute of each element, between 0 and 60. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).minute) @property def second(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the second of each element, between 0 and 60. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).second) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # replace: akward to implement, as cannot provide None for the parameters that you do not want to set
[docs] def weekday(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the day of the week as an integer, where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).weekday())
[docs] def quarter(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the quarter of the year as an integer, where January through March is quarter 1. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).quarter())
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # boolean matches
[docs] def is_month_end(self) -> 'Batch': '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the month end. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).is_month_end())
[docs] def is_month_start(self) -> 'Batch': '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the month start. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).is_month_start())
[docs] def is_year_end(self) -> 'Batch': '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the year end. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).is_year_end())
[docs] def is_year_start(self) -> 'Batch': '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the year start. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).is_year_start())
[docs] def is_quarter_end(self) -> 'Batch': '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the quarter end. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).is_quarter_end())
[docs] def is_quarter_start(self) -> 'Batch': '''Return Boolean indicators if the day is the quarter start. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).is_quarter_start())
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # time methods
[docs] def timetuple(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a ``time.struct_time`` such as returned by time.localtime(). ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).timetuple())
[docs] def isoformat(self, sep: str = 'T', timespec: str = 'auto') -> 'Batch': ''' Return a string representing the date in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).isoformat(sep, timespec))
[docs] def fromisoformat(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a :obj:`` object from an ISO 8601 format. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).fromisoformat())
[docs] def strftime(self, format: str) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a string representing the date, controlled by an explicit ``format`` string. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).strftime(format))
[docs] def strptime(self, format: str) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a Python datetime object from parsing a string defined with ``format``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).strptime(format))
[docs] def strpdate(self, format: str) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a Python date object from parsing a string defined with ``format``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_dt(fill_value=self._fill_value).strpdate(format))