Source code for static_frame.core.display

from __future__ import annotations

import html
import inspect
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp

from static_frame.core.display_color import HexColor
from static_frame.core.display_config import _DISPLAY_FORMAT_HTML
from static_frame.core.display_config import _DISPLAY_FORMAT_MAP
from static_frame.core.display_config import _DISPLAY_FORMAT_TERMINAL
from static_frame.core.display_config import DisplayConfig
from static_frame.core.style_config import StyleConfig
from static_frame.core.util import COMPLEX_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_INT_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import DTYPE_STR_KINDS
from static_frame.core.util import FLOAT_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import TCallableToIter
from static_frame.core.util import gen_skip_middle

    from static_frame.core.index_base import IndexBase  # pylint: disable=unused-import #pragma: no cover
    TNDArrayAny = np.ndarray[tp.Any, tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    TDtypeAny = np.dtype[tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    THeaderSpecifier = tp.Union[TDtypeAny, tp.Type[tp.Any], str, 'DisplayHeader', None] #pragma: no cover

_module = sys.modules[__name__]

# display infrastructure

class DisplayTypeCategory:
    Display Type Categories are used for identifying types to which to apply specific formatting.
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_default'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool: #pylint: disable=W0613
        return True

class DisplayTypeInt(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_int'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind in DTYPE_INT_KINDS

class DisplayTypeFloat(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_float'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind == 'f'

class DisplayTypeComplex(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_complex'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind == 'c'

class DisplayTypeBool(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_bool'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind == 'b'

class DisplayTypeObject(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_object'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind == 'O'

class DisplayTypeStr(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_str'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind in DTYPE_STR_KINDS

class DisplayTypeDateTime(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_datetime'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind == 'M'

class DisplayTypeTimeDelta(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_timedelta'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, np.dtype) and t.kind == 'm'

class DisplayTypeIndex(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_index'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        from static_frame.core.index_base import IndexBase
        if not inspect.isclass(t):
            return False
        return issubclass(t, IndexBase)

class DisplayTypeSeries(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_series'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        from static_frame import Series
        if not inspect.isclass(t):
            return False
        return issubclass(t, Series)

class DisplayTypeFrame(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_frame'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        from static_frame import Frame
        if not inspect.isclass(t):
            return False
        return issubclass(t, Frame)

class DisplayTypeBus(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_bus'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        from static_frame import Bus
        if not inspect.isclass(t):
            return False
        return issubclass(t, Bus)

class DisplayTypeQuilt(DisplayTypeCategory):
    CONFIG_ATTR = 'type_color_quilt'

    def in_category(t: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny]) -> bool:
        from static_frame import Quilt
        if not inspect.isclass(t):
            return False
        return issubclass(t, Quilt)

class DisplayTypeCategoryFactory:


    _TYPE_TO_CATEGORY_CACHE: tp.Dict[tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny], tp.Type[DisplayTypeCategory]] = {}

    def to_category(cls,
            dtype: tp.Union[type, TDtypeAny],
            ) -> tp.Type[DisplayTypeCategory]:
        if dtype not in cls._TYPE_TO_CATEGORY_CACHE:
            category = None
            for dtc in cls._DISPLAY_TYPE_CATEGORIES:
                if dtc.in_category(dtype):
                    category = dtc
            if not category:
                category = DisplayTypeCategory

            cls._TYPE_TO_CATEGORY_CACHE[dtype] = category
            # if not match, assign default

        return cls._TYPE_TO_CATEGORY_CACHE[dtype]


def terminal_ansi(stream: tp.TextIO = sys.stdout) -> bool:
    Return True if the terminal is ANSI color compatible.
    environ = os.environ
    if 'ANSICON' in environ or 'PYCHARM_HOSTED' in environ:
        return True #pragma: no cover
    if 'TERM' in environ and environ['TERM'] == 'ANSI':
        return True #pragma: no cover
    if 'INSIDE_EMACS' in environ:
        return False #pragma: no cover

    if getattr(stream, 'closed', False): # if has closed attr and closed
        return False #pragma: no cover

