Source code for static_frame.core.series

from __future__ import annotations

import csv
from import Set
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from itertools import product

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp
from arraykit import array_deepcopy
from arraykit import delimited_to_arrays
from arraykit import first_true_1d
from arraykit import immutable_filter
from arraykit import mloc
from arraykit import name_filter
from arraykit import resolve_dtype
from import MaskedArray

from static_frame.core.assign import Assign
from static_frame.core.container import ContainerOperand
# from static_frame.core.container_util import pandas_version_under_1
from static_frame.core.container_util import apply_binary_operator
from static_frame.core.container_util import axis_window_items
from static_frame.core.container_util import get_col_fill_value_factory
from static_frame.core.container_util import index_from_optional_constructor
from static_frame.core.container_util import index_many_concat
from static_frame.core.container_util import index_many_to_one
from static_frame.core.container_util import is_fill_value_factory_initializer
from static_frame.core.container_util import iter_component_signature_bytes
from static_frame.core.container_util import matmul
from static_frame.core.container_util import pandas_to_numpy
from static_frame.core.container_util import rehierarch_from_index_hierarchy
from static_frame.core.container_util import sort_index_for_order
from static_frame.core.display import Display
from static_frame.core.display import DisplayActive
from static_frame.core.display import DisplayHeader
from static_frame.core.display_config import DisplayConfig
from static_frame.core.display_config import DisplayFormats
from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_inject
from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_update
from static_frame.core.exception import AxisInvalid
from static_frame.core.exception import ErrorInitSeries
from static_frame.core.exception import RelabelInvalid
from static_frame.core.index import Index
from static_frame.core.index_auto import IndexAutoFactory
from static_frame.core.index_auto import IndexDefaultConstructorFactory
from static_frame.core.index_auto import TIndexAutoFactory
from static_frame.core.index_auto import TIndexInitOrAuto
from static_frame.core.index_auto import TRelabelInput
from static_frame.core.index_base import IndexBase
from static_frame.core.index_correspondence import IndexCorrespondence
from static_frame.core.index_hierarchy import IndexHierarchy
from static_frame.core.node_dt import InterfaceDatetime
from static_frame.core.node_fill_value import InterfaceFillValue
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeApplyType
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeDepthLevel
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeGroup
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeGroupOther
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeNoArgMapable
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeType
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeWindow
from static_frame.core.node_re import InterfaceRe
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterfaceAssignTrio
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterfaceSelectTrio
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterGetItemILocReduces
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterGetItemLocReduces
from static_frame.core.node_str import InterfaceString
from static_frame.core.node_values import InterfaceValues
from static_frame.core.rank import RankMethod
from static_frame.core.rank import rank_1d
from static_frame.core.style_config import STYLE_CONFIG_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.style_config import StyleConfig
from static_frame.core.style_config import style_config_css_factory
from static_frame.core.util import BOOL_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import DEFAULT_SORT_KIND
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_NA_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import EMPTY_ARRAY
from static_frame.core.util import EMPTY_SLICE
from static_frame.core.util import FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.util import FLOAT_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import INT_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import NAME_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.util import NULL_SLICE
from static_frame.core.util import ManyToOneType
from static_frame.core.util import TBoolOrBools
from static_frame.core.util import TCallableAny
from static_frame.core.util import TDepthLevel
from static_frame.core.util import TDtypeSpecifier
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelectorMany
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelectorOne
from static_frame.core.util import TIndexCtorSpecifier
from static_frame.core.util import TIndexCtorSpecifiers
from static_frame.core.util import TIndexInitializer
from static_frame.core.util import TLabel
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelectorMany
from static_frame.core.util import TName
from static_frame.core.util import TPathSpecifierOrTextIO
from static_frame.core.util import TSeriesInitializer
from static_frame.core.util import TSortKinds
from static_frame.core.util import TUFunc
from static_frame.core.util import argmax_1d
from static_frame.core.util import argmin_1d
from static_frame.core.util import array_shift
from static_frame.core.util import array_to_duplicated
from static_frame.core.util import array_to_groups_and_locations
from static_frame.core.util import array_ufunc_axis_skipna
from static_frame.core.util import arrays_equal
from static_frame.core.util import binary_transition
from static_frame.core.util import concat_resolved
from static_frame.core.util import dtype_from_element
from static_frame.core.util import dtype_kind_to_na
from static_frame.core.util import dtype_to_fill_value
from static_frame.core.util import full_for_fill
from static_frame.core.util import iloc_to_insertion_iloc
from static_frame.core.util import intersect1d
from static_frame.core.util import is_callable_or_mapping
from static_frame.core.util import isfalsy_array
from static_frame.core.util import isin
from static_frame.core.util import isna_array
from static_frame.core.util import iterable_to_array_1d
from static_frame.core.util import slices_from_targets
from static_frame.core.util import ufunc_unique1d
from static_frame.core.util import ufunc_unique_enumerated
from static_frame.core.util import validate_dtype_specifier
from static_frame.core.util import write_optional_file

    import pandas  # pragma: no cover

    from static_frame.core.generic_aliases import TBusAny  # pylint: disable=C0412 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.generic_aliases import TFrameAny  # pylint: disable=C0412 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.generic_aliases import TFrameGOAny  # pylint: disable=C0412 #pragma: no cover
    from static_frame.core.generic_aliases import TFrameHEAny  # pylint: disable=C0412 #pragma: no cover

    TNDArrayAny = np.ndarray[tp.Any, tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    TDtypeAny = np.dtype[tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    FrameType = tp.TypeVar('FrameType', bound=TFrameAny) #pragma: no cover

TVDtype = tp.TypeVar('TVDtype', bound=np.generic, default=tp.Any)
TVIndex = tp.TypeVar('TVIndex', bound=IndexBase, default=tp.Any)

def _NA_VALUES_CTOR(count: int) -> None: ...

[docs] class Series(ContainerOperand, tp.Generic[TVIndex, TVDtype]): '''A one-dimensional, ordered, labelled container, immutable and of fixed size. ''' __slots__ = ( 'values', '_index', '_name', ) values: TNDArrayAny _index: IndexBase _NDIM: int = 1 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def from_element(cls, element: tp.Any, *, index: tp.Union[TIndexInitializer, IndexAutoFactory], dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, name: TName = None, index_constructor: tp.Optional[TIndexCtorSpecifier] = None, own_index: bool = False, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Create a :obj:`static_frame.Series` from a single element. The size of the resultant container will be determined by the ``index`` argument. Returns: :obj:`static_frame.Series` ''' if own_index: index_final = index else: index_final = index_from_optional_constructor(index, default_constructor=Index, explicit_constructor=index_constructor ) length = len(index_final) # type: ignore dtype = None if dtype is None else np.dtype(dtype) array = full_for_fill( dtype, length, element, resolve_fill_value_dtype=dtype is None, # True means derive from fill value ) array.flags.writeable = False return cls(array, index=index_final, name=name, own_index=True, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_items(cls, pairs: tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[TLabel, tp.Any]], *, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, name: TName = None, index_constructor: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[..., IndexBase]] = None ) -> tp.Self: '''Series construction from an iterator or generator of pairs, where the first pair value is the index and the second is the value. Args: pairs: Iterable of pairs of index, value. dtype: dtype or valid dtype specifier. name: index_constructor: Returns: :obj:`static_frame.Series` ''' index = [] def values() -> tp.Iterator[tp.Any]: for k, v in pairs: # populate index list as side effect of iterating values index.append(k) yield v return cls(values(), index=index, dtype=dtype, name=name, index_constructor=index_constructor, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_delimited(cls, delimited: str, *, delimiter: str, index: tp.Optional[TIndexInitOrAuto] = None, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, name: TName = None, index_constructor: tp.Optional[TIndexCtorSpecifier] = None, skip_initial_space: bool = False, quoting: int = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, quote_char: str = '"', quote_double: bool = True, escape_char: tp.Optional[str] = None, thousands_char: str = '', decimal_char: str = '.', own_index: bool = False, ) -> tp.Self: '''Series construction from a delimited string. Args: dtype: if None, dtype will be inferred. ''' get_col_dtype = None if dtype is None else lambda x: dtype [array] = delimited_to_arrays( (delimited,), # make into iterable of one string dtypes=get_col_dtype, delimiter=delimiter, quoting=quoting, quotechar=quote_char, doublequote=quote_double, escapechar=escape_char, thousandschar=thousands_char, decimalchar=decimal_char, skipinitialspace=skip_initial_space, ) if own_index: index_final = index else: index = IndexAutoFactory(len(array)) if index is None else index index_final = index_from_optional_constructor(index, default_constructor=Index, explicit_constructor=index_constructor ) return cls(array, index=index_final, name=name, own_index=True, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, mapping: tp.Mapping[tp.Any, tp.Any], *, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, name: TName = None, index_constructor: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[..., IndexBase]] = None ) -> tp.Self: '''Series construction from a dictionary, where the first pair value is the index and the second is the value. Args: mapping: a dictionary or similar mapping interface. dtype: dtype or valid dtype specifier. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return cls.from_items(mapping.items(), name=name, dtype=dtype, index_constructor=index_constructor)
