Source code for static_frame.core.quilt

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from itertools import repeat
from itertools import zip_longest

import numpy as np
import typing_extensions as tp

from static_frame.core.axis_map import bus_to_hierarchy
from static_frame.core.axis_map import get_extractor
from static_frame.core.bus import Bus
from static_frame.core.container import ContainerBase
from static_frame.core.container_util import axis_window_items
from static_frame.core.container_util import iter_component_signature_bytes
from static_frame.core.display import Display
from static_frame.core.display import DisplayActive
from static_frame.core.display import DisplayHeader
from static_frame.core.display_config import DisplayConfig
from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_inject
from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_update
from static_frame.core.exception import AxisInvalid
from static_frame.core.exception import ErrorInitIndexNonUnique
from static_frame.core.exception import ErrorInitQuilt
from static_frame.core.exception import NotImplementedAxis
from static_frame.core.frame import Frame
from static_frame.core.hloc import HLoc
from static_frame.core.index_auto import IndexAutoConstructorFactory
from static_frame.core.index_base import IndexBase
from static_frame.core.index_hierarchy import IndexHierarchy
from static_frame.core.index_hierarchy import TTreeNode
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeApplyType
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeAxis
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeConstructorAxis
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeType
from static_frame.core.node_iter import IterNodeWindow
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterGetItemILocCompoundReduces
from static_frame.core.node_selector import InterGetItemLocCompoundReduces
from static_frame.core.series import Series
from import Store
from static_frame.core.store_client_mixin import StoreClientMixin
from static_frame.core.store_config import StoreConfigMapInitializer
from static_frame.core.store_hdf5 import StoreHDF5
from static_frame.core.store_sqlite import StoreSQLite
from static_frame.core.store_xlsx import StoreXLSX
from static_frame.core.store_zip import StoreZipCSV
from static_frame.core.store_zip import StoreZipNPY
from static_frame.core.store_zip import StoreZipNPZ
from static_frame.core.store_zip import StoreZipParquet
from static_frame.core.store_zip import StoreZipPickle
from static_frame.core.store_zip import StoreZipTSV
from static_frame.core.style_config import StyleConfig
from static_frame.core.util import INT_TYPES
from static_frame.core.util import NULL_SLICE
from static_frame.core.util import TCallableAny
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelectorCompound
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelectorMany
from static_frame.core.util import TILocSelectorOne
from static_frame.core.util import TLabel
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelector
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelectorCompound
from static_frame.core.util import TLocSelectorMany
from static_frame.core.util import TName
from static_frame.core.util import TPathSpecifier
from static_frame.core.util import concat_resolved
from static_frame.core.util import get_tuple_constructor
from static_frame.core.yarn import Yarn

    from static_frame.core.index import Index  # pylint: disable=W0611 #pragma: no cover
    TNDArrayAny = np.ndarray[tp.Any, tp.Any] #pragma: no cover
    TDtypeAny = np.dtype[tp.Any] #pragma: no cover

TSeriesAny = Series[tp.Any, tp.Any]
TFrameAny = Frame[tp.Any, tp.Any, tp.Unpack[tp.Tuple[tp.Any, ...]]]
TBusAny = Bus[tp.Any]
TYarnAny = Yarn[tp.Any]