    if hasattr(stream, 'isatty') and stream.isatty() and platform.system() != 'Windows':
        return True #pragma: no cover

    return False


_module._display_active = DisplayConfig()  # type: ignore

[docs] class DisplayActive: '''Utility interface for setting and storing default display configurations. ''' FILE_NAME = '.static_frame.conf'
[docs] @staticmethod def set(dc: DisplayConfig) -> None: _module._display_active = dc # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod def get(**kwargs: tp.Union[bool, int, str]) -> DisplayConfig: config: DisplayConfig = _module._display_active if not kwargs: return config args = config.to_dict() args.update(kwargs) return DisplayConfig(**args)
[docs] @classmethod def update(cls, **kwargs: object) -> None: args = cls.get().to_dict() args.update(kwargs) cls.set(DisplayConfig(**args))
@classmethod def _default_fp(cls) -> str: # TODO: improve cross platform support return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), cls.FILE_NAME)
[docs] @classmethod def write(cls, fp: tp.Optional[str] = None) -> None: fp = fp or cls._default_fp() dc = cls.get() dc.write(fp)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, fp: tp.Optional[str] = None) -> None: fp = fp or cls._default_fp() cls.set(DisplayConfig.from_file(fp))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DisplayHeader: ''' Wrapper for passing in display header that has a name attribute, such as a :obj:`Series` or :obj:`Frame` that displays the ``name`` attribute. ''' __slots__ = ('cls', 'name') def __init__(self, cls: type, name: tp.Optional[object] = None) -> None: ''' Args: cls: the Class to be displayed. name: an optional name attribute stored on the instance. ''' self.cls = cls = name def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' Provide string representation before additon of outer delimiters. ''' if is not None: return f'{self.cls.__name__}: {}' return self.cls.__name__ HeaderInitializer = tp.Optional[tp.Union[str, DisplayHeader]] # An NT that stores a formatted strings ``format_str`` as well as a ``raw`` string DisplayCell = namedtuple('DisplayCell', ('format_str', 'raw')) FORMAT_EMPTY = '{}' class Display: ''' A Display is a string representation of a table, encoded as a list of lists, where list components are equal-width strings, keyed by row index ''' __slots__ = ( '_rows', '_config', '_outermost', '_index_depth', '_header_depth', '_style_config', ) CHAR_MARGIN = 1 CELL_EMPTY = DisplayCell(FORMAT_EMPTY, '') ELLIPSIS = '...' # this string is appended to truncated entries CELL_ELLIPSIS = DisplayCell(FORMAT_EMPTY, ELLIPSIS) ELLIPSIS_CENTER_SENTINEL = object() ANSI_ESCAPE = re.compile( r'\x1B' r'\[' r'(\d{1,2}(;\d{1,2})*)?' # Optional numeric codes separated by ; r'[A-Za-z]' # Letter indicating the type of code; most often "m" for colors ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility methods @staticmethod def type_attributes( type_input: THeaderSpecifier, config: DisplayConfig ) -> tp.Tuple[str, tp.Type[DisplayTypeCategory]]: ''' Return the `type_input` as a string, applying delimters to either numpy dtypes or Python classes. ''' type_ref: THeaderSpecifier if isinstance(type_input, np.dtype): type_str = str(type_input) type_ref = type_input elif isinstance(type_input, DisplayHeader): type_str = repr(type_input) type_ref = type_input.cls elif inspect.isclass(type_input): # assert isinstance(type_input, type) type_str = type_input.__name__ type_ref = type_input else: raise NotImplementedError('no handling for this input', type_input) type_category = DisplayTypeCategoryFactory.to_category(type_ref) # if config.type_delimiter_left or config.type_delimiter_right: left = config.type_delimiter_left or '' right = config.type_delimiter_right or '' type_label = f'{left}{type_str}{right}' return type_label, type_category @staticmethod def type_color_markup( type_category: tp.Type[DisplayTypeCategory], config: DisplayConfig ) -> str: ''' Return a format string for applying color to a type based on type category and config. Returns: A templated string with a "text" field for formatting. ''' color = getattr(config, type_category.CONFIG_ATTR) if config.display_format in _DISPLAY_FORMAT_HTML: return HexColor.format_html(color, FORMAT_EMPTY) if config.display_format in _DISPLAY_FORMAT_TERMINAL and terminal_ansi(): return HexColor.format_terminal(color, FORMAT_EMPTY) #pragma: no cover # if