[docs] @classmethod def from_concat(cls, containers: tp.Iterable[tp.Union[TSeriesAny, TBusAny]], *, index: tp.Optional[TIndexInitOrAuto] = None, index_constructor: tp.Optional[TIndexCtorSpecifier] = None, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Concatenate multiple :obj:`Series` into a new :obj:`Series`. Args: containers: Iterable of ``Series`` from which values in the new ``Series`` are drawn. index: If None, the resultant index will be the concatenation of all indices (assuming they are unique in combination). If ``IndexAutoFactory``, the resultant index is a auto-incremented integer index. Otherwise, the value is used as a index initializer. index_constructor: name: Returns: :obj:`static_frame.Series` ''' array_values = [] if index is None: indices = [] name_first = NAME_DEFAULT name_aligned = True for c in containers: if name_first == NAME_DEFAULT: name_first = elif name_first != name_aligned = False array_values.append(c.values) if index is None: indices.append(c.index) # End quickly if empty iterable if not array_values: return cls((), index=index, name=name) # returns immutable arrays values = concat_resolved(array_values) own_index = False if index is None: index = index_many_concat(indices, cls_default=Index, explicit_constructor=index_constructor, ) own_index = True elif index is IndexAutoFactory: # set index arg to None to force IndexAutoFactory usage in creation index = None # else, index was supplied as an iterable, above if name == NAME_DEFAULT: # only derive if not explicitly set name = name_first if name_aligned else None return cls(values, index=index, name=name, index_constructor=index_constructor, own_index=own_index, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_concat_items(cls, items: tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TSeriesAny]], *, name: TName = None, index_constructor: tp.Optional[TIndexCtorSpecifier] = None ) -> tp.Self: ''' Produce a :obj:`Series` with a hierarchical index from an iterable of pairs of labels, :obj:`Series`. The :obj:`IndexHierarchy` is formed from the provided labels and the :obj:`Index` if each :obj:`Series`. Args: items: Iterable of pairs of label, :obj:`Series` Returns: :obj:`static_frame.Series` ''' array_values = [] if index_constructor is None or isinstance(index_constructor, IndexDefaultConstructorFactory): # default index constructor expects delivery of Indices for greater efficiency def gen() -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, IndexBase]]: for label, series in items: array_values.append(series.values) yield label, series._index else: def gen() -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, IndexBase]]: for label, series in items: array_values.append(series.values) yield from product((label,), series._index) # pyright: ignore values: TNDArrayAny try: # populates array_values as side ih = index_from_optional_constructor( gen(), default_constructor=IndexHierarchy.from_index_items, explicit_constructor=index_constructor, ) # returns immutable array values = concat_resolved(array_values) own_index = True except StopIteration: # Default to empty when given an empty iterable ih = None values = EMPTY_ARRAY own_index = False return cls(values, index=ih, own_index=own_index, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_overlay(cls, containers: tp.Iterable[tp.Self], *, index: tp.Optional[TIndexInitializer] = None, union: bool = True, name: TName = None, func: tp.Callable[[TNDArrayAny], TNDArrayAny] = isna_array, fill_value: tp.Any = FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT, ) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` made by overlaying containers, aligned values are filled with values from subsequent containers with left-to-right precedence. Values are filled based on a passed function that must return a Boolean array. By default, that function is `isna_array`, returning True for missing values (NaN and None). Args: containers: Iterable of :obj:`Series`. * index: An :obj:`Index` or :obj:`IndexHierarchy`, or index initializer, to be used as the index upon which all containers are aligned. :obj:`IndexAutoFactory` is not supported. union: If True, and no ``index`` argument is supplied, a union index from ``containers`` will be used; if False, the intersection index will be used. name: func: fill_value: ''' if not hasattr(containers, '__len__'): containers = tuple(containers) # exhaust a generator if index is None: index = index_many_to_one( (c.index for c in containers), cls_default=Index, many_to_one_type=ManyToOneType.UNION if union else ManyToOneType.INTERSECT, ) else: # construct an index if not an index if not isinstance(index, IndexBase): index = Index(index) container_iter = iter(containers) container_first = next(container_iter) if container_first._index.equals(index): post = cls(container_first.values, index=index, own_index=True, name=name) else: # if the indices are not equal, we have to reindex, and we need to provide a fill_value that does minimal type corcion to the original if fill_value is FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT: fill_value = dtype_kind_to_na(container_first.dtype.kind) post = container_first.reindex(index, fill_value=fill_value).rename(name) for container in container_iter: filled = post._fill_missing(container, func) post = filled return post
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject() def from_pandas(cls, value: 'pandas.Series', *, index: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, index_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, own_data: bool = False) -> tp.Self: '''Given a Pandas Series, return a Series. Args: value: Pandas Series. * index_constructor: name: {own_data} Returns: :obj:`static_frame.Series` ''' import pandas if not isinstance(value, pandas.Series): raise ErrorInitSeries(f'from_pandas must be called with a Pandas Series object, not: {type(value)}') data = pandas_to_numpy(value, own_data=own_data) name = name if name is not NAME_DEFAULT else own_index = False if index is IndexAutoFactory: index = None elif index is not None: pass # pass index into constructor elif isinstance(value.index, pandas.MultiIndex): index = IndexHierarchy.from_pandas(value.index) own_index = True else: # if None index = Index.from_pandas(value.index) own_index = index_constructor is None return cls(data, index=index, index_constructor=index_constructor, own_index=own_index, name=name, )
[docs] def __init__(self, values: TSeriesInitializer, *, index: tp.Union[TIndexInitializer, IndexAutoFactory, TIndexAutoFactory, None] = None, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, index_constructor: tp.Optional[TIndexCtorSpecifier] = None, own_index: bool = False ) -> None: '''Initializer. Args: values: An iterable of values to be aligned with the supplied (or automatically generated) index. {index} name: dtype: index_constructor: {own_index} ''' if own_index and index is None: raise ErrorInitSeries('cannot own_index if no index is provided.') #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # values assignment values_constructor = _NA_VALUES_CTOR if not values.__class__ is np.ndarray: if isinstance(values, dict): raise ErrorInitSeries('use Series.from_dict to create a Series from a mapping.') elif isinstance(values, Series): self.values = values.values # take immutable array if dtype is not None and dtype != values.dtype: raise ErrorInitSeries(f'when supplying values via Series, the dtype argument is not required; if provided ({dtype}), it must agree with the dtype of the Series ({values.dtype})') if index is None and index_constructor is None: # set up for direct assignment below; index is always immutable index = values.index own_index = True if name is NAME_DEFAULT: name = # propagate elif hasattr(values, '__iter__') and not isinstance(values, str): # returned array is already immutable self.values, _ = iterable_to_array_1d(values, dtype=dtype) else: # it must be an element, or a string raise ErrorInitSeries('Use Series.from_element to create a Series from an element.') else: # is numpy array if dtype is not None and dtype != values.dtype: # type: ignore raise ErrorInitSeries(f'when supplying values via array, the dtype argument is not required; if provided ({dtype}), it must agree with the dtype of the array ({values.dtype})') # type: ignore if values.shape == (): # type: ignore # handle special case of NP element def values_constructor(count: int) -> None: #pylint: disable=E0102 self.values = np.repeat(values, count) # type: ignore self.values.flags.writeable = False else: self.values = immutable_filter(values) # type: ignore self._name = None if name is NAME_DEFAULT else name_filter(name) # pyright: ignore #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # index assignment self._index: IndexBase if own_index: self._index = index # type: ignore elif index is None or index is IndexAutoFactory: # if a values constructor is defined, self.values is not yet defined, and no index is supplied, the resultant shape will be of length 1. (If an index is supplied, the shape might be larger than one if an array element was given if values_constructor is not _NA_VALUES_CTOR: value_count = 1 else: value_count = len(self.values) self._index = IndexAutoFactory.from_optional_constructor( value_count, default_constructor=Index, explicit_constructor=index_constructor ) else: # an iterable of labels, or an index subclass self._index = index_from_optional_constructor(index, default_constructor=Index, explicit_constructor=index_constructor ) index_count = self._index.__len__() # pyright: ignore if not self._index.STATIC: # pyright: ignore raise ErrorInitSeries('non-static index cannot be assigned to Series') if values_constructor is not _NA_VALUES_CTOR: values_constructor(index_count) # updates self.values # must update after calling values constructor value_count = len(self.values) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # final evaluation if self.values.ndim != self._NDIM: raise ErrorInitSeries('dimensionality of final values not supported') if value_count != index_count: raise ErrorInitSeries( f'Index has incorrect size (got {index_count}, expected {value_count})' )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __setstate__(self, state: tp.Any) -> None: ''' Ensure that reanimated NP arrays are set not writeable. ''' for key, value in state[1].items(): setattr(self, key, value) self.values.flags.writeable = False
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo: tp.Dict[int, tp.Any]) -> tp.Self: obj = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) obj.values = array_deepcopy(self.values, memo) obj._index = deepcopy(self._index, memo) obj._name = self._name # should be hashable/immutable memo[id(self)] = obj return obj
# def __copy__(self) -> tp.Self: # ''' # Return shallow copy of this Series. # ''' # return self.__class__( # self._values, # index=self._index, # name=self._name, # own_index=True, # ) def _memory_label_component_pairs(self, ) -> tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[str, tp.Any]]: return (('Name', self._name), ('Index', self._index), ('Values', self.values) ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __reversed__(self) -> tp.Iterator[TLabel]: ''' Returns a reverse iterator on the series' index. Returns: :obj:`Index` ''' return reversed(self._index)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # name interface @property @doc_inject() def name(self) -> TName: '''{}''' return self._name
[docs] def rename(self, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, *, index: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new Series with an updated name attribute. ''' name = if name is NAME_DEFAULT else name i = self._index if index is NAME_DEFAULT else self._index.rename(index) return self.