Detail: NPZ: Constructor

Overview: NPZ: Constructor

NPZ.__init__(fp, mode='r')
NPZ.from_arrays(blocks, *, index=None, columns=None, name=None, axis=0)

Given an iterable of arrays, write out an NPZ or NPY directly, without building up intermediary Frame. If axis 0, the arrays are vertically stacked; if axis 1, they are horizontally stacked. For both axis, if included, indices must be of appropriate length.

NPZ.from_frames(frames, *, include_index=True, include_columns=True, axis=0, union=True, name=None, fill_value=nan)

Given an iterable of Frames, write out an NPZ or NPY directly, without building up an intermediary Frame. If axis 0, the Frames must be block compatible; if axis 1, the Frames must have the same number of rows. For both axis, if included, concatenated indices must be unique or aligned.

  • frames

  • *

  • include_index

  • include_columns

  • axis

  • union

  • name

  • fill_value

NPZ: Constructor | Attribute | Method | Display