Detail: Yarn: Exporter

Overview: Yarn: Exporter

Yarn.to_duckdb(fp, *, config=None)

Write the complete Bus as an SQLite database file.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=False)
>>> y
x       Frame
y       Frame
v       Frame
w       Frame
<<U1>   <object>
>>> y.to_duckdb('/tmp/y.duckdb')
Yarn.to_hdf5(fp, *, config=None)

Write the complete Bus as an HDF5 table.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=False)
>>> y
x       Frame
y       Frame
v       Frame
w       Frame
<<U1>   <object>
>>> y.to_hdf5('/tmp/y.hdf5')

Return a Series with the Frame contained in all contained Bus.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=False)
>>> y
x       Frame
y       Frame
v       Frame
w       Frame
<<U1>   <object>
>>> y.to_series()
x        Frame
y        Frame
v        Frame
w        Frame
<<U1>    <object>
Yarn.to_sqlite(fp, *, config=None)

Write the complete Bus as an SQLite database file.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=False)
>>> y
x       Frame
y       Frame
v       Frame
w       Frame
<<U1>   <object>
>>> y.to_sqlite('/tmp/y.sqlite')

Open an interactive VisiData session.

Yarn.to_xlsx(fp, *, config=None)

Write the complete Bus as a XLSX workbook.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=False)
>>> y
x       Frame
y       Frame
v       Frame
w       Frame
<<U1>   <object>
>>> y.to_xlsx('/tmp/y.xlsx')
Yarn.to_zip_csv(fp, *, config=None, compression=8)

Write the complete Bus as a zipped archive of CSV files.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=True)
>>> y
i                x     Frame
i                y     Frame
j                v     Frame
j                w     Frame
<<U1>            <<U1> <object>
>>> y.to_zip_csv('/tmp/', config=sf.StoreConfig(label_encoder=str))
Yarn.to_zip_npy(fp, *, config=None, compression=8)

Write the complete Bus as a zipped archive of NPY files.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=True)
>>> y
i                x     Frame
i                y     Frame
j                v     Frame
j                w     Frame
<<U1>            <<U1> <object>
>>> y.to_zip_npy('/tmp/', config=sf.StoreConfig(label_encoder=str))
Yarn.to_zip_npz(fp, *, config=None, compression=8)

Write the complete Bus as a zipped archive of NPZ files.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=True)
>>> y
i                x     Frame
i                y     Frame
j                v     Frame
j                w     Frame
<<U1>            <<U1> <object>
>>> y.to_zip_npz('/tmp/', config=sf.StoreConfig(label_encoder=str))
Yarn.to_zip_parquet(fp, *, config=None, compression=8)

Write the complete Bus as a zipped archive of parquet files.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=True)
>>> y
i                x     Frame
i                y     Frame
j                v     Frame
j                w     Frame
<<U1>            <<U1> <object>
>>> y.to_zip_parquet('/tmp/', config=sf.StoreConfig(label_encoder=str))
Yarn.to_zip_pickle(fp, *, config=None, compression=8)

Write the complete Bus as a zipped archive of pickles.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=True)
>>> y
i                x     Frame
i                y     Frame
j                v     Frame
j                w     Frame
<<U1>            <<U1> <object>
>>> y.to_zip_pickle('/tmp/', config=sf.StoreConfig(label_encoder=str))
Yarn.to_zip_tsv(fp, *, config=None, compression=8)

Write the complete Bus as a zipped archive of TSV files.

  • fp – A string file path or Path instance.

  • config – A StoreConfig, or a mapping of label ot StoreConfig

  • compression – Provide a zip compression setting using values from the Python zipfile module; zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED is standard zlib compression; zipfile.ZIP_STORED disables compression and may give better performance at the cost of larger file sizes.

>>> b1 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='x'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 2).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='y')), name='i')
>>> b2 = sf.Bus.from_frames((sf.Frame(np.arange(40, 46).reshape(3,2), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('a', 'b'), name='v'), sf.Frame((np.arange(6).reshape(3,2) % 3).astype(bool), index=('p', 'q', 'r'), columns=('c', 'd'), name='w')), name='j')
>>> y = sf.Yarn.from_buses((b1, b2), retain_labels=True)
>>> y
i                x     Frame
i                y     Frame
j                v     Frame
j                w     Frame
<<U1>            <<U1> <object>
>>> y.to_zip_tsv('/tmp/', config=sf.StoreConfig(label_encoder=str))

Yarn: Constructor | Exporter | Attribute | Method | Dictionary-Like | Display | Selector | Iterator | Accessor Hashlib | Accessor Type Clinic