__class__(self.values, index=i, name=name, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # interfaces @property def loc(self) -> InterGetItemLocReduces[TSeriesAny, TVDtype]: ''' Interface for label-based selection. ''' return InterGetItemLocReduces(self._extract_loc) # type: ignore @property def iloc(self) -> InterGetItemILocReduces[TSeriesAny, TVDtype]: ''' Interface for position-based selection. ''' return InterGetItemILocReduces(self._extract_iloc) @property def drop(self) -> InterfaceSelectTrio[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for dropping elements from :obj:`static_frame.Series`. This alway returns a `Series`. ''' return InterfaceSelectTrio( # type: ignore func_iloc=self._drop_iloc, func_loc=self._drop_loc, func_getitem=self._drop_loc ) @property def mask(self) -> InterfaceSelectTrio[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for extracting Boolean :obj:`static_frame.Series`. ''' return InterfaceSelectTrio( # type: ignore func_iloc=self._extract_iloc_mask, func_loc=self._extract_loc_mask, func_getitem=self._extract_loc_mask ) @property def masked_array(self) -> InterfaceSelectTrio[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for extracting NumPy Masked Arrays. ''' return InterfaceSelectTrio( # type: ignore func_iloc=self._extract_iloc_masked_array, func_loc=self._extract_loc_masked_array, func_getitem=self._extract_loc_masked_array ) @property def assign(self) -> InterfaceAssignTrio['SeriesAssign']: ''' Interface for doing assignment-like selection and replacement. ''' # NOTE: this is not a InterfaceAssignQuartet, like on Frame return InterfaceAssignTrio( # type: ignore func_iloc=self._extract_iloc_assign, func_loc=self._extract_loc_assign, func_getitem=self._extract_loc_assign, delegate=SeriesAssign ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def via_values(self) -> InterfaceValues[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for applying functions to values (as arrays) in this container. ''' return InterfaceValues(self) @property def via_str(self) -> InterfaceString[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for applying string methods to elements in this container. ''' def blocks_to_container(blocks: tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]) -> TSeriesAny: return self.__class__( next(blocks), # assume only one index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True, ) return InterfaceString( blocks=(self.values,), blocks_to_container=blocks_to_container, ndim=self._NDIM, labels=range(1) ) @property def via_dt(self) -> InterfaceDatetime[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for applying datetime properties and methods to elements in this container. ''' def blocks_to_container(blocks: tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]) -> TSeriesAny: return self.__class__( next(blocks), # assume only one index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True, ) return InterfaceDatetime( blocks=(self.values,), blocks_to_container=blocks_to_container, )
[docs] def via_fill_value(self, fill_value: object = np.nan, ) -> InterfaceFillValue[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for using binary operators and methods with a pre-defined fill value. ''' return InterfaceFillValue( container=self, fill_value=fill_value, )
[docs] def via_re(self, pattern: str, flags: int = 0, ) -> InterfaceRe[TSeriesAny]: ''' Interface for applying regular expressions to elements in this container. ''' def blocks_to_container(blocks: tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]) -> TSeriesAny: return self.__class__( next(blocks), # assume only one index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True, ) return InterfaceRe( blocks=(self.values,), blocks_to_container=blocks_to_container, pattern=pattern, flags=flags, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_group(self) -> IterNodeGroup[TSeriesAny]: ''' Iterator of :obj:`Series`, where each :obj:`Series` matches unique values. ''' return IterNodeGroup( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_items, group_source=self.values), function_values=partial(self._axis_group, group_source=self.values), yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES, ) @property def iter_group_items(self) -> IterNodeGroup[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeGroup( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_items, group_source=self.values), function_values=partial(self._axis_group, group_source=self.values), yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_group_array(self) -> IterNodeGroup[TSeriesAny]: ''' Iterator of :obj:`Series`, where each :obj:`Series` matches unique values. ''' return IterNodeGroup( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_items, as_array=True, group_source=self.values), function_values=partial(self._axis_group, as_array=True, group_source=self.values), yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES, ) @property def iter_group_array_items(self) -> IterNodeGroup[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeGroup( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_items, group_source=self.values, as_array=True), function_values=partial(self._axis_group, group_source=self.values, as_array=True), yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_group_labels(self) -> IterNodeDepthLevel[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeDepthLevel( container=self, function_items=self._axis_group_labels_items, function_values=self._axis_group_labels, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_LABELS ) @property def iter_group_labels_items(self) -> IterNodeDepthLevel[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeDepthLevel( container=self, function_items=self._axis_group_labels_items, function_values=self._axis_group_labels, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_LABELS ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_group_labels_array(self) -> IterNodeDepthLevel[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeDepthLevel( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_labels_items, as_array=True), function_values=partial(self._axis_group_labels, as_array=True), yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_LABELS ) @property def iter_group_labels_array_items(self) -> IterNodeDepthLevel[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeDepthLevel( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_labels_items, as_array=True), function_values=partial(self._axis_group_labels, as_array=True), yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_LABELS ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_group_other(self, ) -> IterNodeGroupOther[TSeriesAny]: ''' Iterator of :obj:`Series`, grouped by unique values found in the passed container. ''' return IterNodeGroupOther( container=self, function_items=self._axis_group_items, function_values=self._axis_group, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES, ) @property def iter_group_other_items(self, ) -> IterNodeGroupOther[TSeriesAny]: ''' Iterator of pairs of label, :obj:`Series`, grouped by unique values found in the passed container. ''' return IterNodeGroupOther( container=self, function_items=self._axis_group_items, function_values=self._axis_group, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_group_other_array(self) -> IterNodeGroupOther[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeGroupOther( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_items, as_array=True), function_values=partial(self._axis_group, as_array=True), yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES ) @property def iter_group_other_array_items(self) -> IterNodeGroupOther[TSeriesAny]: return IterNodeGroupOther( container=self, function_items=partial(self._axis_group_items, as_array=True), function_values=partial(self._axis_group, as_array=True), yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS_GROUP_VALUES ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_element(self) -> IterNodeNoArgMapable[TSeriesAny]: ''' Iterator of elements. ''' return IterNodeNoArgMapable( container=self, function_items=self._axis_element_items, function_values=self._axis_element, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) @property def iter_element_items(self) -> IterNodeNoArgMapable[TSeriesAny]: ''' Iterator of label, element pairs. ''' return IterNodeNoArgMapable( container=self, function_items=self._axis_element_items, function_values=self._axis_element, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def iter_window(self) -> IterNodeWindow[TSeriesAny]: function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=False) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=False) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) @property def iter_window_items(self) -> IterNodeWindow[TSeriesAny]: function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=False) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=False) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) @property def iter_window_array(self) -> IterNodeWindow[TSeriesAny]: function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=True) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=True) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) @property def iter_window_array_items(self) -> IterNodeWindow[TSeriesAny]: function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=True) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=True) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # index manipulation def _reindex_other_like_iloc(self, value: TSeriesAny, iloc_key: TILocSelector, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> TSeriesAny: '''Given a value that is a Series, reindex that Series argument to the index components, drawn from this Series, that are specified by the iloc_key. This means that this returns a new Series that corresponds to the index of this Series based on the iloc selection. ''' iloc_many: TILocSelectorMany if isinstance(iloc_key, INT_TYPES): iloc_many = [iloc_key] # type: ignore[list-item] else: iloc_many = iloc_key return value.reindex( self._index._extract_iloc(iloc_many), fill_value=fill_value )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='reindex', class_name='Series') def reindex(self, index: TIndexInitializer, *, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, own_index: bool = False, check_equals: bool = True ) -> tp.Self: ''' {doc} Args: index: {index_initializer} columns: {index_initializer} {fill_value} {own_index} ''' index_owned: IndexBase if own_index: index_owned = index # type: ignore else: index_owned = index_from_optional_constructor(index, default_constructor=Index) # NOTE: it is assumed that the equals comparison is faster than continuing with this method if check_equals and self._index.equals(index_owned): # if labels are equal (even if a different Index subclass), we can simply use the new Index return self.__class__( self.values, index=index_owned, own_index=True, name=self._name) ic = IndexCorrespondence.from_correspondence(self._index, index_owned) if not ic.size: # NOTE: take slice to ensure same type of index and array return self._extract_iloc(EMPTY_SLICE) if ic.is_subset: # must have some common values = self.values[ic.iloc_src] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__( values, index=index_owned, own_index=True, name=self._name) if is_fill_value_factory_initializer(fill_value): fv = get_col_fill_value_factory(fill_value, None)(0, self.values.dtype) else: fv = fill_value values = full_for_fill(self.values.dtype, len(index_owned), fv) # if some intersection of values if ic.has_common: values[ic.iloc_dst] = self.values[ic.iloc_src] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=index_owned, own_index=True, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='relabel', class_name='Series') def relabel(self, index: tp.Optional[TRelabelInput], *, index_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, ) -> tp.Self: ''' {doc} Args: index: {relabel_input_index} ''' own_index = False index_init: TIndexInitializer | None if index is IndexAutoFactory: index_init = None elif index is None: index_init = self._index own_index = index_constructor is None elif is_callable_or_mapping(index): index_init = self._index.relabel(index) own_index = index_constructor is None elif isinstance(index, Set): raise RelabelInvalid() else: index_init = index # type: ignore return self.__class__(self.values, index=index_init, index_constructor=index_constructor, own_index=own_index, name=self._name, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='relabel_flat', class_name='Series') def relabel_flat(self) -> tp.Self: ''' {doc} ''' if not isinstance(self._index, IndexHierarchy): raise RuntimeError('cannot flatten an Index that is not an IndexHierarchy') return self.__class__(self.values, index=self._index.flat(), name=self._name, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='relabel_level_add', class_name='Series') def relabel_level_add(self, level: TLabel ) -> tp.Self: ''' {doc} Args: level: {level} ''' return self.__class__(self.values, index=self._index.level_add(level), name=self._name, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='relabel_level_drop', class_name='Series') def relabel_level_drop(self, count: int = 1 ) -> tp.Self: ''' {doc} Args: count: {count} ''' if not isinstance(self._index, IndexHierarchy): raise RuntimeError('cannot drop level of an Index that is not an IndexHierarchy') return self.__class__(self.values, index=self._index.level_drop(count), name=self._name, )
