Detail: FrameHE: Iterator

Overview: FrameHE: Iterator

FrameHE.iter_array(*, axis)

Iterator of np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_array())
(array([10, -2,  0,  0]), array([ 8, -3,  8,  0]), array([ 1,  0,  9, 12]))
FrameHE.iter_array(*, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_array().apply(lambda v: v.sum())
a        8
b        13
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_array(*, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_array().apply_iter(lambda v: v.sum()))
(8, 13, 22)
FrameHE.iter_array(*, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_array().apply_iter_items(lambda v: v.sum()))
(('a', 8), ('b', 13), ('c', 22))
FrameHE.iter_array(*, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_array().apply_pool(lambda v: v.sum(), use_threads=True)
a        8
b        13
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_array_items(*, axis)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_array_items())
(('a', array([10, -2,  0,  0])), ('b', array([ 8, -3,  8,  0])), ('c', array([ 1,  0,  9, 12])))
FrameHE.iter_array_items(*, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_array_items().apply(lambda k, v: v.sum() if k != 'b' else -1)
a        8
b        -1
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_array_items(*, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_array_items().apply_iter(lambda k, v: v.sum() if k != 'b' else -1))
(8, -1, 22)
FrameHE.iter_array_items(*, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_array_items().apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v.sum() if k != 'b' else -1))
(('a', 8), ('b', -1), ('c', 22))
FrameHE.iter_array_items(*, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.array, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_array_items().apply_pool(lambda pair: pair[1].sum() if pair[0] != 'b' else -1, use_threads=True)
a        8
b        -1
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element())
(10, 8, 1, -2, -3, 0, 0, 8, 9, 0, 0, 12)
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element().apply(lambda e: e > 5)
<Index>   a      b      c      <<U1>
p         True   True   False
q         False  False  False
r         False  True   True
s         False  False  True
<<U1>     <bool> <bool> <bool>
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().apply_iter(lambda e: e > 10))
(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True)
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().apply_iter_items(lambda e: e > 10))
((('p', 'a'), False), (('p', 'b'), False), (('p', 'c'), False), (('q', 'a'), False), (('q', 'b'), False), (('q', 'c'), False), (('r', 'a'), False), (('r', 'b'), False), (('r', 'c'), False), (('s', 'a'), False), (('s', 'b'), False), (('s', 'c'), True))
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element().apply_pool(lambda e: e > 5, use_threads=True)
<Index>   a      b      c      <<U1>
p         True   True   False
q         False  False  False
r         False  True   True
s         False  False  True
<<U1>     <bool> <bool> <bool>
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_all(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_all(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element().map_all({0: 200, 1: -1, 2: 45})
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
p         -1      45      -1
q         45      -1      200
r         200     45      45
s         200     200     -1
<<U1>     <int64> <int64> <int64>
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_all_iter(mapping)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().map_all_iter({0: 200, 1: -1, 2: 45}))
(-1, 45, -1, 45, -1, 200, 200, 45, 45, 200, 200, -1)
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_all_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().map_all_iter_items({0: 200, 1: -1, 2: 45}))
((('p', 'a'), -1), (('p', 'b'), 45), (('p', 'c'), -1), (('q', 'a'), 45), (('q', 'b'), -1), (('q', 'c'), 200), (('r', 'a'), 200), (('r', 'b'), 45), (('r', 'c'), 45), (('s', 'a'), 200), (('s', 'b'), 200), (('s', 'c'), -1))
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_any(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_any(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element().map_any({1: -1, 2: 45})
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
p         -1      45      -1
q         45      -1      0
r         0       45      45
s         0       0       -1
<<U1>     <int64> <int64> <int64>
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_any_iter(mapping)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().map_any_iter({1: -1, 2: 45}))
(-1, 45, -1, 45, -1, 0, 0, 45, 45, 0, 0, -1)
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_any_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().map_any_iter_items({1: -1, 2: 45}))
((('p', 'a'), -1), (('p', 'b'), 45), (('p', 'c'), -1), (('q', 'a'), 45), (('q', 'b'), -1), (('q', 'c'), 0), (('r', 'a'), 0), (('r', 'b'), 45), (('r', 'c'), 45), (('s', 'a'), 0), (('s', 'b'), 0), (('s', 'c'), -1))
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value=nan, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element().map_fill({1: -1, 2: 45}, fill_value=np.nan)
<Index>   a         b         c         <<U1>
p         -1.0      45.0      -1.0
q         45.0      -1.0      nan
r         nan       45.0      45.0
s         nan       nan       -1.0
<<U1>     <float64> <float64> <float64>
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting values.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().map_fill_iter({1: -1, 2: 45}, fill_value=np.nan))
(-1, 45, -1, 45, -1, nan, nan, 45, 45, nan, nan, -1)
FrameHE.iter_element(*, axis).map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of elements, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element().map_fill_iter_items({1: -1, 2: 45}, fill_value=np.nan))
((('p', 'a'), -1), (('p', 'b'), 45), (('p', 'c'), -1), (('q', 'a'), 45), (('q', 'b'), -1), (('q', 'c'), nan), (('r', 'a'), nan), (('r', 'b'), 45), (('r', 'c'), 45), (('s', 'a'), nan), (('s', 'b'), nan), (('s', 'c'), -1))
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items())
((('p', 'a'), 10), (('p', 'b'), 8), (('p', 'c'), 1), (('q', 'a'), -2), (('q', 'b'), -3), (('q', 'c'), 0), (('r', 'a'), 0), (('r', 'b'), 8), (('r', 'c'), 9), (('s', 'a'), 0), (('s', 'b'), 0), (('s', 'c'), 12))
