Source code for static_frame.core.index_datetime

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp
from arraymap import AutoMap  # pylint: disable = E0611

from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_inject
from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_update
from static_frame.core.exception import InvalidDatetime64Initializer
from static_frame.core.exception import LocInvalid
from static_frame.core.index import INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
from static_frame.core.index import Index
from static_frame.core.index import IndexGO
from static_frame.core.index import _IndexGOMixin
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_DAY
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_H
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_M
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_MONTH
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_MS
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_NS
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_S
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_US
from static_frame.core.util import DT64_YEAR
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_BOOL
from static_frame.core.util import NAME_DEFAULT
from static_frame.core.util import TD64_DAY
from static_frame.core.util import TD64_MONTH
from static_frame.core.util import TD64_YEAR
from static_frame.core.util import TDateInitializer
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TIndexInitializer
from static_frame.core.util import TKeyTransform
from static_frame.core.util import TLabel
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TName
from static_frame.core.util import TYearInitializer
from static_frame.core.util import TYearMonthInitializer
from static_frame.core.util import WarningsSilent
from static_frame.core.util import key_to_datetime_key
from static_frame.core.util import to_datetime64
from static_frame.core.util import to_timedelta64

    import pandas  # pragma: no cover
    TNDArrayAny = np.ndarray[tp.Any, tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    TDtypeDT64 = np.dtype[np.datetime64] #pragma: no cover

key_to_datetime_key_year = partial(key_to_datetime_key, dtype=DT64_YEAR)

I = tp.TypeVar('I', bound='IndexDatetime')

# Specialized index for dates

class IndexDatetime(Index[np.datetime64]):
    Derivation of Index to support Datetime operations. Derived classes must define _DTYPE.

    STATIC = True
    _DTYPE: TDtypeDT64 # define in derived class
    __slots__ = ()

    def __init__(self,
            labels: TIndexInitializer,
            loc_is_iloc: bool = False,
            name: TName = NAME_DEFAULT,
            ) -> None:

        assert not loc_is_iloc
        # __init__ here leaves out the dtype argument, reducing the signature to arguments relevant for these derived classes

    # dict like interface

    def __contains__(self, value: tp.Any) -> bool:
        '''Return True if value in the labels. Will only return True for an exact match to the type of dates stored within.
        return self._map.__contains__(to_datetime64(value)) #type: ignore

    # operators

    def _ufunc_binary_operator(self, *,
            operator: tp.Callable[..., tp.Any],
            other: tp.Any,
            fill_value: tp.Any = np.nan,
            ) -> TNDArrayAny:

        if self._recache:

        if operator.__name__ == 'matmul' or operator.__name__ == 'rmatmul':
            raise NotImplementedError('matrix multiplication not supported')

        if isinstance(other, Index):
            other = other.values # operate on labels to labels
            other_is_array = True
        elif isinstance(other, str):
            # do not pass dtype, as want to coerce to this parsed type, not the type of self
            other = to_datetime64(other)
            other_is_array = False
        elif other.__class__ is np.ndarray:
            other_is_array = True
            other_is_array = False

        result: TNDArrayAny
        if isinstance(other, np.datetime64):
            # convert labels to other's datetime64 type to enable matching on month, year, etc.
            result = operator(self._labels.astype(other.dtype), other)
        elif isinstance(other, datetime.timedelta):
            result = operator(self._labels, to_timedelta64(other))
        else: # np.timedelta64 should work fine here
            with WarningsSilent():
                result = operator(self._labels, other)

        # NOTE: similar branching as in container_util.apply_binary_operator
        # NOTE: all string will have been converted to dt64, or raise ValueError; comparison to same sized iterables (list, tuple) will result in an array when they are the same size
        if result is False: # will never be True
            if not other_is_array and hasattr(other, '__len__') and len(other) == len(self): # type: ignore
                # NOTE: equality comparisons of an array to same sized iterable normally return an array, but with dt64 types they just return False
                result = np.full(self.shape, result, dtype=DTYPE_BOOL)
            elif other_is_array and other.size == 1: # pyright: ignore
                # elements in arrays of 0 or more dimensions are acceptable; this is what NP does for arithmetic operators when the types are compatible
                result = np.full(self.shape, result, dtype=DTYPE_BOOL)
                raise ValueError('operands could not be broadcast together')
                # raise on unaligned shapes as is done for arithmetic operators

        result.flags.writeable = False
        return result

    def _loc_to_iloc(self,  # type: ignore
            key: TLocSelector,
            key_transform: TKeyTransform = key_to_datetime_key,
            partial_selection: bool = False,
            ) -> TILocSelector:
        Specialized for IndexData indices to convert string data representations into np.datetime64 objects as appropriate.
        # not passing self.dtype to key_to_datetime_key so as to allow translation to a foreign datetime; slice comparison will be handled by map_slice_args
        return Index._loc_to_iloc(self,

    def to_pandas(self) -> 'pandas.DatetimeIndex':
        '''Return a Pandas Index.
        import pandas
        return pandas.DatetimeIndex(self.values.copy(), name=self._name) # pyright: ignore