[docs] def rehierarch(self, depth_map: tp.Sequence[int], *, index_constructors: TIndexCtorSpecifiers = None, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new :obj:`Series` with new a hierarchy based on the supplied ``depth_map``. ''' if self._index.depth == 1: raise RuntimeError('cannot rehierarch when there is no hierarchy') index, iloc_map = rehierarch_from_index_hierarchy( labels=self._index, # type: ignore depth_map=depth_map, index_constructors=index_constructors,, ) values = self.values[iloc_map] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=index, name=self._name, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # na handling
[docs] def isna(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a same-indexed, Boolean :obj:`Series` indicating which values are NaN or None. ''' values = isna_array(self.values) values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=self._index, own_index=True)
[docs] def notna(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a same-indexed, Boolean :obj:`Series` indicating which values are NaN or None. ''' values = np.logical_not(isna_array(self.values)) values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=self._index, own_index=True)
[docs] def dropna(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new :obj:`Series` after removing values of NaN or None. ''' if self.values.dtype.kind not in DTYPE_NA_KINDS: # return the same array in a new series return self.__class__(self.values, index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True) # get positions that we want to keep isna = isna_array(self.values) length = len(self.values) count = isna.sum() if count == length: # all are NaN return self.__class__((), name=self._name, index=self._index[[]], own_index=True, ) if count == 0: # None are nan return self sel = np.logical_not(isna) values = self.values[sel] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=self._index._extract_iloc(sel), # PERF: use _extract_iloc as we have a Boolean array name=self._name, own_index=True)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # falsy handling
[docs] def isfalsy(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a same-indexed, Boolean :obj:`Series` indicating which values are falsy. ''' values = isfalsy_array(self.values) values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=self._index, own_index=True)
[docs] def notfalsy(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a same-indexed, Boolean :obj:`Series` indicating which values are falsy. ''' values = np.logical_not(isfalsy_array(self.values)) values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=self._index, own_index=True)
[docs] def dropfalsy(self) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new :obj:`Series` after removing values of falsy. ''' # get positions that we want to keep isfalsy = isfalsy_array(self.values) length = len(self.values) count = isfalsy.sum() if count == length: # all are falsy return self.__class__((), if count == 0: # None are falsy return self.__class__(self.values, index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True) sel = np.logical_not(isfalsy) values = self.values[sel] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=self._index._extract_iloc(sel), # PERF: use _extract_iloc as we have a Boolean array name=self._name, own_index=True)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # na filling def _fill_missing(self, value: tp.Any, # an element or a Series func: tp.Callable[[TNDArrayAny], TNDArrayAny], ) -> tp.Self: ''' Args: func: A function that returns a same-shaped array of Booleans. ''' values = self.values sel = func(values) if not np.any(sel): return self if hasattr(value, '__iter__') and not isinstance(value, str): if not isinstance(value, Series): raise RuntimeError('unlabeled iterables cannot be used for fillna: use a Series') value_dtype = value.dtype # choose a fill value that will not force a type coercion fill_value = dtype_to_fill_value(value_dtype) # find targets that are NaN in self and have labels in value; otherwise, might fill values after reindexing, and end up filling a fill_value rather than keeping original (na) value labels_common = intersect1d(self.index.values[sel], value.index.values) sel = self.index.isin(labels_common) if not np.any(sel): # avoid copying, retyping return self # must reindex to align ordering; just get array value = self._reindex_other_like_iloc(value, sel, fill_value=fill_value).values else: value_dtype = dtype_from_element(value) assignable_dtype = resolve_dtype(value_dtype, values.dtype) if values.dtype == assignable_dtype: assigned = values.copy() else: assigned = values.astype(assignable_dtype) assigned[sel] = value assigned.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(assigned, index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillna(self, value: tp.Any # an element or a Series ) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after replacing NA (NaN or None) with the supplied value. The ``value`` can be an element or :obj:`Series`. Args: {value} ''' return self._fill_missing(value, isna_array)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillfalsy(self, value: tp.Any # an element or a Series ) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after replacing falsy values with the supplied value. The ``value`` can be an element or :obj:`Series`. Args: {value} ''' return self._fill_missing(value, isfalsy_array)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _fill_missing_directional( array: TNDArrayAny, directional_forward: bool, func_target: TUFunc, limit: int = 0, ) -> TNDArrayAny: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after feeding forward the last non-null (NaN or None) observation across contiguous nulls. Args: count: Set the limit of nan values to be filled per nan region. A value of 0 is equivalent to no limit. func_target: the function to use to identify fill targets ''' # sel = isna_array(array) sel = func_target(array) if not np.any(sel): return array def slice_condition(target_slice: slice) -> bool: # NOTE: start is never None return sel[target_slice.start] #type: ignore # type is already compatible, no need for check assigned = array.copy() target_index = binary_transition(sel) target_values = array[target_index] length = len(array) for target_slice, value in slices_from_targets( target_index=target_index, target_values=target_values, length=length, directional_forward=directional_forward, limit=limit, slice_condition=slice_condition # isna True in region ): assigned[target_slice] = value assigned.flags.writeable = False return assigned
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillna_forward(self, limit: int = 0) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after feeding forward the last non-null (NaN or None) observation across contiguous nulls. Args: {limit} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_directional( array=self.values, directional_forward=True, func_target=isna_array, limit=limit), index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillna_backward(self, limit: int = 0) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after feeding backward the last non-null (NaN or None) observation across contiguous nulls. Args: {limit} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_directional( array=self.values, directional_forward=False, func_target=isna_array, limit=limit), index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillfalsy_forward(self, limit: int = 0) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after feeding forward the last non-falsy observation across contiguous falsy values. Args: {limit} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_directional( array=self.values, directional_forward=True, func_target=isfalsy_array, limit=limit), index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillfalsy_backward(self, limit: int = 0) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after feeding backward the last non-falsy observation across contiguous falsy values. Args: {limit} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_directional( array=self.values, directional_forward=False, func_target=isfalsy_array, limit=limit), index=self._index, name=self._name)
@staticmethod def _fill_missing_sided(array: TNDArrayAny, value: tp.Any, sided_leading: bool, func_target: TUFunc, ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Args: sided_leading: True sets the side to fill is the leading side; False sets the side to fill to the trailiing side. ''' sel = func_target(array) if not np.any(sel): return array sided_index = 0 if sided_leading else -1 if not sel[sided_index]: # sided value is not null: nothing to do return array # assume immutable if value.__class__ is np.ndarray: raise RuntimeError('cannot assign an array to fillna') assignable_dtype = resolve_dtype( dtype_from_element(value), array.dtype) if array.dtype == assignable_dtype: assigned = array.copy() else: assigned = array.astype(assignable_dtype) ft = first_true_1d(~sel, forward=sided_leading) if ft != -1: if sided_leading: sel_slice = slice(0, ft) else: # trailing sel_slice = slice(ft+1, None) else: sel_slice = NULL_SLICE assigned[sel_slice] = value assigned.flags.writeable = False return assigned
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillna_leading(self, value: tp.Any) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after filling leading (and only leading) null (NaN or None) with the supplied value. Args: {value} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_sided( array=self.values, value=value, func_target=isna_array, sided_leading=True), index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillna_trailing(self, value: tp.Any) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after filling trailing (and only trailing) null (NaN or None) with the supplied value. Args: {value} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_sided( array=self.values, value=value, func_target=isna_array, sided_leading=False), index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillfalsy_leading(self, value: tp.Any) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after filling leading (and only leading) falsy values with the supplied value. Args: {value} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_sided( array=self.values, value=value, func_target=isfalsy_array, sided_leading=True), index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='fillna') def fillfalsy_trailing(self, value: tp.Any) -> tp.Self: '''Return a new :obj:`Series` after filling trailing (and only trailing) falsy values with the supplied value. Args: {value} ''' return self.__class__(self._fill_missing_sided( array=self.values, value=value, func_target=isfalsy_array, sided_leading=False), index=self._index, name=self._name)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # operators def _ufunc_unary_operator(self, operator: TUFunc) -> tp.Self: ''' For unary operations, the `name` attribute propagates. ''' values = operator(self.values) return self.__class__(values, index=self._index, dtype=values.dtype, # some operators might change the dtype name=self._name ) def _ufunc_binary_operator(self, *, operator: TUFunc, other: tp.Any, axis: int = 0, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: ''' For binary operations, the `name` attribute does not propagate unless other is a scalar. ''' # get both reverse and regular if operator.__name__ == 'matmul': return matmul(self, other) #type: ignore elif operator.__name__ == 'rmatmul': return matmul(other, self) #type: ignore values = self.values index = self._index other_is_array = False if isinstance(other, Series): name = None other_is_array = True if not self._index.equals(other._index): # if not equal, create a new Index by forming the union index = self._index.union(other._index) # now need to reindex the Series values = self.reindex(index, own_index=True, check_equals=False, fill_value=fill_value, ).values other = other.reindex(index, own_index=True, check_equals=False, fill_value=fill_value, ).values else: other = other.values elif other.__class__ is np.ndarray: name = None other_is_array = True if other.ndim > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Operator application to greater dimensionalities will result in an array with more than 1 dimension.') elif other.__class__ is InterfaceFillValue: raise RuntimeError('via_fill_value interfaces can only be used on the left-hand side of binary expressions.') else: name = self._name result = apply_binary_operator( values=values, other=other, other_is_array=other_is_array, operator=operator, ) return self.__class__(result, index=index, name=name) def _ufunc_axis_skipna(self, *, axis: int, skipna: bool, ufunc: TUFunc, ufunc_skipna: TUFunc, composable: bool, dtypes: tp.Tuple[TDtypeAny, ...], size_one_unity: bool ) -> tp.Any: ''' For a Series, all functions of this type reduce the single axis of the Series to a single element, so Index has no use here. Args: dtype: not used, part of signature for a common interface ''' return array_ufunc_axis_skipna( array=self.values, skipna=skipna, axis=0, ufunc=ufunc, ufunc_skipna=ufunc_skipna ) def _ufunc_shape_skipna(self, *, axis: int, skipna: bool, ufunc: TUFunc, ufunc_skipna: TUFunc, composable: bool, dtypes: tp.Tuple[TDtypeAny, ...], size_one_unity: bool ) -> tp.Self: ''' NumPy ufunc proccessors that retain the shape of the processed. Args: dtypes: not used, part of signature for a common interface ''' values = array_ufunc_axis_skipna( array=self.values, skipna=skipna, axis=0, ufunc=ufunc, ufunc_skipna=ufunc_skipna ) values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=self._index) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: '''Length of values. ''' return self.values.__len__()