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element_items().apply(lambda k, v: v > 1 if k != ('q', 'b') else 'x')
<Index>   a      b        c      <<U1>
p         False  True     False
q         True   x        False
r         False  True     True
s         False  False    False
<<U1>     <bool> <object> <bool>
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().apply_iter(lambda k, v: v > 1 if k != ('q', 'b') else 'x'))
(False, True, False, True, 'x', False, False, True, True, False, False, False)
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v > 1 if k != ('q', 'b') else 'x'))
((('p', 'a'), False), (('p', 'b'), True), (('p', 'c'), False), (('q', 'a'), True), (('q', 'b'), 'x'), (('q', 'c'), False), (('r', 'a'), False), (('r', 'b'), True), (('r', 'c'), True), (('s', 'a'), False), (('s', 'b'), False), (('s', 'c'), False))
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> def func(pair): return pair[1] > 0 and pair[0] == ('q', 'b')
>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((1, 2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2, 1)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            1       2       1
q            2       1       0
r            0       2       2
s            0       0       1
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element_items().apply_pool(func, use_threads=True)
<Index>   a      b      c      <<U1>
p         False  False  False
q         False  True   False
r         False  False  False
s         False  False  False
<<U1>     <bool> <bool> <bool>
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_all(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_all(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element_items().map_all({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('p', 'b'), 3): -1, (('q', 'a'), 9): 45, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1})
<Index>   a       b       <<U1>
p         200     -1
q         45      1
<<U1>     <int64> <int64>
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_all_iter(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().map_all_iter({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('p', 'b'), 3): -1, (('q', 'a'), 9): 45, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1}))
(200, -1, 45, 1)
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_all_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().map_all_iter_items({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('p', 'b'), 3): -1, (('q', 'a'), 9): 45, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1}))
((('p', 'a'), 200), (('p', 'b'), -1), (('q', 'a'), 45), (('q', 'b'), 1))
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_any(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_any(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element_items().map_any({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1})
<Index>   a       b       <<U1>
p         200     3
q         9       1
<<U1>     <int64> <int64>
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_any_iter(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().map_any_iter({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1}))
(200, 3, 9, 1)
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_any_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().map_any_iter_items({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1}))
((('p', 'a'), 200), (('p', 'b'), 3), (('q', 'a'), 9), (('q', 'b'), 1))
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value=nan, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_element_items().map_fill({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1}, fill_value=-1)
<Index>   a       b       <<U1>
p         200     -1
q         -1      1
<<U1>     <int64> <int64>
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting values.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().map_fill_iter({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1}, fill_value=-1))
(200, -1, -1, 1)
FrameHE.iter_element_items(*, axis).map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of pairs of label, element, where labels are pairs of index, columns labels, ordered by row then column.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_element_items().map_fill_iter_items({(('p', 'a'), 2): 200, (('q', 'b'), 8): 1}, fill_value=-1))
((('p', 'a'), 200), (('p', 'b'), -1), (('q', 'a'), -1), (('q', 'b'), 1))
FrameHE.iter_group(key, *, axis, drop)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group('c'))
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
0         11      0       0
2         10      3       0
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>, <FrameHE>
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
1         4       8       1
3         2       8       1
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>)
FrameHE.iter_group(key, *, axis, drop).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group('c').apply(lambda f: f['b'].sum())
<Index: c>
0          3
1          16
<int64>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group('c').apply_iter(lambda f: f['b'].sum()))
(3, 16)
FrameHE.iter_group(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group('c').apply_iter_items(lambda f: f['b'].sum()))
((0, 3), (1, 16))
FrameHE.iter_group(key, *, axis, drop).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> def func(f): return f['b'].sum()
>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group('c').apply_pool(func, use_threads=True)
<Index: c>
0          3
1          16
<int64>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_array(key, *, axis, drop)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_array('c'))
(array([[11,  0,  0],
       [10,  3,  0]]), array([[4, 8, 1],
       [2, 8, 1]]))
FrameHE.iter_group_array(key, *, axis, drop).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_array('c').apply(lambda a: np.sum(a))
<Index: c>
0          24
1          24
<int64>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_array(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_array('c').apply_iter(lambda a: np.sum(a)))
(24, 24)
FrameHE.iter_group_array(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_array('c').apply_iter_items(lambda a: np.sum(a)))
((0, 24), (1, 24))
FrameHE.iter_group_array(key, *, axis, drop).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> def func(a): return np.sum(a)
