Source code for static_frame.core.node_str

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp
from numpy import char as npc

from static_frame.core.container_util import get_col_format_factory
from static_frame.core.node_selector import Interface
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterfaceBatch
from static_frame.core.node_selector import TVContainer_co
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_BOOL
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_OBJECT
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_STR
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_STR_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import NULL_SLICE
from static_frame.core.util import OPERATORS
from static_frame.core.util import TCallableAny
from static_frame.core.util import TLabel
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TUFunc
from static_frame.core.util import array_from_element_apply
from static_frame.core.util import array_from_element_method

    from static_frame.core.batch import Batch  # pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.index_base import IndexBase  # pragma: no cover
    TNDArrayAny = np.ndarray[tp.Any, tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    TDtypeAny = np.dtype[tp.Any] #pragma: no cover

    BlocksType = tp.Iterable[TNDArrayAny] #pragma: no cover
    ToContainerType = tp.Callable[[tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]], TVContainer_co] #pragma: no cover


class InterfaceString(Interface, tp.Generic[TVContainer_co]):

    # NOTE: based on

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self,
            blocks: BlocksType,
            blocks_to_container: ToContainerType[TVContainer_co], # type: ignore[type-var]
            ndim: int,
            labels: tp.Sequence[TLabel] | IndexBase,
            ) -> None:
        self._blocks: BlocksType = blocks
        self._blocks_to_container: ToContainerType[TVContainer_co] = blocks_to_container
        self._ndim: int = ndim
        self._labels: tp.Sequence[TLabel] | IndexBase = labels


    def _process_blocks(
            blocks: BlocksType,
            func: TUFunc,
            args: tp.Tuple[tp.Any, ...] = (),
            astype_str: bool = True,
            ) -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]:
        Block-wise processing of blocks after optional string conversion. Non-string conversion is necessary for ``decode``.
        for block in blocks:
            if astype_str and block.dtype.kind not in DTYPE_STR_KINDS:
                block = block.astype(DTYPE_STR)
            array = func(block, *args)
            array.flags.writeable = False
            yield array

    def _process_tuple_blocks(*,
            blocks: BlocksType,
            method_name: str,
            dtype: TDtypeAny,
            args: tp.Tuple[tp.Any, ...] = (),
            ) -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]:
        Element-wise processing of a methods on objects in a block, with pre-insert conversion to a tuple.
        for block in blocks:
            if block.dtype.kind not in DTYPE_STR_KINDS:
                block = block.astype(DTYPE_STR)

            # resultant array is immutable
            array = array_from_element_method(
            yield array

    def _process_element_blocks(*,
            blocks: BlocksType,
            method_name: str,
            dtype: TDtypeAny,
            args: tp.Tuple[tp.Any, ...] = (),
            ) -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]:
        Element-wise processing of a methods on objects in a block, with pre-insert conversion to a tuple.
        for block in blocks:
            if block.dtype.kind not in DTYPE_STR_KINDS:
                block = block.astype(DTYPE_STR)