def _display(self, config: DisplayConfig, *, display_cls: Display, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = None, ) -> Display: ''' Private display interface to be shared by Bus and Series. ''' index_depth = self._index.depth if config.include_index else 0 display_index = self._index.display(config=config) # When showing type we need 2: one for the Series type, the other for the index type. header_depth = 2 * config.type_show # create an empty display based on index display d = Display([list() for _ in range(len(display_index))], config=config, outermost=True, index_depth=index_depth, header_depth=header_depth, style_config=style_config, ) if config.include_index: d.extend_display(display_index) header_values = '' if config.type_show else None else: header_values = None d.extend_display(Display.from_values( self.values, header=header_values, config=config)) if config.type_show: d.insert_displays(display_cls.flatten()) return d
[docs] @doc_inject() def display(self, config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, *, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = None, ) -> Display: '''{doc} Args: {config} ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get() display_cls = Display.from_values((), header=DisplayHeader(self.__class__, self._name), config=config) return self._display(config, display_cls=display_cls, style_config=style_config, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # common attributes from the numpy array @property @doc_inject() def mloc(self) -> int: '''{doc_int} ''' return mloc(self.values) @property def dtype(self) -> TDtypeAny: ''' Return the dtype of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`numpy.dtype` ''' dt: TDtypeAny = self.values.dtype return dt @property def shape(self) -> tp.Tuple[int]: ''' Return a tuple describing the shape of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`Tuple[int]` ''' return self.values.shape #type: ignore @property def ndim(self) -> int: ''' Return the number of dimensions, which for a `Series` is always 1. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' return self._NDIM @property def size(self) -> int: ''' Return the size of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' return self.values.size @property def nbytes(self) -> int: ''' Return the total bytes of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' return self.values.nbytes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extraction # def _extract_array(self, key: TLocSelector) -> TNDArrayAny: # return self.values[key] @tp.overload def _extract_iloc(self, key: TILocSelectorMany) -> tp.Self: ... @tp.overload def _extract_iloc(self, key: TILocSelectorOne) -> tp.Any: ... def _extract_iloc(self, key: TILocSelector) -> tp.Any: try: values = self.values[key] except IndexError as e: raise KeyError(key) from e if isinstance(key, INT_TYPES): # if we have a single element return values return self.__class__( values, index=self._index.iloc[key], name=self._name) @tp.overload def _extract_loc(self, key: TLocSelectorMany) -> tp.Self: ... @tp.overload def _extract_loc(self, key: TLabel) -> tp.Any: ... def _extract_loc(self, key: TLocSelector) -> tp.Any: ''' Compatibility: Pandas supports taking in iterables of keys, where some keys are not found in the index; a Series is returned as if a reindex operation was performed. This is undesirable. Better instead is to use reindex() ''' iloc_key = self._index._loc_to_iloc(key) return self._extract_iloc(iloc_key) @tp.overload def __getitem__(self, key: TLocSelectorMany) -> tp.Self: ... @tp.overload def __getitem__(self, key: TLabel) -> TVDtype: ...
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='selector') def __getitem__(self, key: TLocSelector) -> tp.Any: '''Selector of values by label. Args: key: {key_loc} Compatibility: Pandas supports using both loc and iloc style selections with the __getitem__ interface on Series. This is undesirable, so here we only expose the loc interface (making the Series dictionary like, but unlike the Index, where __getitem__ is an iloc). ''' return self._extract_loc(key)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utilities for alternate extraction: drop, mask and assignment def _drop_iloc(self, key: TILocSelector) -> tp.Self: if key.__class__ is np.ndarray and key.dtype == bool: # type: ignore # use Boolean array to select indices from Index positions, as np.delete does not work with arrays values = np.delete(self.values, self._index.positions[key]) else: values = np.delete(self.values, key) # type: ignore values.flags.writeable = False index = self._index._drop_iloc(key) return self.__class__(values, index=index, name=self._name, own_index=True ) def _drop_loc(self, key: TLocSelector) -> tp.Self: return self._drop_iloc(self._index._loc_to_iloc(key)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _extract_iloc_mask(self, key: TILocSelector) -> tp.Self: '''Produce a new boolean Series of the same shape, where the values selected via iloc selection are True. The `name` attribute is not propagated. ''' mask = np.full(self.values.shape, False, dtype=bool) mask[key] = True mask.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(mask, index=self._index) def _extract_loc_mask(self, key: TLocSelector) -> tp.Self: '''Produce a new boolean Series of the same shape, where the values selected via loc selection are True. The `name` attribute is not propagated. ''' iloc_key = self._index._loc_to_iloc(key) return self._extract_iloc_mask(key=iloc_key) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _extract_iloc_masked_array(self, key: TILocSelector) -> MaskedArray[tp.Any, tp.Any]: '''Produce a new boolean Series of the same shape, where the values selected via iloc selection are True. ''' mask = self._extract_iloc_mask(key=key) return MaskedArray(data=self.values, mask=mask.values) # type: ignore def _extract_loc_masked_array(self, key: TLocSelector) -> MaskedArray[tp.Any, tp.Any]: '''Produce a new boolean Series of the same shape, where the values selected via loc selection are True. ''' iloc_key = self._index._loc_to_iloc(key) return self._extract_iloc_masked_array(key=iloc_key) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _extract_iloc_assign(self, key: TILocSelector) -> 'SeriesAssign': return SeriesAssign(self, key) def _extract_loc_assign(self, key: TLocSelector) -> 'SeriesAssign': iloc_key = self._index._loc_to_iloc(key) return SeriesAssign(self, iloc_key) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # axis functions def _axis_group_items(self, *, axis: int = 0, as_array: bool = False, group_source: TNDArrayAny, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TSeriesAny]]: ''' Args: group_source: Array to use to discovery groups; can be self.values to grouping on contained values. ''' if axis != 0: raise AxisInvalid(f'invalid axis {axis}') # NOTE: this could be optimized with a sorting-based apporach when possible groups, locations = array_to_groups_and_locations(group_source) func = self.values.__getitem__ if as_array else self._extract_iloc for idx, g in enumerate(groups): selection = locations == idx yield g, func(selection) # type: ignore def _axis_group(self, *, axis: int = 0, as_array: bool = False, group_source: TNDArrayAny, ) -> tp.Iterator[TSeriesAny]: yield from (x for _, x in self._axis_group_items( axis=axis, as_array=as_array, group_source=group_source, )) def _axis_element_items(self, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, tp.Any]]: '''Generator of index, value pairs, equivalent to Series.items(). Repeated to have a common signature as other axis functions. ''' yield from zip(self._index.__iter__(), self.values) def _axis_element(self, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Any]: yield from self.values def _axis_group_labels_items(self, depth_level: tp.Optional[TDepthLevel] = None, *, as_array: bool = False, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TSeriesAny]]: if depth_level is None: depth_level = 0 values = self.index.values_at_depth(depth_level) group_to_tuple = values.ndim == 2 groups, locations = array_to_groups_and_locations( values) func = self.values.__getitem__ if as_array else self._extract_iloc for idx, g in enumerate(groups): selection = locations == idx if group_to_tuple: g = tuple(g) yield g, func(selection) # type: ignore def _axis_group_labels(self, depth_level: TDepthLevel = 0, *, as_array: bool = False, ) -> tp.Iterator[TSeriesAny]: yield from (x for _, x in self._axis_group_labels_items( depth_level=depth_level, as_array=as_array, )) def _axis_window_items(self, *, size: int, axis: int = 0, step: int = 1, window_sized: bool = True, window_func: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, window_valid: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, label_shift: int = 0, label_missing_skips: bool = True, label_missing_raises: bool = False, start_shift: int = 0, size_increment: int = 0, as_array: bool = False, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, tp.Union[TNDArrayAny, TSeriesAny]]]: '''Generator of index, processed-window pairs. ''' yield from axis_window_items( source=self, axis=axis, size=size, step=step, window_sized=window_sized, window_func=window_func, window_valid=window_valid, label_shift=label_shift, label_missing_skips=label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises=label_missing_raises, start_shift=start_shift, size_increment=size_increment, as_array=as_array, derive_label=True, ) def _axis_window(self, *, size: int, axis: int = 0, step: int = 1, window_sized: bool = True, window_func: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, window_valid: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, label_shift: int = 0, label_missing_skips: bool = True, label_missing_raises: bool = False, start_shift: int = 0, size_increment: int = 0, as_array: bool = False, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Union[TNDArrayAny, TSeriesAny]]: yield from (x for _, x in axis_window_items( source=self, axis=axis, size=size, step=step, window_sized=window_sized, window_func=window_func, window_valid=window_valid, label_shift=label_shift, label_missing_skips=label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises=label_missing_raises, start_shift=start_shift, size_increment=size_increment, as_array=as_array, derive_label=False, )) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def index(self) -> IndexBase: ''' The index instance assigned to this container. Returns: :obj:`static_frame.Index` ''' return self._index #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dictionary-like interface