>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_array('c').apply_pool(func, use_threads=True)
<Index: c>
0          24
1          24
<int64>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_array_items(key, *, axis, drop)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_array_items('c'))
((0, array([[11,  0,  0],
       [10,  3,  0]])), (1, array([[4, 8, 1],
       [2, 8, 1]])))
FrameHE.iter_group_array_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_array_items('c').apply(lambda k, v: np.sum(v) if k == 0 else v.shape)
<Index: c>
0          24
1          (2, 3)
<int64>    <object>
FrameHE.iter_group_array_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_array_items('c').apply_iter(lambda k, v: np.sum(v) if k == 0 else v.shape))
(24, (2, 3))
FrameHE.iter_group_array_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_array_items('c').apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: np.sum(v) if k == 0 else v.shape))
((0, 24), (1, (2, 3)))
FrameHE.iter_group_array_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_items(key, *, axis, drop)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_items('c'))
((0, <FrameHE>
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
0         11      0       0
2         10      3       0
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>), (1, <FrameHE>
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
1         4       8       1
3         2       8       1
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>))
FrameHE.iter_group_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_items('c').apply(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 0 else v.shape)
<Index: c>
0          3
1          (2, 3)
<int64>    <object>
FrameHE.iter_group_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_items('c').apply_iter(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 0 else v.shape))
(3, (2, 3))
FrameHE.iter_group_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_items('c').apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 0 else v.shape))
((0, 3), (1, (2, 3)))
FrameHE.iter_group_items(key, *, axis, drop).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique values found in one or more columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_labels(depth_level, *, axis)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels(1))
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>, <FrameHE>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>)
FrameHE.iter_group_labels(depth_level, *, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> f.iter_group_labels(1).apply(lambda f: f['b'].sum())
p        1
q        1
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_labels(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels(1).apply_iter(lambda f: f['b'].sum()))
(1, 1)
FrameHE.iter_group_labels(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels(1).apply_iter_items(lambda f: f['b'].sum()))
(('p', 1), ('q', 1))
FrameHE.iter_group_labels(depth_level, *, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array(depth_level, *, axis)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_array(1))
(array([[10, False,, 1, 1)],
       [8, True,, 12, 31)]], dtype=object), array([[2, True,, 4, 1)],
       [3, False,, 6, 30)]], dtype=object))
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array(depth_level, *, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> f.iter_group_labels_array(1).apply(lambda a: np.sum(a[:, 0]))
p        18
q        5
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_array(1).apply_iter(lambda a: np.sum(a[:, 0])))
(18, 5)
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_array(1).apply_iter_items(lambda a: np.sum(a[:, 0])))
(('p', 18), ('q', 5))
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array(depth_level, *, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array_items(depth_level, *, axis)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_array_items(1))
(('p', array([[10, False,, 1, 1)],
       [8, True,, 12, 31)]], dtype=object)), ('q', array([[2, True,, 4, 1)],
       [3, False,, 6, 30)]], dtype=object)))
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> f.iter_group_labels_array_items(1).apply(lambda k, v: np.sum(v[:, 0]) if k != 'p' else -1)
p        -1
q        5
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_array_items(1).apply_iter(lambda k, v: np.sum(v[:, 0]) if k != 'p' else -1))
(-1, 5)
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_array_items(1).apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: np.sum(v[:, 0]) if k != 'p' else -1))
(('p', -1), ('q', 5))
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_array_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, np.ndarray grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_labels_items(depth_level, *, axis)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_items(1))
(('p', <FrameHE>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>), ('q', <FrameHE>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>))
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> f.iter_group_labels_items(1).apply(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 'p' else -1)
p        1
q        -1
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_items(1).apply_iter(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 'p' else -1))
(1, -1)
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, 2, 8, 3), (False, True, True, False), ('1517-01-01', '1517-04-01', '1517-12-31', '1517-06-30')), index=sf.IndexHierarchy.from_product((0, 1), ('p', 'q')), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), dtypes=dict(c=np.datetime64), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>                a       b      c               <<U1>
0                p     10      False  1517-01-01
0                q     2       True   1517-04-01
1                p     8       True   1517-12-31
1                q     3       False  1517-06-30
<int64>          <<U1> <int64> <bool> <datetime64[D]>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_labels_items(1).apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 'p' else -1))
(('p', 1), ('q', -1))
FrameHE.iter_group_labels_items(depth_level, *, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, Frame grouped by unique labels found in one or more index depths (axis=0) or columns depths (axis=1).