            # resultant array is immutable
            array = array_from_element_method(
            yield array

[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: TLocSelector) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with the provided selection or slice of each element. ''' block_gen = self._process_element_blocks( blocks=self._blocks, method_name='__getitem__', args=(key,), dtype=DTYPE_STR, ) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def capitalize(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with only the first character of each element capitalized. ''' # return self._blocks_to_container(npc.capitalize(self._blocks())) block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.capitalize) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def center(self, width: int, fillchar: str = ' ' ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with its elements centered in a string of length ``width``. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks,, (width, fillchar)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def contains(self, item: str) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a Boolean container showing True of item is a substring of elements. ''' block_gen = self._process_element_blocks( blocks=self._blocks, method_name='__contains__', args=(item,), dtype=DTYPE_BOOL, ) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def count(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns a container with the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in the optional range ``start``, ``end``. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.count, (sub, start, end)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def decode(self, encoding: tp.Optional[str] = None, errors: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Apply str.decode() to each element. Elements must be bytes. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks( blocks=self._blocks, func=npc.decode, args=(encoding, errors), astype_str=False, # needs to be bytes ) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def encode(self, encoding: tp.Optional[str] = None, errors: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Apply str.encode() to each element. Elements must be strings. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.encode, (encoding, errors)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def endswith(self, suffix: tp.Union[str, tp.Iterable[str]], start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns a container with the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring ``suffix`` (or an iterable of suffixes) in the optional range ``start``, ``end``. ''' if isinstance(suffix, str): block_iter = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.endswith, (suffix, start, end)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_iter) def block_gen() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: blocks_per_sub = ( self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.endswith, (sub, start, end)) for sub in suffix) func = OPERATORS['__or__'] for block_layers in zip(*blocks_per_sub): array = reduce(func, block_layers) array.flags.writeable = False yield array return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen())
[docs] def find(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return the lowest index in the string where substring ``sub`` is found. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.find, (sub, start, end)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def format(self, format: str) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return a string resulting from calling the string ``format`` argument's ``format`` method with the the element. Format strings (given within curly braces) can use Python's format mini language: Args: format: A string, an iterable of strings, or a mapping of labels to strings. For 1D containers, an iterable of strings must be of length equal to the container; a mapping can use Index labels (for a Series) or positions (for an Index). For 2D containers, an iterable of strings must be of length equal to the columns (for a Frame) or the depth (for an Index Hierarchy); a mapping can use column labels (for a Frame) or depths (for an IndexHierarchy). ''' format_factory = get_col_format_factory(format, self._labels) if self._ndim == 1: # apply the format per label in series def block_gen() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: post = [] for i, v in enumerate(next(iter(self._blocks))): func = format_factory(i).format post.append(func(v)) array = np.array(post, dtype=DTYPE_STR) array.flags.writeable = False yield array else: def block_gen() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: pos = 0 for block in self._blocks: if block.ndim == 1: func = format_factory(pos).format yield array_from_element_apply(block, func, DTYPE_STR) pos += 1 else: for i in range(block.shape[1]): func = format_factory(pos).format yield array_from_element_apply( block[NULL_SLICE, i], func, DTYPE_STR, ) pos += 1 return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen())
[docs] def index(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Like ``find``, but raises ``ValueError`` when the substring is not found. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.index, (sub, start, end)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def isalnum(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are alphanumeric and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.isalnum) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def isalpha(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.isalpha) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def isdecimal(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return True if there are only decimal characters in the element. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.isdecimal) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def isdigit(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.isdigit) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def islower(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns true for each element if all cased characters in the string are lowercase and there is at least one cased character, false otherwise. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.islower) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def isnumeric(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element in self, return True if there are only numeric characters in the element. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.isnumeric) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def isspace(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns true for each element if there are only whitespace characters in the string and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.isspace) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def istitle(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns true for each element if the element is a titlecased string and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.istitle) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def isupper(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns true for each element if all cased characters in the string are uppercase and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.isupper) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def len(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the length of the string. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.str_len) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def ljust(self, width: int, fillchar: str = ' ' ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with its elements ljusted in a string of length ``width``. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.ljust, (width, fillchar)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def lower(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return an array with the elements of self converted to lowercase. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.lower) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def lstrip(self, chars: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return a copy with the leading characters removed. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.lstrip, (chars,)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def partition(self, sep: str, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Partition each element around ``sep``. ''' # NOTE: py str.partition gives a tuple. block_gen = self._process_tuple_blocks( blocks=self._blocks, method_name='partition', args=(sep,), dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT, ) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def replace(self, old: str, new: str, count: int = -1, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with its elements replaced in a string of length ``width``. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.replace, (old, new, count)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def rfind(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return the highest index in the string where substring ``sub`` is found, such that sub is contained within ``start``, ``end``. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.rfind, (sub, start, end)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def rindex(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Like ``rfind``, but raises ``ValueError`` when the substring ``sub`` is not found. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.rindex, (sub, start, end)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def rjust(self, width: int, fillchar: str = ' ' ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with its elements rjusted in a string of length ``width``. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.rjust, (width, fillchar)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def rpartition(self, sep: str, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Partition (split) each element around the right-most separator. ''' # NOTE: py str.rpartition gives a tuple. block_gen = self._process_tuple_blocks( blocks=self._blocks, method_name='rpartition', args=(sep,), dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT, ) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def rsplit(self, sep: str, maxsplit: int = -1, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return a tuple of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. ''' # NOTE: npc.rsplit gives an array of lists, so implement our own routine to get an array of tuples. block_gen = self._process_tuple_blocks( blocks=self._blocks, method_name='rsplit', args=(sep, maxsplit), dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT, ) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def rstrip(self, chars: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return a copy with the trailing characters removed. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.rstrip, (chars,)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def split(self, sep: str, maxsplit: int = -1, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return a tuple of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. ''' # NOTE: npc.split gives an array of lists, so implement our own routine to get an array of tuples. block_gen = self._process_tuple_blocks( blocks=self._blocks, method_name='split', args=(sep, maxsplit), dtype=DTYPE_OBJECT, ) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