[docs] def keys(self) -> IndexBase: ''' Iterator of index labels. Returns: :obj:`Iterator[TLabel]` ''' return self._index
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[TLabel]: ''' Iterator of index labels, same as :obj:`static_frame.Series.keys`. Returns: :obj:`Iterator[Hashasble]` ''' return self._index.__iter__()
[docs] def __contains__(self, value: TLabel) -> bool: ''' Inclusion of value in index labels. Returns: :obj:`bool` ''' return self._index.__contains__(value)
[docs] def items(self) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[tp.Any, tp.Any]]: '''Iterator of pairs of index label and value. Returns: :obj:`Iterator[Tuple[Hashable, Any]]` ''' return zip(self._index.__iter__(), self.values)
[docs] def get(self, key: TLabel, default: tp.Any = None, ) -> tp.Any: ''' Return the value found at the index key, else the default if the key is not found. Returns: :obj:`Any` ''' if key not in self._index: return default return self.__getitem__(key)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # transformations resulting in the same dimensionality
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='sort') def sort_index(self, *, ascending: TBoolOrBools = True, kind: TSortKinds = DEFAULT_SORT_KIND, key: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[IndexBase], tp.Union[TNDArrayAny, IndexBase]]] = None, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new Series ordered by the sorted Index. Args: * {ascendings} {kind} {key} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' order = sort_index_for_order(self._index, kind=kind, ascending=ascending, key=key) index = self._index[order] values = self.values[order] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=index, name=self._name, own_index=True )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='sort') def sort_values(self, *, ascending: bool = True, kind: TSortKinds = DEFAULT_SORT_KIND, key: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[TSeriesAny], tp.Union[TNDArrayAny, TSeriesAny]]] = None, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a new Series ordered by the sorted values. Args: * {ascending} {kind} {key} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' if key: cfs = key(self) cfs_values = cfs if cfs.__class__ is np.ndarray else cfs.values # type: ignore else: cfs_values = self.values asc_is_element = isinstance(ascending, BOOL_TYPES) if not asc_is_element: raise RuntimeError('Multiple ascending values not permitted.') # argsort lets us do the sort once and reuse the results order = np.argsort(cfs_values, kind=kind) if not ascending: order = order[::-1] index = self._index[order] values = self.values[order] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=index, name=self._name, own_index=True )
[docs] def isin(self, other: tp.Iterable[tp.Any]) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a same-sized Boolean Series that shows if the same-positioned element is in the iterable passed to the function. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' # returns an immutable array array = isin(self.values, other) return self.__class__(array, index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(class_name='Series') def clip(self, *, lower: tp.Optional[tp.Union[float, TSeriesAny]] = None, upper: tp.Optional[tp.Union[float, TSeriesAny]] = None, ) -> tp.Self: '''{} Args: lower: value or ``Series`` to define the inclusive lower bound. upper: value or ``Series`` to define the inclusive upper bound. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' args: tp.List[TNDArrayAny | float | None] = [] for idx, arg in enumerate((lower, upper)): # arg = args[idx] if isinstance(arg, Series): # after reindexing, strip away the index # NOTE: using the bound forces going to a float type; this may not be the best approach bound = -np.inf if idx == 0 else np.inf args.append(arg.reindex(self.index).fillna(bound).values) elif hasattr(arg, '__iter__'): raise RuntimeError('only Series are supported as iterable lower/upper arguments') else: args.append(arg) array = np.clip(self.values, *args) # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E1120 array.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(array, index=self._index, name=self._name)
[docs] def transpose(self) -> tp.Self: '''Transpose. For a 1D immutable container, this returns a reference to self. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self
@property def T(self) -> tp.Self: '''Transpose. For a 1D immutable container, this returns a reference to self. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self.transpose()
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='duplicated') def duplicated(self, *, exclude_first: bool = False, exclude_last: bool = False, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a same-sized Boolean Series that shows True for all values that are duplicated. Args: {exclude_first} {exclude_last} Returns: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` ''' duplicates = array_to_duplicated(self.values, exclude_first=exclude_first, exclude_last=exclude_last) duplicates.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(duplicates, index=self._index)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='duplicated') def drop_duplicated(self, *, exclude_first: bool = False, exclude_last: bool = False ) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a Series with duplicated values removed. Args: {exclude_first} {exclude_last} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' duplicates = array_to_duplicated(self.values, exclude_first=exclude_first, exclude_last=exclude_last) keep = ~duplicates return self.__class__(self.values[keep], index=self._index[keep], name=self._name )
[docs] @doc_inject(select='astype') def astype(self, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a Series with type determined by `dtype` argument. Note that for Series, this is a simple function, whereas for ``Frame``, this is an interface exposing both a callable and a getitem interface. Args: {dtype} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' dtype = validate_dtype_specifier(dtype) array = self.values.astype(dtype) array.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__( array, index=self._index, name=self._name )
[docs] def __round__(self, decimals: int = 0) -> tp.Self: ''' Return a Series rounded to the given decimals. Negative decimals round to the left of the decimal point. Args: decimals: number of decimals to round to. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self.__class__( np.round(self.values, decimals), index=self._index, name=self._name )
[docs] def roll(self, shift: int, *, include_index: bool = False, ) -> tp.Self: '''Return a Series with values rotated forward and wrapped around the index (with a positive shift) or backward and wrapped around the index (with a negative shift). Args: shift: Positive or negative integer shift. include_index: Determine if the Index is shifted with the underlying data. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' if shift % len(self.values): values = array_shift( array=self.values, shift=shift, axis=0, wrap=True) values.flags.writeable = False else: values = self.values if include_index: index = self._index.roll(shift=shift) own_index = True else: index = self._index own_index = False return self.__class__(values, index=index, name=self._name, own_index=own_index)
[docs] def shift(self, shift: int, *, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: '''Return a `Series` with values shifted forward on the index (with a positive shift) or backward on the index (with a negative shift). Args: shift: Positive or negative integer shift. fill_value: Value to be used to fill data missing after the shift. Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' if is_fill_value_factory_initializer(fill_value): fv = get_col_fill_value_factory(fill_value, None)(0, self.values.dtype) else: fv = fill_value if shift: values = array_shift( array=self.values, shift=shift, axis=0, wrap=False, fill_value=fv) values.flags.writeable = False else: values = self.values return self.__class__(values, index=self._index, name=self._name)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ranking transformations resulting in the same dimensionality def _rank(self, *, method: RankMethod, skipna: bool = True, ascending: bool = True, start: int = 0, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: if is_fill_value_factory_initializer(fill_value): fv = get_col_fill_value_factory(fill_value, None)(0, self.values.dtype) else: fv = fill_value if not skipna or self.dtype.kind not in DTYPE_NA_KINDS: rankable = self else: # only call dropna if necessary rankable = self.dropna() # returns an immutable array values = rank_1d(rankable.values, method=method, ascending=ascending, start=start, ) if rankable is self or len(values) == len(self): return self.__class__(values, index=self.index, name=self._name, own_index=True, ) post = self.__class__(values, index=rankable.index, name=self._name, own_index=True, ) # this will preserve the name return post.reindex(self.index, fill_value=fv, check_equals=False, # the index will never be equal )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='rank') def rank_ordinal(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ascending: bool = True, start: int = 0, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: '''Rank values distinctly, where ties get distinct values that maintain their ordering, and ranks are contiguous unique integers. Args: {skipna} {ascending} {start} {fill_value} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self._rank( method=RankMethod.ORDINAL, skipna=skipna, ascending=ascending, start=start, fill_value=fill_value, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='rank') def rank_dense(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ascending: bool = True, start: int = 0, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: '''Rank values as compactly as possible, where ties get the same value, and ranks are contiguous (potentially non-unique) integers. Args: {skipna} {ascending} {start} {fill_value} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self._rank( method=RankMethod.DENSE, skipna=skipna, ascending=ascending, start=start, fill_value=fill_value, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='rank') def rank_min(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ascending: bool = True, start: int = 0, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: '''Rank values where tied values are assigned the minimum ordinal rank; ranks are potentially non-contiguous and non-unique integers. Args: {skipna} {ascending} {start} {fill_value} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self._rank( method=RankMethod.MIN, skipna=skipna, ascending=ascending, start=start, fill_value=fill_value, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='rank') def rank_max(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ascending: bool = True, start: int = 0, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: '''Rank values where tied values are assigned the maximum ordinal rank; ranks are potentially non-contiguous and non-unique integers. Args: {skipna} {ascending} {start} {fill_value} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self._rank( method=RankMethod.MAX, skipna=skipna, ascending=ascending, start=start, fill_value=fill_value, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='rank') def rank_mean(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ascending: bool = True, start: int = 0, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Self: '''Rank values where tied values are assigned the mean of the ordinal ranks; ranks are potentially non-contiguous and non-unique floats. Args: {skipna} {ascending} {start} {fill_value} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self._rank( method=RankMethod.MEAN, skipna=skipna, ascending=ascending, start=start, fill_value=fill_value, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # transformations resulting in changed dimensionality