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_other(other, *, fill_value, axis)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other(np.arange(len(f)) % 2))
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
0         11      0       0
2         10      3       0
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>, <FrameHE>
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
1         4       8       1
3         2       8       1
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>)
FrameHE.iter_group_other(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_other(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply(lambda f: f['b'].sum())
0        3
1        16
<int64>  <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_other(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter(lambda f: f['b'].sum()))
(3, 16)
FrameHE.iter_group_other(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter_items(lambda f: f['b'].sum()))
((0, 3), (1, 16))
FrameHE.iter_group_other(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_other_array(other, *, fill_value, axis)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_array(np.arange(len(f)) % 2))
(array([[11,  0,  0],
       [10,  3,  0]]), array([[4, 8, 1],
       [2, 8, 1]]))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_other_array(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply(lambda a: np.sum(a))
0        24
1        24
<int64>  <int64>
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_array(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter(lambda a: np.sum(a)))
(24, 24)
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_array(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter_items(lambda a: np.sum(a)))
((0, 24), (1, 24))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_other_array_items(other, *, fill_value, axis)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_array_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2))
((0, array([[11,  0,  0],
       [10,  3,  0]])), (1, array([[4, 8, 1],
       [2, 8, 1]])))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_other_array_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply(lambda k, v: np.sum(v) if k == 0 else v.shape)
0        24
1        (2, 3)
<int64>  <object>
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_array_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter(lambda k, v: np.sum(v) if k == 0 else v.shape))
(24, (2, 3))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_array_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: np.sum(v) if k == 0 else v.shape))
((0, 24), (1, (2, 3)))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_array_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_group_other_items(other, *, fill_value, axis)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2))
((0, <FrameHE>
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
0         11      0       0
2         10      3       0
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>), (1, <FrameHE>
<Index>   a       b       c       <<U1>
1         4       8       1
3         2       8       1
<int64>   <int64> <int64> <int64>))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_group_other_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 0 else v.shape)
0        3
1        (2, 3)
<int64>  <object>
FrameHE.iter_group_other_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 0 else v.shape))
(3, (2, 3))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((11, 4, 10, 2), (0, 8, 3, 8), (0, 1, 0, 1)), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
0            11      0       0
1            4       8       1
2            10      3       0
3            2       8       1
<int64>      <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_group_other_items(np.arange(len(f)) % 2).apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v['b'].sum() if k == 0 else v.shape))
((0, 3), (1, (2, 3)))
FrameHE.iter_group_other_items(other, *, fill_value, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of Frame grouped by unique values found in a supplied container.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_series(*, axis)