    @doc_inject(selector='searchsorted', label_type='iloc (integer)')
    def iloc_searchsorted(self,
            values: tp.Any,
            side_left: bool = True,
            ) -> TNDArrayAny:

        # permit variable forms of date specification
        return Index.iloc_searchsorted(self,

doc_update(IndexDatetime.__init__, selector='index_date_time_init')

class _IndexDatetimeGOMixin(_IndexGOMixin):

    _DTYPE: TDtypeDT64
    _map: tp.Optional[AutoMap]
    __slots__ = () # define in derived class

    def append(self, value: TLabel) -> None:
        '''Specialize for fixed-typed indices: convert `value` argument; do not need to resolve_dtype with each addition; self._map is never None
        value = to_datetime64(value, self._DTYPE) # type: ignore
        if self._map is not None:
            except ValueError as e:
                raise KeyError(f'duplicate key append attempted: {value}') from e
        self._positions_mutable_count += 1 #pylint: disable=E0237
        self._recache = True #pylint: disable=E0237

[docs] class IndexYear(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of years (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[Y]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_YEAR __slots__ = ()
[docs] @classmethod def from_date_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TDateInitializer, stop: TDateInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None) -> I: ''' Get an IndexYearMonth instance over a range of dates, where start and stop are inclusive. ''' labels = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_DAY), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_DAY).astype(DT64_YEAR) + TD64_YEAR, np.timedelta64(step, 'Y'), dtype=DT64_YEAR) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_year_month_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TYearMonthInitializer, stop: TYearMonthInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None ) -> I: ''' Get an IndexYearMonth instance over a range of months, where start and end are inclusive. ''' labels = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_MONTH), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_MONTH).astype(DT64_YEAR) + TD64_YEAR, np.timedelta64(step, 'Y'), dtype=DT64_YEAR) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_year_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TYearInitializer, stop: TYearInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None ) -> I: ''' Get an IndexDate instance over a range of years, where start and end are inclusive. ''' labels: TNDArrayAny = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_YEAR), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_YEAR) + TD64_YEAR, step=np.timedelta64(step, 'Y'), ) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # specializations to permit integers as years
[docs] def __contains__(self, value: tp.Any) -> bool: '''Return True if value in the labels. Will only return True for an exact match to the type of dates stored within. ''' try: return self._map.__contains__(to_datetime64(value, self._DTYPE)) #type: ignore except InvalidDatetime64Initializer: # if value is a dt64 and not of a the same unit as self._DTYPE, the initializations exception is raised, which means False return False
def _loc_to_iloc(self, # type: ignore key: TLocSelector, key_transform: TKeyTransform = key_to_datetime_key_year, partial_selection: bool = False, ) -> TILocSelector: ''' Specialized for IndexData indices to convert string data representations into np.datetime64 objects as appropriate. ''' try: return Index._loc_to_iloc(self, key=key, key_transform=key_transform, partial_selection=partial_selection, ) except InvalidDatetime64Initializer as e: raise LocInvalid(e.args[0]) from None #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> None: '''Return a Pandas Index. ''' raise NotImplementedError('Pandas does not support a year type, and it is ambiguous if a date proxy should be the first of the year or the last of the year.')
[docs] class IndexYearGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexYear): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexYear __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexYear._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexYearGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexYearMonth(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of year months (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[M]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_MONTH __slots__ = ()
[docs] @classmethod def from_date_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TDateInitializer, stop: TDateInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None ) -> I: ''' Get an IndexYearMonth instance over a range of dates, where start and stop is inclusive. ''' labels = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_DAY), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_DAY).astype(DT64_MONTH) + TD64_MONTH, np.timedelta64(step, 'M'), dtype=DT64_MONTH) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_year_month_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TYearMonthInitializer, stop: TYearMonthInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None ) -> I: ''' Get an IndexYearMonth instance over a range of months, where start and end are inclusive. ''' labels = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_MONTH), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_MONTH) + TD64_MONTH, np.timedelta64(step, 'M'), dtype=DT64_MONTH) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_year_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TYearInitializer, stop: TYearInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None ) -> I: ''' Get an IndexYearMonth instance over a range of years, where start and end are inclusive. ''' labels = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_YEAR), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_YEAR) + TD64_YEAR, step=np.timedelta64(step, 'M'), dtype=DT64_MONTH) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> None: '''Return a Pandas Index. ''' raise NotImplementedError('Pandas does not support a year month type, and it is ambiguous if a date proxy should be the first of the month or the last of the month.')