[docs] class Quilt(ContainerBase, StoreClientMixin): ''' A :obj:`Frame`-like view of the contents of a :obj:`Bus` or :obj:`Yarn`. With the Quilt, :obj:`Frame` contained in a :obj:`Bus` or :obj:`Yarn` can be conceived as stacking vertically (primary axis 0) or horizontally (primary axis 1). If the labels of the primary axis are unique accross all contained :obj:`Frame`, ``retain_labels`` can be set to ``False`` and underlying labels are simply concatenated; otherwise, ``retain_labels`` must be set to ``True`` and an additional depth-level is added to the primary axis labels. A :obj:`Quilt` can only be created if labels of the opposite axis of all contained :obj:`Frame` are aligned. ''' __slots__ = ( '_bus', '_axis', '_axis_hierarchy', '_retain_labels', '_axis_opposite', '_assign_axis', '_columns', '_index', '_deepcopy_from_bus', ) _bus: tp.Union[TBusAny, TYarnAny] _axis: int _axis_hierarchy: tp.Optional[IndexHierarchy] _axis_opposite: tp.Optional[IndexBase] _columns: IndexBase _index: IndexBase _assign_axis: bool _NDIM: int = 2
[docs] @classmethod def from_frame(cls, frame: TFrameAny, *, chunksize: int, retain_labels: bool, axis: int = 0, name: TName = None, label_extractor: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[IndexBase], TLabel]] = None, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a :obj:`Frame`, create a :obj:`Quilt` by partitioning it along the specified ``axis`` in units of ``chunksize``, where ``axis`` 0 partitions vertically (retaining aligned columns) and 1 partions horizontally (retaining aligned index). Args: label_extractor: Function that, given the partitioned index component along the specified axis, returns a string label for that chunk. ''' if axis == 0 and frame._index._NDIM != 1: raise ValueError('Index must be 1D.') elif axis == 1 and frame._columns._NDIM != 1: raise ValueError('Columns must be 1D.') vector = frame._index if axis == 0 else frame._columns vector_len = len(vector) starts = range(0, vector_len, chunksize) if len(starts) == 1: ends: tp.Iterable[int] = (vector_len,) else: ends = range(starts[1], vector_len, chunksize) if label_extractor is None: label_extractor = lambda x: x.iloc[0] axis_map_components: TTreeNode = {} opposite = None def values() -> tp.Iterator[TFrameAny]: nonlocal opposite for start, end in zip_longest(starts, ends, fillvalue=vector_len): # NOTE: index / columns cannot be IndexHierarchy if axis == 0: # along rows f = frame.iloc[start:end] label = label_extractor(f._index) axis_map_components[label] = f._index # type: ignore[assignment] if opposite is None: opposite = f._columns elif axis == 1: # along columns f = frame.iloc[NULL_SLICE, start:end] label = label_extractor(f._columns) axis_map_components[label] = f._columns # type: ignore[assignment] if opposite is None: opposite = f.index else: raise AxisInvalid(f'invalid axis {axis}') yield f.rename(label) name = name if name else bus = Bus.from_frames(values(), config=config, name=name) axis_hierarchy = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(axis_map_components, index_constructors=IndexAutoConstructorFactory) return cls(bus, axis=axis, axis_hierarchy=axis_hierarchy, axis_opposite=opposite, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, )
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # constructors by data format @classmethod def _from_store(cls, store: Store, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': bus = Bus._from_store(store=store, config=config, max_persist=max_persist, # None is default ) return cls(bus, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_zip_tsv(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to zipped TSV :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreZipTSV(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_zip_csv(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to zipped CSV :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreZipCSV(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_zip_pickle(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to zipped pickle :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreZipPickle(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_zip_npz(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to zipped NPZ :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreZipNPZ(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_zip_npy(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to zipped NPY :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreZipNPY(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_zip_parquet(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to zipped parquet :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreZipParquet(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_xlsx(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to an XLSX :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' # how to pass configuration for multiple sheets? store = StoreXLSX(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_sqlite(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to an SQLite :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreSQLite(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='quilt_constructor') def from_hdf5(cls, fp: TPathSpecifier, *, config: StoreConfigMapInitializer = None, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, max_persist: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given a file path to a HDF5 :obj:`Quilt` store, return a :obj:`Quilt` instance. {args} ''' store = StoreHDF5(fp) return cls._from_store(store, config=config, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, max_persist=max_persist, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_items(cls, items: tp.Iterable[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TFrameAny]], *, axis: int = 0, name: TName = None, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, ) -> 'Quilt': ''' Given an iterable of pairs of label, :obj:`Frame`, create a :obj:`Quilt`. ''' bus = Bus.from_items(items, name=name) return cls(bus, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_frames(cls, frames: tp.Iterable[TFrameAny], *, axis: int = 0, name: TName = None, retain_labels: bool, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, ) -> 'Quilt': '''Return a :obj:`Quilt` from an iterable of :obj:`Frame`; labels will be drawn from :obj:``. ''' bus = Bus.from_frames(frames, name=name) return cls(bus, axis=axis, retain_labels=retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=deepcopy_from_bus, )