not a compatible terminal, return label unaltered return FORMAT_EMPTY @classmethod def to_cell(cls, value: tp.Any, config: DisplayConfig, is_dtype: bool = False) -> DisplayCell: ''' Given a raw value, return a :obj:`DisplayCell`. ''' if is_dtype or inspect.isclass(value) or isinstance(value, DisplayHeader): type_str_raw, type_category = cls.type_attributes( value, config=config) if config.type_color: format_str = cls.type_color_markup( type_category, config) else: format_str = FORMAT_EMPTY return DisplayCell(format_str, type_str_raw) # ContainerOperand needs to import Display from static_frame.core.container import ContainerBase # handling for all other values that are stringable if isinstance(value, ContainerBase): # NOTE: we do not use type delimieters as ths is an instance, not a class msg = value.__class__.__name__ else: msg = str(value) # handling for float, complex if str() produces an 'e', then we use the scientific template; otherwise, we use the postional; users can config both to be the same to always get one or the other if isinstance(value, FLOAT_TYPES): if 'e' in msg: msg = config.value_format_float_scientific.format(value) else: msg = config.value_format_float_positional.format(value) elif isinstance(value, COMPLEX_TYPES): if 'e' in msg: msg = config.value_format_complex_scientific.format(value) else: msg = config.value_format_complex_positional.format(value) elif (isinstance(value, str) and config.display_format in _DISPLAY_FORMAT_TERMINAL): # When in a TERMINAL mode, separate ASCII color markup found in strings and provide the original string as the formatted string; this will permit correct spacing. msg, count = cls.ANSI_ESCAPE.subn('', msg) if count: return DisplayCell(value, msg) return DisplayCell(FORMAT_EMPTY, msg) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # alternate constructor @classmethod def from_values(cls, values: TNDArrayAny | tp.Sequence[tp.Any], *, header: THeaderSpecifier, config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, outermost: bool = False, index_depth: int = 0, header_depth: int = 0, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = None, ) -> 'Display': ''' Given a 1 or 2D ndarray, return a Display instance. Generally 2D arrays are passed here only from TypeBlocks. ''' # return a list of lists, where each inner list represents multiple columns config = config or DisplayActive.get() # create a list of lists, always starting with the header rows = [] if header is not None: # NOTE: controlling if the header is applied with type_show is moving to display() methods; this approach will no longer be needed # assume that all headers are SF types; skip if type_show is False if config.type_show: rows.append([cls.to_cell(header, config=config)]) else: rows.append([cls.CELL_EMPTY]) if values.__class__ is np.ndarray and values.ndim == 2: # type: ignore # NOTE: this is generally only used by TypeBlocks # get rows from numpy string formatting np_rows = np.array_str(values).split('\n') # type: ignore last_idx = len(np_rows) - 1 for idx, row in enumerate(np_rows): # trim brackets end_slice_len = 2 if idx == last_idx else 1 row = row[2: len(row) - end_slice_len].strip() rows.append([cls.to_cell(row, config=config)]) else: value_gen: tp.Callable[[], tp.Iterator[tp.Any]] count_max = config.display_rows if len(values) > config.display_rows: data_half_count = Display.truncate_half_count(count_max) value_gen = partial(gen_skip_middle, forward_iter=values.__iter__, forward_count=data_half_count, reverse_iter=partial(reversed, values), reverse_count=data_half_count, center_sentinel=cls.ELLIPSIS_CENTER_SENTINEL ) else: value_gen = values.__iter__ for v in value_gen(): if v is cls.ELLIPSIS_CENTER_SENTINEL: # center sentinel rows.append([cls.CELL_ELLIPSIS]) else: rows.append([cls.to_cell(v, config=config)]) # add the types to the last row if values.