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='head', class_name='Series') def head(self, count: int = 5) -> TSeriesAny: '''{doc} Args: {count} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self.iloc[:count]
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='tail', class_name='Series') def tail(self, count: int = 5) -> TSeriesAny: '''{doc}s Args: {count} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' return self.iloc[-count:]
[docs] def count(self, *, skipna: bool = True, skipfalsy: bool = False, unique: bool = False, axis: int = 0, ) -> int: ''' Return the count of non-NA, non-falsy, and/or unique elements. Args: skipna: skip NA (NaN, None) values. skipfalsy: skip falsu values (0, '', False, None, NaN) unique: Count unique items after optionally applying ``skipna`` or ``skipfalsy`` removals. ''' # NOTE: axis arg for compat with Frame, is not used if not skipna and skipfalsy: raise RuntimeError('Cannot skipfalsy and not skipna.') values = self.values if not skipna and not skipfalsy and not unique: return len(values) valid: tp.Optional[TNDArrayAny] = None if skipfalsy: # always includes skipna valid = ~isfalsy_array(values) elif skipna: # NOTE: elif, as skipfalsy incldues skipna valid = ~isna_array(values) if unique and valid is None: return len(ufunc_unique1d(values)) elif unique and valid is not None: # valid is a Boolean array return len(ufunc_unique1d(values[valid])) elif not unique and valid is not None: return valid.sum() #type: ignore [no-any-return] # not unique, valid is None, means no removals, handled above raise NotImplementedError() #pragma: no cover
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='sample') def sample(self, count: int = 1, *, seed: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> tp.Self: '''{doc} Args: {count} {seed} ''' index, key = self._index._sample_and_key(count=count, seed=seed) values = self.values[key] values.flags.writeable = False return self.__class__(values, index=index, name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='argminmax') def loc_min(self, *, skipna: bool = True ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the label corresponding to the minimum value found. Args: {skipna} Returns: TLabel ''' # if skipna is False and a NaN is returned, this will raise post = argmin_1d(self.values, skipna=skipna) if isinstance(post, FLOAT_TYPES): # NaN was returned raise RuntimeError('cannot produce loc representation from NaN') return self.index[post] # type: ignore
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='argminmax') def iloc_min(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ) -> int: ''' Return the integer index corresponding to the minimum value found. Args: {skipna} Returns: int ''' return argmin_1d(self.values, skipna=skipna) #type: ignore
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='argminmax') def loc_max(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the label corresponding to the maximum value found. Args: {skipna} Returns: TLabel ''' post = argmax_1d(self.values, skipna=skipna) if isinstance(post, FLOAT_TYPES): # NaN was returned raise RuntimeError('cannot produce loc representation from NaN') return self.index[post] # type: ignore
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='argminmax') def iloc_max(self, *, skipna: bool = True, ) -> int: ''' Return the integer index corresponding to the maximum value. Args: {skipna} Returns: int ''' return argmax_1d(self.values, skipna=skipna) #type: ignore
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _label_not_missing(self, *, return_label: bool, forward: bool, fill_value: TLabel = np.nan, func: tp.Callable[[TNDArrayAny], TNDArrayAny], ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the label corresponding to the first not NA (None or nan) value found. Args: {skipna} Returns: TLabel ''' # if skipna is False and a NaN is returned, this will raise if not len(self.values): return fill_value target = ~func(self.values) pos = first_true_1d(target, forward=forward) if pos == -1: return fill_value if return_label: return self._index[pos] # type: ignore return pos
[docs] def iloc_notna_first(self, *, fill_value: int = -1, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the position corresponding to the first not NA (None or nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=False, forward=True, fill_value=fill_value, func=isna_array, )
[docs] def iloc_notna_last(self, *, fill_value: int = -1, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the position corresponding to the last not NA (None or nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=False, forward=False, fill_value=fill_value, func=isna_array, )
[docs] def loc_notna_first(self, *, fill_value: TLabel = np.nan, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the label corresponding to the first not NA (None or nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=True, forward=True, fill_value=fill_value, func=isna_array, )
[docs] def loc_notna_last(self, *, fill_value: TLabel = -1, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the label corresponding to the last not NA (None or nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=True, forward=False, fill_value=fill_value, func=isna_array, )
[docs] def loc_notfalsy_first(self, *, fill_value: TLabel = np.nan, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the label corresponding to the first non-falsy (including nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=True, forward=True, fill_value=fill_value, func=isfalsy_array, )
[docs] def iloc_notfalsy_first(self, *, fill_value: int = -1, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the position corresponding to the first non-falsy (including nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=False, forward=True, fill_value=fill_value, func=isfalsy_array, )
[docs] def loc_notfalsy_last(self, *, fill_value: TLabel = np.nan, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the label corresponding to the last non-falsy (including nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=True, forward=False, fill_value=fill_value, func=isfalsy_array, )
[docs] def iloc_notfalsy_last(self, *, fill_value: int = -1, ) -> TLabel: ''' Return the position corresponding to the last non-falsy (including nan) value found. Args: {fill_value} Returns: TLabel ''' return self._label_not_missing( return_label=False, forward=False, fill_value=fill_value, func=isfalsy_array, )
[docs] def cov(self, other: tp.Union[TSeriesAny, TNDArrayAny], *, ddof: int = 1, ) -> float: ''' Return the index-aligned covariance to the supplied :obj:`Series`. Args: ddof: Delta degrees of freedom, defaults to 1. ''' if isinstance(other, Series): other = other.loc[self._index].values # by convention, we return just the corner return np.cov(self.values, other, ddof=ddof)[0, -1] #type: ignore [no-any-return]
[docs] def corr(self, other: tp.Union[TSeriesAny, TNDArrayAny], ) -> float: ''' Return the index-aligned correlation to the supplied :obj:`Series`. Args: other: Series to be correlated with by selection on corresponding labels. ''' if isinstance(other, Series): other = other.loc[self._index].values # by convention, we return just the corner return np.corrcoef(self.values, other)[0, -1] #type: ignore [no-any-return]
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='searchsorted', label_type='iloc (integer)') def iloc_searchsorted(self, values: tp.Any, *, side_left: bool = True, ) -> TNDArrayAny: # might be 0 dim scalar ''' {doc} Args: {values} {side_left} ''' if not isinstance(values, str) and hasattr(values, '__len__'): if not values.__class__ is np.ndarray: values, _ = iterable_to_array_1d(values) post: TNDArrayAny = np.searchsorted(self.values, # pyright: ignore values, 'left' if side_left else 'right', ) return post
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='searchsorted', label_type='loc (label)') def loc_searchsorted(self, values: tp.Any, *, side_left: bool = True, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> tp.Union[TLabel, TNDArrayAny]: ''' {doc} Args: {values} {side_left} {fill_value} ''' sel: TNDArrayAny = self.iloc_searchsorted(values, side_left=side_left) length = self.__len__() if sel.ndim == 0 and sel == length: # an element: return fill_value #type: ignore [no-any-return] # sel and mask might be zero-dimensional found: TNDArrayAny = sel != length if found.all(): # if all matches within series if self._index.ndim == 1: return self._index.values[sel] elif found.sum() == 1: return self._index._extract_iloc(sel) # pyright: ignore if self._index.ndim == 1: post = np.full(len(sel), fill_value, dtype=resolve_dtype(self._index.dtype, # type: ignore dtype_from_element(fill_value)) ) post[found] = self._index.values[sel[found]] else: # build object array of tuples post = np.full(len(sel), fill_value, dtype=object) for i, (j, assign) in enumerate(zip(sel, found)): if assign: post[i] = self._index._extract_iloc(j) post.flags.writeable = False return post
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _insert(self, key: int | np.integer[tp.Any], # iloc positions container: TSeriesAny, *, after: bool, ) -> tp.Self: if not isinstance(container, Series): raise NotImplementedError( f'No support for inserting with {type(container)}') if not len(container.index): # must be empty data, empty index container return self # this filter is needed to handle possible invalid ILoc values passed through key = iloc_to_insertion_iloc(key, self.values.__len__()) + after dtype = resolve_dtype(self.values.dtype, container.dtype) values = np.empty(len(self) + len(container), dtype=dtype) key_end = key + len(container) values_prior = self.values values[:key] = values_prior[:key] values[key: key_end] = container.values values[key_end:] = values_prior[key:] values.flags.writeable = False labels_prior = self._index.values index = self._index.__class__.from_labels(chain( labels_prior[:key], container._index.__iter__(), # type: ignore labels_prior[key:], )) return self.__class__(values, index=index, name=self._name, own_index=True, )
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='insert') def insert_before(self, key: TLabel, container: TSeriesAny, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Create a new :obj:`Series` by inserting a :obj:`Series` at the position before the label specified by ``key``. Args: {key_before} {container} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' iloc_key = self._index._loc_to_iloc(key) if not isinstance(iloc_key, INT_TYPES): raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported key type: {key!r}') return self._insert(iloc_key, container, after=False)
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='insert') def insert_after(self, key: TLabel, # iloc positions container: TSeriesAny, ) -> tp.Self: ''' Create a new :obj:`Series` by inserting a :obj:`Series` at the position after the label specified by ``key``. Args: {key_after} {container} Returns: :obj:`Series` ''' iloc_key = self._index._loc_to_iloc(key) if not isinstance(iloc_key, INT_TYPES): raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported key type: {key!r}') return self._insert(iloc_key, container, after=True)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility function to numpy array or other types
[docs] def unique(self) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Return a NumPy array of unique values. Returns: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` ''' return ufunc_unique1d(self.values)
[docs] @doc_inject() def unique_enumerated(self, *, retain_order: bool = False, func: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[tp.Any], bool]] = None, ) -> tp.Tuple[TNDArrayAny, TNDArrayAny]: ''' {doc} {args} ''' return ufunc_unique_enumerated(self.values, retain_order=retain_order, func=func, )
[docs] @doc_inject() def equals(self, other: tp.Any, *, compare_name: bool = False, compare_dtype: bool = False, compare_class: bool = False, skipna: bool = True, ) -> bool: ''' {doc} Args: {compare_name} {compare_dtype} {compare_class} {skipna} ''' if id(other) == id(self): return True # NOTE: there are presently no Series subclasses, but better to be consistent if compare_class and self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False elif not isinstance(other, Series): return False if len(self.values) != len(other.values): return False if compare_name and self._name != other._name: return False if compare_dtype and self.values.dtype != other.values.dtype: return False if not arrays_equal(self.values, other.values, skipna=skipna): return False return self._index.equals(other._index, compare_name=compare_name, compare_dtype=compare_dtype, compare_class=compare_class, skipna=skipna, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # export
