Overview: SeriesHE: Method
Support the __array__ interface, returning an array of values. |
Support for NumPy elements or arrays on the left hand of binary operators. |
Raises ValueError to prohibit ambiguous use of truthy evaluation. |
Length of values. |
Return a Series rounded to the given decimals. Negative decimals round to the le… |
Logical and over values along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting t… |
Logical or over values along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to… |
Return a Series with type determined by dtype argument. Note that for Series, th… |
Apply a clip operation to this Series. Note that clip operations can be applied… |
Return the index-aligned correlation to the supplied Series. Args: other: Series… |
Return the count of non-NA, non-falsy, and/or unique elements. Args: skipna: ski… |
Return the index-aligned covariance to the supplied Series. Args: ddof: Delta de… |
Return the cumulative product over the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, default… |
Return the cumulative sum over the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting… |
Return a Series with duplicated values removed. Args: exclude_first: Boolean to… |
Return a new Series after removing values of falsy. |
Return a new Series after removing values of NaN or None. |
Return a same-sized Boolean Series that shows True for all values that are dupli… |
Return a bool from comparison to any other object. Args: compare_name: Include e… |
Return a new Series after replacing falsy values with the supplied value. The va… |
Return a new Series after feeding backward the last non-falsy observation across… |
Return a new Series after feeding forward the last non-falsy observation across… |
Return a new Series after filling leading (and only leading) falsy values with t… |
Return a new Series after filling trailing (and only trailing) falsy values with… |
Return a new Series after replacing NA (NaN or None) with the supplied value. Th… |
Return a new Series after feeding backward the last non-null (NaN or None) obser… |
Return a new Series after feeding forward the last non-null (NaN or None) observ… |
Return a new Series after filling leading (and only leading) null (NaN or None)… |
Return a new Series after filling trailing (and only trailing) null (NaN or None… |
Return a Series consisting only of the top elements as specified by count. Args:… |
Return the integer index corresponding to the maximum value. Args: skipna: if Tr… |
Return the integer index corresponding to the minimum value found. Args: skipna:… |
Return the position corresponding to the first non-falsy (including nan) value f… |
Return the position corresponding to the last non-falsy (including nan) value fo… |
Return the position corresponding to the first not NA (None or nan) value found…. |
Return the position corresponding to the last not NA (None or nan) value found…. |
Given a sorted Series, return the iloc (integer) position(s) at which insertion… |
Create a new Series by inserting a Series at the position after the label specif… |
Create a new Series by inserting a Series at the position before the label speci… |
Return a same-indexed, Boolean Series indicating which values are falsy. |
Return a same-sized Boolean Series that shows if the same-positioned element is… |
Return a same-indexed, Boolean Series indicating which values are NaN or None. |
Return the label corresponding to the maximum value found. Args: skipna: if True… |
Return the label corresponding to the minimum value found. Args: skipna: if True… |
Return the label corresponding to the first non-falsy (including nan) value foun… |
Return the label corresponding to the last non-falsy (including nan) value found… |
Return the label corresponding to the first not NA (None or nan) value found. Ar… |
Return the label corresponding to the last not NA (None or nan) value found. Arg… |
Given a sorted Series, return the loc (label) position(s) at which insertion in… |
Return the maximum along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to axi… |
Return the mean along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to axis 0… |
Return the median along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to axis… |
Return the minimum along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to axi… |
Return a same-indexed, Boolean Series indicating which values are falsy. |
Return a same-indexed, Boolean Series indicating which values are NaN or None. |
Return the product along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to axi… |
Rank values as compactly as possible, where ties get the same value, and ranks a… |
Rank values where tied values are assigned the maximum ordinal rank; ranks are p… |
Rank values where tied values are assigned the mean of the ordinal ranks; ranks… |
Rank values where tied values are assigned the minimum ordinal rank; ranks are p… |
Rank values distinctly, where ties get distinct values that maintain their order… |
Return a new Series with new a hierarchy based on the supplied depth_map. |
Return a new Series with labels defined by the provided index. The size and orde… |
Return a new Series with transformed labels on the index. The size and ordering… |
Return a new Series, where an IndexHierarchy (if defined) is replaced with a fla… |
Return a new Series, adding a new root level to an existing IndexHierarchy, or c… |
Return a new Series, dropping one or more levels from a either the root or the l… |
Return a new Series with an updated name attribute. |
Return a Series with values rotated forward and wrapped around the index (with a… |
Randomly (optionally made deterministic with a fixed seed) extract items from th… |
Return a Series with values shifted forward on the index (with a positive shift)… |
Return a new Series ordered by the sorted Index. Args: * ascendings: Boolean, or… |
Return a new Series ordered by the sorted values. Args: * ascending: If True, so… |
Return the standard deviaton along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, default… |
Sum values along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to axis 0. ski… |
Return a Series consisting only of the bottom elements as specified by count. s… |
Transpose. For a 1D immutable container, this returns a reference to self. Retur… |
Return a NumPy array of unique values. Returns: numpy.ndarray |
Given a collection of values, return two NumPy arrays: the first provides index… |
Return the variance along the specified axis. Args: axis: Axis, defaulting to ax… |
SeriesHE: Constructor | Exporter | Attribute | Method | Dictionary-Like | Display | Assignment | Selector | Iterator | Operator Binary | Operator Unary | Accessor Values | Accessor Datetime | Accessor String | Accessor Fill Value | Accessor Regular Expression | Accessor Hashlib | Accessor Type Clinic | Accessor Mapping