#splitlines: not likely useful
[docs] def startswith(self, prefix: tp.Union[str, tp.Iterable[str]], start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Returns a container with the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring `prefix` (or an iterable of prefixes) in the optional range ``start``, ``end``. ''' if isinstance(prefix, str): block_iter = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.startswith, (prefix, start, end)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_iter) def block_gen() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: blocks_per_sub = ( self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.startswith, (sub, start, end)) for sub in prefix) func = OPERATORS['__or__'] for block_layers in zip(*blocks_per_sub): array = reduce(func, block_layers) array.flags.writeable = False yield array return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen())
[docs] def strip(self, chars: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' For each element, return a copy with the leading and trailing characters removed. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.strip, (chars,)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def swapcase(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.swapcase) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def title(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.title) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
# translate: akward input
[docs] def upper(self) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return a container with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.upper) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
[docs] def zfill(self, width: int, ) -> TVContainer_co: ''' Return the string left-filled with zeros. ''' block_gen = self._process_blocks(self._blocks, npc.zfill, (width,)) return self._blocks_to_container(block_gen)
class InterfaceBatchString(InterfaceBatch): '''Alternate string interface specialized for the :obj:`Batch`. ''' __slots__ = ( '_batch_apply', ) _INTERFACE = INTERFACE_STR def __init__(self, batch_apply: tp.Callable[[TCallableAny], 'Batch'], ) -> None: self._batch_apply = batch_apply #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: TLocSelector) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with the provided selection or slice of each element. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.__getitem__(key))
[docs] def capitalize(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with only the first character of each element capitalized. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.capitalize())
[docs] def center(self, width: int, fillchar: str = ' ' ) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with its elements centered in a string of length ``width``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c:, fillchar))
[docs] def count(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns a container with the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in the optional range ``start``, ``end``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.count(sub, start, end))
[docs] def contains(self, item: str, ) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns a container with the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in the optional range ``start``, ``end``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.contains(item))
[docs] def decode(self, encoding: tp.Optional[str] = None, errors: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> 'Batch': ''' Apply str.decode() to each element. Elements must be bytes. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.decode(encoding, errors))
[docs] def encode(self, encoding: tp.Optional[str] = None, errors: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> 'Batch': ''' Apply str.encode() to each element. Elements must be strings. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.encode(encoding, errors))
[docs] def endswith(self, suffix: tp.Union[str, tp.Iterable[str]], start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns a container with the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring ``suffix`` (or an iterable of suffixes) in the optional range ``start``, ``end``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.endswith(suffix, start, end))
[docs] def find(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return the lowest index in the string where substring ``sub`` is found. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.find(sub, start, end))
[docs] def format(self, format: str, ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return a string resulting from calling the `format` argument's `format` method with the values in this container. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.format(format))
[docs] def index(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Batch': ''' Like ``find``, but raises ``ValueError`` when the substring is not found. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.index(sub, start, end))
[docs] def isalnum(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are alphanumeric and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.isalnum())
[docs] def isalpha(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.isalpha())
[docs] def isdecimal(self) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return True if there are only decimal characters in the element. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.isdecimal())
[docs] def isdigit(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.isdigit())
[docs] def islower(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns true for each element if all cased characters in the string are lowercase and there is at least one cased character, false otherwise. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.islower())
[docs] def isnumeric(self) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element in self, return True if there are only numeric characters in the element. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.isnumeric())
[docs] def isspace(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns true for each element if there are only whitespace characters in the string and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.isspace())
[docs] def istitle(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns true for each element if the element is a titlecased string and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.istitle())
[docs] def isupper(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns true for each element if all cased characters in the string are uppercase and there is at least one character, false otherwise. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.isupper())
[docs] def len(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the length of the string. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.len())
[docs] def ljust(self, width: int, fillchar: str = ' ' ) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with its elements ljusted in a string of length ``width``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.ljust(width, fillchar))
[docs] def lower(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return an array with the elements of self converted to lowercase. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.lower())
[docs] def lstrip(self, chars: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return a copy with the leading characters removed. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.lstrip(chars))
[docs] def partition(self, sep: str, ) -> 'Batch': ''' Partition each element around ``sep``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.partition(sep))
[docs] def replace(self, old: str, new: str, count: int = -1, ) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with its elements replaced in a string of length ``width``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.replace(old, new, count))
[docs] def rfind(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return the highest index in the string where substring ``sub`` is found, such that sub is contained within ``start``, ``end``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.rfind(sub, start, end))
[docs] def rindex(self, sub: str, start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Batch': ''' Like ``rfind``, but raises ``ValueError`` when the substring ``sub`` is not found. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.rindex(sub, start, end))
[docs] def rjust(self, width: int, fillchar: str = ' ' ) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with its elements rjusted in a string of length ``width``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.rjust(width, fillchar))
[docs] def rpartition(self, sep: str, ) -> 'Batch': ''' Partition (split) each element around the right-most separator. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.rpartition(sep))
[docs] def rsplit(self, sep: str, maxsplit: int = -1, ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return a tuple of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.rsplit(sep, maxsplit))
[docs] def rstrip(self, chars: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return a copy with the trailing characters removed. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.rstrip(chars))
[docs] def split(self, sep: str, maxsplit: int = -1, ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return a tuple of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.split(sep, maxsplit))
#splitlines: not likely useful
[docs] def startswith(self, prefix: tp.Union[str, tp.Iterable[str]], start: int = 0, end: tp.Optional[int] = None ) -> 'Batch': ''' Returns a container with the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring `prefix` (or an iterable of prefixes) in the optional range ``start``, ``end``. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.startswith(prefix, start, end))
[docs] def strip(self, chars: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> 'Batch': ''' For each element, return a copy with the leading and trailing characters removed. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.strip(chars))
[docs] def swapcase(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.swapcase())
[docs] def title(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.title())
# translate: akward input
[docs] def upper(self) -> 'Batch': ''' Return a container with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.upper())
[docs] def zfill(self, width: int, ) -> 'Batch': ''' Return the string left-filled with zeros. ''' return self._batch_apply(lambda c: c.via_str.zfill(width))