Iterator of Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_series())
(<Series: a>
p           10
q           -2
r           0
s           0
<<U1>       <int64>, <Series: b>
p           8
q           -3
r           8
s           0
<<U1>       <int64>, <Series: c>
p           1
q           0
r           9
s           12
<<U1>       <int64>)
FrameHE.iter_series(*, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_series().apply(lambda v: v.sum())
a        8
b        13
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_series(*, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_series().apply_iter(lambda v: v.sum()))
(8, 13, 22)
FrameHE.iter_series(*, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_series().apply_iter_items(lambda v: v.sum()))
(('a', 8), ('b', 13), ('c', 22))
FrameHE.iter_series(*, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_series().apply_pool(lambda v: v.sum(), use_threads=True)
a        8
b        13
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_series_items(*, axis)

Iterator of pairs of label, Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_series_items())
(('a', <Series: a>
p           10
q           -2
r           0
s           0
<<U1>       <int64>), ('b', <Series: b>
p           8
q           -3
r           8
s           0
<<U1>       <int64>), ('c', <Series: c>
p           1
q           0
r           9
s           12
<<U1>       <int64>))
FrameHE.iter_series_items(*, axis).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_series_items().apply(lambda k, v: v.sum() if k != 'b' else -1)
a        8
b        -1
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_series_items(*, axis).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_series_items().apply_iter(lambda k, v: v.sum() if k != 'b' else -1))
(8, -1, 22)
FrameHE.iter_series_items(*, axis).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_series_items().apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v.sum() if k != 'b' else -1))
(('a', 8), ('b', -1), ('c', 22))
FrameHE.iter_series_items(*, axis).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, Series, where Series are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_series_items().apply_pool(lambda pair: pair[1].sum() if pair[0] != 'b' else -1, use_threads=True)
a        8
b        -1
c        22
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple())
(Axis(p=10, q=-2, r=0, s=0), Axis(p=8, q=-3, r=8, s=0), Axis(p=1, q=0, r=9, s=12))
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_tuple().apply(lambda v: v.p + v.q)
a        8
b        5
c        1
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().apply_iter(lambda v: v.p + v.q))
(8, 5, 1)
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().apply_iter_items(lambda v: v.p + v.q))
(('a', 8), ('b', 5), ('c', 1))
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_all(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_all(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_tuple().map_all({(2, 9): -1, (3, 8): -2})
a        -1
b        -2
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_all_iter(mapping)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().map_all_iter({(2, 9): -1, (3, 8): -2}))
(-1, -2)
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_all_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().map_all_iter_items({(2, 9): -1, (3, 8): -2}))
(('a', -1), ('b', -2))
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_any(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_any(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().map_any({(2, 9): -1}))
('a', 'b')
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_any_iter(mapping)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().map_any_iter({(2, 9): -1}))
(-1, Axis(p=3, q=8))
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_any_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().map_any_iter_items({(2, 9): -1}))
(('a', -1), ('b', Axis(p=3, q=8)))
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value=nan, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_tuple().map_fill({(2, 9): -1}, fill_value=np.nan)
a        -1.0
b        nan
<<U1>    <float64>
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting values.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().map_fill_iter({(2, 9): -1}, fill_value=np.nan))
(-1, nan)
FrameHE.iter_tuple(*, axis, constructor).map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional constructor callable can be used to provide a NamedTuple class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value.

