Detail: IndexHourGO: Operator Binary
Overview: IndexHourGO: Operator Binary
- IndexHourGO.__add__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix + 2 ['1517-04-01T02' '1517-12-31T02' '1517-06-30T02']
- IndexHourGO.__and__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix & True TypeError("ufunc 'bitwise_and' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''") >>> ix & (False, True) TypeError("ufunc 'bitwise_and' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''")
- IndexHourGO.__eq__(other)
Return self==value.
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix == '1517-06-30' [False False True]
- IndexHourGO.__floordiv__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix // '1517-06-30' UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'floor_divide'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__ge__(other)
Return self>=value.
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix >= '1517-06-30' [False True True]
- IndexHourGO.__gt__(other)
Return self>value.
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix > '1517-06-30' [False True False]
- IndexHourGO.__le__(other)
Return self<=value.
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix <= '1517-06-30' [ True False True]
- IndexHourGO.__lt__(other)
Return self<value.
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix < '1517-06-30' [ True False False]
- IndexHourGO.__matmul__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix @ (3, 0, 4, 0) NotImplementedError('matrix multiplication not supported')
- IndexHourGO.__mod__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix % '1517-06-30' UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'remainder'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__mul__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix * '1517-06-30' UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'multiply'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__ne__(other)
Return self!=value.
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix != '1517-06-30' [ True True False]
- IndexHourGO.__or__(other)
Return self|value.
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix | True TypeError("ufunc 'bitwise_or' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''") >>> ix | (False, True) TypeError("ufunc 'bitwise_or' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''")
- IndexHourGO.__pow__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix ** '1517-06-30' TypeError("ufunc 'power' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''")
- IndexHourGO.__radd__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> '1517-06-30' + ix UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'add'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__rfloordiv__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> '1517-06-30' // ix UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'floor_divide'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__rmatmul__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix @ (3, 0, 4, 0) NotImplementedError('matrix multiplication not supported')
- IndexHourGO.__rmul__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> '1517-06-30' * ix UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'multiply'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__rshift__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix >> 1 TypeError("ufunc 'right_shift' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''")
- IndexHourGO.__rsub__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> '1517-06-30' - ix [ 90 -184 0]
- IndexHourGO.__rtruediv__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> '1517-06-30' / ix UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'divide'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__sub__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix - 2 ['1517-03-31T22' '1517-12-30T22' '1517-06-29T22']
- IndexHourGO.__truediv__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix / '1517-06-30' UFuncTypeError(<ufunc 'divide'>, (dtype('<M8[D]'), dtype('<M8[D]')))
- IndexHourGO.__xor__(other)
>>> ix = sf.IndexHourGO(('1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')) >>> ix <IndexHourGO> 1517-04-01T00 1517-12-31T00 1517-06-30T00 <datetime64[h]> >>> ix ^ True TypeError("ufunc 'bitwise_xor' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''") >>> ix ^ (False, True) TypeError("ufunc 'bitwise_xor' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''")
IndexHourGO: Constructor | Exporter | Attribute | Method | Dictionary-Like | Display | Selector | Iterator | Operator Binary | Operator Unary | Accessor Values | Accessor Datetime | Accessor String | Accessor Regular Expression | Accessor Hashlib | Accessor Type Clinic