__class__ is np.ndarray and config.type_show: rows.append([cls.to_cell(values.dtype, config=config, is_dtype=True)]) # type: ignore return cls(rows, config=config, outermost=outermost, index_depth=index_depth, header_depth=header_depth, style_config=style_config, ) @classmethod def from_params(cls, *, index: 'IndexBase', columns: 'IndexBase', header: DisplayHeader, column_forward_iter: TCallableToIter, column_reverse_iter: TCallableToIter, column_default_iter: TCallableToIter, config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = None, ) -> 'Display': ''' Args: {config} ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get() index_depth = index.depth if config.include_index else 0 # always get the index Display (even if we are not going to use it) to determine how many rows we need (which may include types, as well as truncation with ellipsis). display_index = index.display(config=config) # header depth used for HTML and other foramtting; needs to be adjusted if removing types and/or columns and types, When showing types on a Frame, we need 2: one for the Frame type, the other for the index type. header_depth = (columns.depth * config.include_columns) + (2 * config.type_show) # create an empty display based on index display d = cls([list() for _ in range(len(display_index))], config=config, outermost=True, index_depth=index_depth, header_depth=header_depth, style_config=style_config, ) if config.include_index: # this will add more rows to accomodate the index if it is bigger due to types d.extend_display(display_index) header_column = '' if config.type_show else None else: header_column = None if len(columns) > config.display_columns: # columns as they will look after application of truncation and insertion of ellipsis data_half_count = cls.truncate_half_count(config.display_columns) column_gen = partial(gen_skip_middle, forward_iter=column_forward_iter, forward_count=data_half_count, reverse_iter=column_reverse_iter, reverse_count=data_half_count, center_sentinel=cls.ELLIPSIS_CENTER_SENTINEL ) else: column_gen = column_default_iter # type: ignore for column in column_gen(): if column is cls.ELLIPSIS_CENTER_SENTINEL: d.extend_ellipsis() else: d.extend_iterable(column, header=header_column) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- config_transpose = config.to_transpose() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # prepare header display of container class header_displays = [] if config.type_show: display_cls = cls.from_values((), header=header, config=config_transpose) header_displays.append(display_cls.flatten()) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # prepare columns display if config.include_columns: # need to apply the config_transpose such that it truncates it based on the the max columns, not the max rows display_columns = columns.display(config=config_transpose) if config.type_show: index_depth_extend = index.depth - 1 spacer_insert_index = 1 # after the first, the name elif not config.type_show and config.include_index: index_depth_extend = index.depth spacer_insert_index = 0 elif not config.include_index: # type_show must be False index_depth_extend = 0 spacer_insert_index = 0 # add spacers to from of columns when we have a hierarchical index for _ in range(index_depth_extend): # will need a width equal to the column depth row = [cls.to_cell('', config=config) for _ in range(columns.depth)] spacer = cls([row]) display_columns.insert_displays(spacer, insert_index=spacer_insert_index) if columns.depth > 1: display_columns_horizontal = display_columns.transform() else: # can just flatten a single column into one row display_columns_horizontal = display_columns.flatten() header_displays.append(display_columns_horizontal) if header_displays: d.insert_displays(*header_displays) return d #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # core cell-to-rwo expansion routines @staticmethod def truncate_half_count(count_target: int) -> int: '''Given a target number of rows or columns, return the count of half as found in presentation where one column is used for the ellipsis. The number returned will always be odd. For example, given a target of 5 we allocate 2 per half (plus 1 reserved for middle). ''' if count_target <= 4: return 1 # practical floor for all values of 4 or less return (count_target - 1) // 2 @classmethod def _get_max_width_pad_width(cls, *, rows: tp.Sequence[tp.Sequence[DisplayCell]], col_idx_src: int, col_last_src: int, row_indices: tp.Iterable[int], config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, ) -> tp.Tuple[int, int]: ''' Called once for each column to determine the maximum_width and pad_width for a particular column. All row data is passed to this function, and cell values are looked up directly with the `col_idx_src` argument. Args: rows: iterable of all rows, containing DisplayCell instances col_idx_src: the integer index for the currrent column col_last_src: the integer index for the last column row_indices: passed here so same range() can be reused. ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get() is_last = col_idx_src == col_last_src is_first = col_idx_src == 0 if is_first: width_limit = config.cell_max_width_leftmost else: width_limit = config.cell_max_width max_width = 0 for row_idx_src in row_indices: # get existing max width, up to the max row = rows[row_idx_src] if col_idx_src >= len(row): # this row does not have this column continue cell = row[col_idx_src] max_width = max(max_width, len(cell.raw)) # if already exceeded max width, stop iterating if max_width >= width_limit: break # get most binding constraint max_width = min(max_width, width_limit) if ((config.cell_align_left is True and is_last) or (config.cell_align_left is False and is_first)): pad_width = max_width else: pad_width = max_width + cls.CHAR_MARGIN return max_width, pad_width @classmethod def _to_rows_cells(cls, display: 'Display', config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, # index_depth: int = 0, # columns_depth: int = 0, ) -> tp.Iterable[tp.Iterable[str]]: ''' Given a Display object, return an iterable of iterables of strings, where each iterable contains strings for all cells in that row, with appropriate padding (if necessary) applied. Based on configruation, align cells left or right with space and return one joined string per row. Returns: Returns an iterable of formatted strings, generally one per row. ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get() # find max columns for all defined rows col_count_src = max(len(row) for row in display._rows) col_last_src = col_count_src - 1 row_count_src = len(display._rows) row_indices = range(row_count_src) rows: tp.List[tp.List[str]] = [[] for _ in row_indices] # if we normalize, we truncate cells and pad dfc = _DISPLAY_FORMAT_MAP[config.display_format] is_html = config.display_format in _DISPLAY_FORMAT_HTML for col_idx_src in range(col_count_src): # for each column, get the max width if dfc.CELL_WIDTH_NORMALIZE: max_width, pad_width = cls._get_max_width_pad_width( rows=display._rows, col_idx_src=col_idx_src, col_last_src=col_last_src, row_indices=row_indices, config=config ) for row_idx_src in row_indices: display_row = display._rows[row_idx_src] if col_idx_src >= len(display_row): cell = cls.CELL_EMPTY else: cell = display_row[col_idx_src] cell_format_str = cell.format_str cell_raw = cell.raw if dfc.CELL_WIDTH_NORMALIZE: if len(cell.raw) > max_width: # must truncate if cell width is greater than max width width_truncate = max_width - len(cls.CELL_ELLIPSIS.raw) # NOTE: this might truncate scientific notation cell_raw = cell_raw[:width_truncate] + cls.ELLIPSIS if is_html: cell_raw = html.escape(cell_raw) cell_formatted = cell_format_str.format(cell_raw) cell_fill_width = cls.CHAR_MARGIN # should only be margin left else: if is_html: cell_raw = html.escape(cell_raw) cell_formatted = cell_format_str.format(cell_raw) cell_fill_width = pad_width - len(cell.raw) # this includes margin if config.cell_align_left: # must manually add space as color chars make ljust not work msg = cell_formatted + ' ' * cell_fill_width else: msg = ' ' * cell_fill_width + cell_formatted else: # no width normalization if is_html: cell_raw = html.escape(cell_raw) msg = cell_format_str.format(cell_raw) rows[row_idx_src].append(msg) return rows #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, rows: tp.List[tp.List[DisplayCell]], config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, outermost: bool = False, index_depth: int = 0, header_depth: int = 0, *, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = None, ) -> None: '''Define rows as a list of lists, for each row; the contained DisplayCell instances may be of different size, but they are expected to be aligned vertically in final presentation. Args: header_depth: columns depth plus any additional lines used for headers ''' config = config or DisplayActive.get() self._rows = rows self._config = config self._outermost = outermost self._index_depth = index_depth self._header_depth = header_depth self._style_config = style_config def __repr__(self) -> str: rows = self._to_rows_cells(self, self._config) dfc = _DISPLAY_FORMAT_MAP[self._config.display_format] if self._outermost: header = [] body = [] for idx, row in enumerate(rows): iloc_row = idx - self._header_depth row = ''.join(dfc.markup_row(row, index_depth=self._index_depth, iloc_row=iloc_row, style_config=self._style_config, )).rstrip() if idx < self._header_depth: header.append(row) else: body.append(row) outermost = [] if header: header_str = dfc.markup_header(dfc.LINE_SEP.join(header)) outermost.append(header_str) body_str = dfc.markup_body(dfc.LINE_SEP.join(body)) outermost.append(body_str) return dfc.markup_outermost( dfc.LINE_SEP.join(outermost), style_config=self._style_config, ) # use mostly for debugging; strings in rows already have space / padding return dfc.LINE_SEP.join(''.join(r) for r in rows) def to_rows(self) -> tp.Sequence[str]: ''' Alternate output method for observing rows as strings within a list. Useful for testing. ''' post = [] for idx, row in enumerate(self._to_rows_cells(self, self._config)): line = ''.join(row).rstrip() # NOTE: apparently do not need special handling for empty lines # if idx < self._header_depth: # if line == '': # type removal led to an empty line # continue post.append(line) return post def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[tp.List[str]]: for row in self._rows: yield [cell.format_str.format(cell.raw) for cell in row] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._rows) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # in place mutation def extend_display(self, display: 'Display') -> None: ''' Mutate this display by extending to the right (adding columns) with the passed display. ''' # NOTE: do not want to pass config or call format here as we call this for each column or block we add for row_idx, row in enumerate(display._rows): if row_idx == len(self._rows): self._rows.append([]) self._rows[row_idx].extend(row) def extend_iterable(self, iterable: tp.Sequence[tp.Any] | TNDArrayAny, header: HeaderInitializer ) -> None: ''' Add a single iterable (as a column) to the display. ''' row_idx_start = 0 if header is not None: self._rows[0].append(self.to_cell(header, config=self._config)) row_idx_start = 1 # truncate iterable if necessary count_max = self._config.display_rows if len(iterable) > count_max: data_half_count = self.truncate_half_count(count_max) value_gen: tp.Callable[[], tp.Iterator[tp.Any]] = partial(gen_skip_middle, forward_iter=iterable.__iter__, forward_count=data_half_count, reverse_iter=partial(reversed, iterable), reverse_count=data_half_count, center_sentinel=self.ELLIPSIS_CENTER_SENTINEL ) else: value_gen = iterable.__iter__ # start at 1 as 0 is header idx = 0 # store in case value gen is empty for idx, value in enumerate(value_gen(), start=row_idx_start): if value is self.ELLIPSIS_CENTER_SENTINEL: self._rows[idx].append(self.CELL_ELLIPSIS) else: self._rows[idx].append(self.to_cell(value, config=self._config)) if isinstance(iterable, np.ndarray) and self._config.type_show: self._rows[idx + 1].append(self.to_cell(iterable.dtype, config=self._config, is_dtype=True)) def extend_ellipsis(self) -> None: '''Append an ellipsis over all rows. ''' for row in self._rows: row.append(self.CELL_ELLIPSIS) def insert_displays(self, *displays: 'Display', insert_index: int = 0) -> None: ''' Insert rows on top of existing rows. args: Each arg in args is an instance of Display insert_index: the index at which to start insertion ''' # each arg is a list, to be a new row # assume each row in display becomes a column new_rows: tp.List[tp.List[DisplayCell]] = [] for display in displays: new_rows.extend(display._rows) rows = [] rows.extend(self._rows[:insert_index]) rows.extend(new_rows) rows.extend(self._rows[insert_index:]) self._rows = rows #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return a new display def flatten(self) -> 'Display': ''' Return a Display from this Display that is a single row, formed the contents of all rows put in a single senquece, from the top down. Through this a single-column index Display can be made into a single row Display. ''' row = [] for part in self._rows: row.extend(part) rows = [row] return self.__class__(rows, config=self._config) def transform(self) -> 'Display': ''' Return Display transformed (rotated) on its upper left; i.e., the first column becomes the first row. ''' # assume first row gives us column count col_count = len(self._rows[0]) rows: tp.List[tp.List[DisplayCell]] = [[] for _ in range(col_count)] for r in self._rows: for idx, cell in enumerate(r): rows[idx].append(cell) return self.__class__(rows, config=self._config)