[docs] def to_pairs(self) -> tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[TLabel, tp.Any]]: ''' Return a tuple of tuples, where each inner tuple is a pair of index label, value. Returns: tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[TLabel, tp.Any]] ''' index_values: tp.Iterable[TLabel] if isinstance(self._index, IndexHierarchy): index_values = self._index.__iter__() else: index_values = self._index.values return tuple(zip(index_values, self.values))
def _to_frame(self, *, constructor: tp.Type[FrameType], axis: int = 1, index: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, index_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, columns: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, columns_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, ) -> FrameType: ''' Common function for creating :obj:`Frame` from :obj:`Series`. ''' from static_frame import TypeBlocks if axis == 1: # present as a column def block_gen() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: yield self.values if index is IndexAutoFactory: index = None own_index = False elif index is not None: own_index = False else: index = self._index own_index = index_constructor is None if columns is IndexAutoFactory: columns = None elif columns is not None: pass # precedent elif self._name is None: columns = None else: columns = (self._name,) own_columns = False elif axis == 0: def block_gen() -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: array = self.values yield array.reshape(1, array.shape[0]) if index is IndexAutoFactory: index = None elif index is not None: pass elif self._name is None: index = None else: index = (self._name,) own_index = False # if column constuctor is static, we can own the static index if columns is IndexAutoFactory: columns = None own_columns = False elif columns is not None: own_columns = False else: columns = self._index own_columns = (constructor._COLUMNS_CONSTRUCTOR.STATIC and (columns_constructor is None)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'no handling for axis {axis}') return constructor( TypeBlocks.from_blocks(block_gen()), index=index, columns=columns, index_constructor=index_constructor, columns_constructor=columns_constructor, own_data=True, own_index=own_index, own_columns=own_columns, name=name if name is not NAME_DEFAULT else None, )
[docs] def to_frame(self, axis: int = 1, *, index: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, index_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, columns: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, columns_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, ) -> TFrameAny: ''' Return a :obj:`Frame` view of this :obj:`Series`. As underlying data is immutable, this is a no-copy operation. Args: axis: Axis 1 (default) creates a single-column :obj:`Frame` with the same index: axis 0 creates a single-row :obj:`Frame` with the index as columns. * index_constructor: columns_constructor: name: Returns: :obj:`Frame` ''' from static_frame import Frame return self._to_frame(constructor=Frame, axis=axis, index=index, index_constructor=index_constructor, columns=columns, columns_constructor=columns_constructor, name=name, )
[docs] def to_frame_go(self, axis: int = 1, *, index: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, index_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, columns: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, columns_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, ) -> TFrameGOAny: ''' Return :obj:`FrameGO` view of this :obj:`Series`. As underlying data is immutable, this is a no-copy operation. Args: axis: * index_constructor: columns_constructor: Returns: :obj:`FrameGO` ''' from static_frame import FrameGO return self._to_frame(constructor=FrameGO, axis=axis, index=index, index_constructor=index_constructor, columns=columns, columns_constructor=columns_constructor, name=name, )
[docs] def to_frame_he(self, axis: int = 1, *, index: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, index_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, columns: TIndexInitOrAuto = None, columns_constructor: TIndexCtorSpecifier = None, name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT, ) -> TFrameHEAny: ''' Return :obj:`FrameHE` view of this :obj:`Series`. As underlying data is immutable, this is a no-copy operation. Args: axis: * index_constructor: columns_constructor: Returns: :obj:`FrameHE` ''' from static_frame import FrameHE return self._to_frame(constructor=FrameHE, axis=axis, index=index, index_constructor=index_constructor, columns=columns, columns_constructor=columns_constructor, name=name, )
[docs] def to_series_he(self) -> TSeriesHEAny: ''' Return a :obj:`SeriesHE` from this :obj:`Series`. ''' return SeriesHE(self.values, index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True, )
def _to_signature_bytes(self, include_name: bool = True, include_class: bool = True, encoding: str = 'utf-8', ) -> bytes: return b''.join(chain( iter_component_signature_bytes(self, include_name=include_name, include_class=include_class, encoding=encoding), (self._index._to_signature_bytes( include_name=include_name, include_class=include_class, encoding=encoding), self.values.tobytes(),) )) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> 'pandas.Series': ''' Return a Pandas Series. Returns: :obj:`pandas.Series` ''' import pandas return pandas.Series(self.values.copy(), index=self._index.to_pandas(), name=self._name)
[docs] @doc_inject(class_name='Series') def to_html(self, config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = STYLE_CONFIG_DEFAULT, ) -> str: ''' {} ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get(type_show=False) config = config.to_display_config( display_format=DisplayFormats.HTML_TABLE, ) style_config = style_config_css_factory(style_config, self) return repr(self.display(config, style_config=style_config))
[docs] @doc_inject(class_name='Series') def to_html_datatables(self, fp: tp.Optional[TPathSpecifierOrTextIO] = None, show: bool = True, config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None ) -> tp.Optional[str]: ''' {} ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get(type_show=False) config = config.to_display_config( display_format=DisplayFormats.HTML_DATATABLES, ) content = repr(self.display(config)) # path_filter applied in call fp = write_optional_file(content=content, fp=fp) if show: assert isinstance(fp, str) #pragma: no cover import webbrowser # pragma: no cover webbrowser.open_new_tab(fp) #pragma: no cover return fp
doc_update(Series.__init__, selector='container_init', class_name='Series') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SeriesAssign(Assign): __slots__ = ('container', 'key') _INTERFACE = ( '__call__', 'apply', 'apply_element', 'apply_element_items', ) def __init__(self, container: TSeriesAny, key: TILocSelector, ) -> None: ''' Args: key: an iloc-style key. ''' self.container: TSeriesAny = container self.key: TILocSelector = key
[docs] def __call__(self, value: tp.Any, # any possible assignment type *, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan ) -> TSeriesAny: ''' Assign the ``value`` in the position specified by the selector. The `name` attribute is propagated to the returned container. Args: value: Value to assign, which can be a :obj:`Series`, np.ndarray, or element. *. fill_value: If the ``value`` parameter has to be reindexed, this element will be used to fill newly created elements. ''' if isinstance(value, Series): value = self.container._reindex_other_like_iloc(value, self.key, fill_value=fill_value).values if value.__class__ is np.ndarray: if len(value) == 0: return self.container value_dtype = value.dtype elif hasattr(value, '__iter__') and not isinstance(value, str): # NOTE: might exclude tuples, as the are generally treated as an element value, _ = iterable_to_array_1d(value, count=len(value)) if len(value) == 0: return self.container value_dtype = value.dtype else: value_dtype = dtype_from_element(value) dtype = resolve_dtype(self.container.dtype, value_dtype) # create or copy the array to return if dtype == self.container.dtype: array = self.container.values.copy() else: array = self.container.values.astype(dtype) array[self.key] = value array.flags.writeable = False return self.container.__class__(array, index=self.container._index, name=self.container._name)
[docs] def apply(self, func: TCallableAny, *, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> TSeriesAny: ''' Provide a function to apply to the assignment target, and use that as the assignment value. Args: func: A function to apply to the assignment target. *. fill_value: If the function does not produce a container with a matching index, the element will be used to fill newly created elements. ''' value = func(self.container.iloc[self.key]) return self.__call__(value, fill_value=fill_value)
[docs] def apply_element(self, func: TCallableAny, *, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> TSeriesAny: ''' Provide a function to apply to each element in the assignment target, and use that as the assignment value. Args: func: A function to apply to the assignment target. * fill_value: If the function does not produce a container with a matching index, the element will be used to fill newly created elements. ''' return self.apply( lambda c: c.iter_element().apply(func, dtype=dtype), fill_value=fill_value, )
[docs] def apply_element_items(self, func: TCallableAny, *, dtype: TDtypeSpecifier = None, fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan, ) -> TSeriesAny: ''' Provide a function, taking pairs of label, element, to apply to each element in the assignment target, and use that as the assignment value. Args: func: A function, taking pairs of label, element, to apply to the assignment target. * fill_value: If the function does not produce a container with a matching index, the element will be used to fill newly created elements. ''' return self.apply( lambda c: c.iter_element_items().apply(func, dtype=dtype), fill_value=fill_value, )
[docs] class SeriesHE(Series[TVIndex, TVDtype]): ''' A hash/equals subclass of :obj:`Series`, permiting usage in a Python set, dictionary, or other contexts where a hashable container is needed. To support hashability, ``__eq__`` is implemented to return a Boolean rather than an Boolean :obj:`Series`. ''' __slots__ = ('_hash',) _hash: int
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: tp.Any) -> bool: ''' Return True if other is a ``Series`` with the same labels, values, and name. Container class and underlying dtypes are not independently compared. ''' return self.equals(other, compare_name=True, compare_dtype=False, compare_class=False, skipna=True, )
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: tp.Any) -> bool: ''' Return False if other is a ``Series`` with the same labels, values, and name. Container class and underlying dtypes are not independently compared. ''' return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self) -> int: if not hasattr(self, '_hash'): self._hash = hash(tuple(self.index.values)) return self._hash
[docs] def to_series(self) -> TSeriesAny: ''' Return a ``Series`` from this ``SeriesHE``. ''' return Series(self.values, index=self._index, name=self._name, own_index=True, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # interfaces are redefined to show type returned type @property def loc(self) -> InterGetItemLocReduces[TSeriesHEAny, TVDtype]: ''' Interface for label-based selection. ''' return InterGetItemLocReduces(self._extract_loc) # type: ignore @property def iloc(self) -> InterGetItemILocReduces[TSeriesHEAny, TVDtype]: ''' Interface for position-based selection. ''' return InterGetItemILocReduces(self._extract_iloc)
TSeriesAny = Series[tp.Any, tp.Any] TSeriesHEAny = SeriesHE[tp.Any, tp.Any]