[docs] class IndexYearMonthGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexYearMonth): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexYearMonth __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexYearMonth._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexYearMonthGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexDate(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of dates (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[D]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_DAY __slots__ = ()
[docs] @classmethod def from_date_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TDateInitializer, stop: TDateInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None ) -> I: ''' Get an IndexDate instance over a range of dates, where start and stop is inclusive. ''' labels: TNDArrayAny = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_DAY), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_DAY) + TD64_DAY, np.timedelta64(step, 'D')) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_year_month_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TYearMonthInitializer, stop: TYearMonthInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None) -> I: ''' Get an IndexDate instance over a range of months, where start and end are inclusive. ''' labels = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_MONTH), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_MONTH) + TD64_MONTH, step=np.timedelta64(step, 'D'), dtype=DT64_DAY) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_year_range(cls: tp.Type[I], start: TYearInitializer, stop: TYearInitializer, step: int = 1, *, name: tp.Optional[TLabel] = None ) -> I: ''' Get an IndexDate instance over a range of years, where start and end are inclusive. ''' labels = np.arange( to_datetime64(start, DT64_YEAR), to_datetime64(stop, DT64_YEAR) + TD64_YEAR, step=np.timedelta64(step, 'D'), dtype=DT64_DAY) labels.flags.writeable = False return cls(labels, name=name)
[docs] class IndexDateGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexDate): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexDate __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexDate._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexDateGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexHour(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of hours (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[h]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_H __slots__ = ()
[docs] class IndexHourGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexHour): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexHour __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexHour._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexHourGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexMinute(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of minutes (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[m]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_M __slots__ = ()
[docs] class IndexMinuteGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexMinute): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexMinute __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexMinute._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexMinuteGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexSecond(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of seconds (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[s]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_S __slots__ = ()
[docs] class IndexSecondGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexSecond): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexSecond __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexSecond._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexSecondGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexMillisecond(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of milliseconds (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[ms]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_MS __slots__ = ()
[docs] class IndexMillisecondGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexMillisecond): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexMillisecond __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexMillisecond._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexMillisecondGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexMicrosecond(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of microseconds (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[us]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_US __slots__ = ()
[docs] class IndexMicrosecondGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexMicrosecond): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexMicrosecond __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexMicrosecond._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexMicrosecondGO #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class IndexNanosecond(IndexDatetime): '''A mapping of nanoseconds (NumPy :obj:`datetime64[ns]`) to positions, immutable and of fixed size. ''' STATIC = True _DTYPE = DT64_NS __slots__ = ()
[docs] class IndexNanosecondGO(_IndexDatetimeGOMixin, IndexNanosecond): _IMMUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexNanosecond __slots__ = INDEX_GO_LEAF_SLOTS
IndexNanosecond._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR = IndexNanosecondGO #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _DTYPE_TO_CLASS: tp.Dict[TDtypeDT64, tp.Type[Index[np.datetime64]]] = {cls._DTYPE: cls for cls in ( IndexYear, IndexYearMonth, IndexDate, IndexHour, IndexMinute, IndexSecond, IndexMillisecond, IndexMicrosecond, IndexNanosecond )} def dtype_to_index_cls(static: bool, dtype: TDtypeDT64) -> tp.Type[Index[tp.Any]]: ''' Given an the class of the Index from which this is valled, as well as the dtype of the resultant array, return the appropriate Index class. ''' resolved_static: tp.Type[Index[tp.Any]] | None = _DTYPE_TO_CLASS.get(dtype) if resolved_static is not None: if static: return resolved_static return resolved_static._MUTABLE_CONSTRUCTOR #type: ignore # if origin is a dt64, and dtype is not a dt64, we can go to Index or IndexGO if static: return Index return IndexGO