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple().map_fill_iter_items({(2, 9): -1}, fill_value=np.nan))
(('a', -1), ('b', nan))
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items())
(('a', Axis(p=10, q=-2, r=0, s=0)), ('b', Axis(p=8, q=-3, r=8, s=0)), ('c', Axis(p=1, q=0, r=9, s=12)))
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_tuple_items().apply(lambda k, v: v.p + v.q if k == 'b' else -1)
a        -1
b        5
c        -1
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().apply_iter(lambda k, v: v.p + v.q if k == 'b' else -1))
(-1, 5, -1)
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v.p + v.q if k == 'b' else -1))
(('a', -1), ('b', 5), ('c', -1))
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegateMapable.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_all(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_all(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_tuple_items().map_all({('a', (2, 9)): -1, ('b', (3, 8)): -2})
a        -1
b        -2
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_all_iter(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().map_all_iter({('a', (2, 9)): -1, ('b', (3, 8)): -2}))
(-1, -2)
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_all_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, an Exception is raised. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().map_all_iter_items({('a', (2, 9)): -1, ('b', (3, 8)): -2}))
(('a', -1), ('b', -2))
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_any(mapping, *, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_any(mapping, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_tuple_items().map_any({('a', (2, 9)): -1})
a        -1
b        Axis(p=3, q=8)
<<U1>    <object>
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_any_iter(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting values.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().map_any_iter({('a', (2, 9)): -1}))
(-1, Axis(p=3, q=8))
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_any_iter_items(mapping)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)


Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().map_any_iter_items({('a', (2, 9)): -1}))
(('a', -1), ('b', Axis(p=3, q=8)))
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value, dtype, name, index_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill(mapping, *, fill_value=nan, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. Returns a new container.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_tuple_items().map_fill({('a', (2, 9)): -1}, fill_value=np.nan)
a        -1.0
b        nan
<<U1>    <float64>
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting values.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().map_fill_iter({('a', (2, 9)): -1}, fill_value=np.nan))
(-1, nan)
FrameHE.iter_tuple_items(*, axis, constructor).map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value)

Iterator of pairs of label, NamedTuple, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1)

IterNodeDelegateMapable.map_fill_iter_items(mapping, *, fill_value=nan)[source]

Apply a mapping; for values not in the mapping, the fill_value is returned. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.

  • mapping – A mapping type, such as a dictionary or Series.

  • fill_value – Value to be returned if the values is not a key in the mapping.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((2, 9), (3, 8)), columns=('a', 'b'), index=('p', 'q'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       <<U1>
p            2       3
q            9       8
<<U1>        <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_tuple_items().map_fill_iter_items({('a', (2, 9)): -1}, fill_value=np.nan))
(('a', -1), ('b', nan))
FrameHE.iter_window(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window(size=2, step=1))
(<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>, <FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>, <FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>)
FrameHE.iter_window(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_window(size=2, step=1).apply(lambda f: f.max().max())
q        10
r        9
s        12
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_window(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window(size=2, step=1).apply_iter(lambda f: f.max().max()))
(10, 9, 12)
FrameHE.iter_window(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window(size=2, step=1).apply_iter_items(lambda f: f.max().max()))
(('q', 10), ('r', 9), ('s', 12))
FrameHE.iter_window(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_window_array(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_array(size=2, step=1))
(array([[10,  8,  1],
       [-2, -3,  0]]), array([[-2, -3,  0],
       [ 0,  8,  9]]), array([[ 0,  8,  9],
       [ 0,  0, 12]]))
FrameHE.iter_window_array(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_window_array(size=2, step=1).apply(lambda a: np.max(a))
q        10
r        9
s        12
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_window_array(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_array(size=2, step=1).apply_iter(lambda a: np.max(a)))
(10, 9, 12)
FrameHE.iter_window_array(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_array(size=2, step=1).apply_iter_items(lambda a: np.max(a)))
(('q', 10), ('r', 9), ('s', 12))
FrameHE.iter_window_array(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_window_array_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_array_items(size=2, step=1))
(('q', array([[10,  8,  1],
       [-2, -3,  0]])), ('r', array([[-2, -3,  0],
       [ 0,  8,  9]])), ('s', array([[ 0,  8,  9],
       [ 0,  0, 12]])))
FrameHE.iter_window_array_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_window_array_items(size=2, step=1).apply(lambda k, v: np.max(v) if k == 'r' else np.min(v))
q        -3
r        9
s        0
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_window_array_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_array_items(size=2, step=1).apply_iter(lambda k, v: np.max(v) if k == 'r' else np.min(v)))
(-3, 9, 0)
FrameHE.iter_window_array_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_array_items(size=2, step=1).apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: np.max(v) if k == 'r' else np.min(v)))
(('q', -3), ('r', 9), ('s', 0))
FrameHE.iter_window_array_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a np.array.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE.iter_window_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_items(size=2, step=1))
(('q', <FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>), ('r', <FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>), ('s', <FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>))
FrameHE.iter_window_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, columns_constructor)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, columns_constructor=None)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Returns a new container.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> f.iter_window_items(size=2, step=1).apply(lambda k, v: v.max().max() if k == 'r' else v.min().min())
q        -3
r        9
s        0
<<U1>    <int64>
FrameHE.iter_window_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting values.


func – A function that takes a value.


Values after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_items(size=2, step=1).apply_iter(lambda k, v: v.max().max() if k == 'r' else v.min().min()))
(-3, 9, 0)
FrameHE.iter_window_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_iter_items(func)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.


Apply a function to each value. A generator of resulting key, value pairs.


func – A function that takes a value.


Pairs of label, value after function application.

>>> f = sf.FrameHE.from_fields(((10, -2, 0, 0), (8, -3, 8, 0), (1, 0, 9, 12)), index=('p', 'q', 'r', 's'), columns=('a', 'b', 'c'), name='x')
>>> f
<FrameHE: x>
<Index>      a       b       c       <<U1>
p            10      8       1
q            -2      -3      0
r            0       8       9
s            0       0       12
<<U1>        <int64> <int64> <int64>
>>> tuple(f.iter_window_items(size=2, step=1).apply_iter_items(lambda k, v: v.max().max() if k == 'r' else v.min().min()))
(('q', -3), ('r', 9), ('s', 0))
FrameHE.iter_window_items(*, size, axis, step, window_sized, window_func, window_valid, label_shift, label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises, start_shift, size_increment).apply_pool(func, *, dtype, name, index_constructor, max_workers, chunksize, use_threads)

Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a Frame.

  • size – Elements per window, given as an integer greater than 0.

  • axis – Integer specifying axis, where 0 is rows and 1 is columns. Axis 0 is set by default.

  • step – Element shift per window, given as an integer greater than 0. Determines the step size between windows. A step of 1 shifts each window 1 element; a step equal to the size will result in non-overlapping windows.

  • window_sized – if True, windows with fewer elements than size are skipped.

  • window_func – Array processor of window values, executed before function application (if used): can be used for applying a weighting function to each window.

  • window_valid – Function that, given an array window, returns True if the window is valid; invalid windows are skipped.

  • label_shift – A shift, relative to the right-most element contained in the window, to derive the label to be paired with the window. For example, to label each window with the label found at the start of the window, label_shift can be set to one less than size.

  • label_missing_skips – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will skip that window; if False, the window will be returned with None as the label.

  • label_missing_raises – If True, a window that cannot derive a label will raise an exception.

  • start_shift – A shift to determine the first element where window collection begins.

  • size_increment – A value to be added to size with each window after the first, so as to, in combination with setting step to 0, permit iterating over expanding windows.

IterNodeDelegate.apply_pool(func, *, dtype=None, name=None, index_constructor=None, max_workers=None, chunksize=1, use_threads=False)[source]

Apply a function to each value. Employ parallel processing with either the ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor.

  • func – A function that takes a value.

  • *

  • dtype – A value suitable for specyfying a NumPy dtype, such as a Python type (float), NumPy array protocol strings (‘f8’), or a dtype instance.

  • name – A hashable object to label the container.

  • max_workers – Number of parallel executors, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor; None defaults to the max number of machine processes.

  • chunksize – Units of work per executor, as passed to the Thread- or ProcessPoolExecutor.

  • use_threads – Use the ThreadPoolExecutor instead of the ProcessPoolExecutor.

FrameHE: Constructor | Exporter | Attribute | Method | Dictionary-Like | Display | Assignment | Selector | Iterator | Operator Binary | Operator Unary | Accessor Values | Accessor Datetime | Accessor String | Accessor Transpose | Accessor Fill Value | Accessor Regular Expression | Accessor Hashlib | Accessor Type Clinic