[docs] def __init__(self, bus: tp.Union[TBusAny, TYarnAny], *, axis: int = 0, retain_labels: bool, axis_hierarchy: tp.Optional[IndexHierarchy] = None, axis_opposite: tp.Optional[IndexBase] = None, deepcopy_from_bus: bool = False, ) -> None: ''' {args} ''' self._bus = bus self._axis = axis self._retain_labels = retain_labels self._deepcopy_from_bus = deepcopy_from_bus if (axis_hierarchy is None) ^ (axis_opposite is None): raise ErrorInitQuilt('if supplying axis_hierarchy, supply axis_opposite') # can creation until needed self._axis_hierarchy = axis_hierarchy self._axis_opposite = axis_opposite self._assign_axis = True # Boolean to control deferred axis index creation
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # deferred loading of axis info @staticmethod def _error_update_axis_labels(axis: int) -> ErrorInitQuilt: axis_label = 'index' if axis == 0 else 'column' axis_labels = 'indices' if axis == 0 else 'columns' err_msg = f'Duplicate {axis_label} labels across frames. Either ensure all {axis_labels} are unique for all frames, or set retain_labels=True to obtain an IndexHierarchy' return ErrorInitQuilt(err_msg) def _update_axis_labels(self) -> None: if self._axis_hierarchy is None or self._axis_opposite is None: self._axis_hierarchy, self._axis_opposite = bus_to_hierarchy( self._bus, axis=self._axis, deepcopy_from_bus=self._deepcopy_from_bus, init_exception_cls=ErrorInitQuilt, ) if self._axis == 0: if not self._retain_labels: try: self._index = self._axis_hierarchy.level_drop(1) except ErrorInitIndexNonUnique: raise self._error_update_axis_labels(self._axis) from None else: # get hierarchical self._index = self._axis_hierarchy self._columns = self._axis_opposite # type: ignore else: if not self._retain_labels: try: self._columns = self._axis_hierarchy.level_drop(1) except ErrorInitIndexNonUnique: raise self._error_update_axis_labels(self._axis) from None else: self._columns = self._axis_hierarchy self._index = self._axis_opposite # type: ignore self._assign_axis = False
[docs] def unpersist(self) -> None: '''For the :obj:`Bus` or :obj:`Yarn` contained in this object, replace all loaded :obj:`Frame` with :obj:`FrameDeferred`. ''' self._bus.unpersist()
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # name interface @property @doc_inject() def name(self) -> TName: '''{}''' return
[docs] def rename(self, name: TName) -> 'Quilt': ''' Return a new :obj:`Quilt` with an updated name attribute. Args: name ''' return self.__class__(self._bus.rename(name), axis=self._axis, retain_labels=self._retain_labels, deepcopy_from_bus=self._deepcopy_from_bus, axis_hierarchy=self._axis_hierarchy, axis_opposite=self._axis_opposite, )
[docs] @doc_inject() def display(self, config: tp.Optional[DisplayConfig] = None, *, style_config: tp.Optional[StyleConfig] = None, ) -> Display: '''{doc} Args: {config} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() config = config or DisplayActive.get() drop_column_dtype = False if self._axis == 0: if not self._retain_labels: index = self.index.rename('Concatenated') else: index = self._bus.index.rename('Frames') columns = self.columns.rename('Aligned') else: index = self.index.rename('Aligned') if not self._retain_labels: columns = self.columns.rename('Concatenated') else: columns = self._bus.index.rename('Frames') drop_column_dtype = True def placeholder_gen() -> tp.Iterator[tp.Iterable[tp.Any]]: assert config is not None yield from repeat(tuple(repeat(config.cell_placeholder, times=len(index))), times=len(columns)) d = Display.from_params( index=index, columns=columns, header=DisplayHeader(self.__class__,, column_forward_iter=placeholder_gen, column_reverse_iter=placeholder_gen, column_default_iter=placeholder_gen, config=config, style_config=style_config, ) # Strip out the dtype information! if config.type_show: if drop_column_dtype: # First Column Row -> last element is the dtype of the column # Guaranteed to not be index hierarchy as buses cannot have index hierarchies d._rows[1].pop() # Since placeholder_gen is not a ndarray, there is no dtype to append in the final row # However, in the case of a center ellipsis being added, an ellipsis will be # awkwardly placed direclty adjacent to the index dtype information. if d._rows[-1][-1] == Display.CELL_ELLIPSIS: d._rows[-1].pop() return d
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # accessors @property @doc_inject(selector='values_2d', class_name='Quilt') def values(self) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' {} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return self.to_frame().values @property def index(self) -> IndexBase: '''The ``IndexBase`` instance assigned for row labels. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return self._index @property def columns(self) -> IndexBase: '''The ``IndexBase`` instance assigned for column labels. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return self._columns @property def bus(self) -> tp.Union[TBusAny, TYarnAny]: '''The ``Bus`` instance assigned to this ``Quilt``. ''' return self._bus #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def shape(self) -> tp.Tuple[int, int]: ''' Return a tuple describing the shape of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`tp.Tuple[int]` ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return len(self._index), len(self._columns) @property def ndim(self) -> int: ''' Return the number of dimensions, which for a `Frame` is always 2. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' return self._NDIM @property def size(self) -> int: ''' Return the size of the underlying NumPy array. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return len(self._index) * len(self._columns) @property def nbytes(self) -> int: ''' Return the total bytes of the underlying NumPy arrays. Returns: :obj:`int` ''' # return self._blocks.nbytes if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return sum(f.nbytes for _, f in self._bus.items()) @property def status(self) -> TFrameAny: ''' Return a :obj:`Frame` indicating loaded status, size, bytes, and shape of all loaded :obj:`Frame` in the contained :obj:`Quilt`. ''' return self._bus.status #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dictionary-like interface
[docs] def keys(self) -> tp.Iterable[TLabel]: '''Iterator of column labels. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return self._columns
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterable[TLabel]: ''' Iterator of column labels, same as :py:meth:`Frame.keys`. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return self._columns.__iter__()
[docs] def __contains__(self, value: TLabel) -> bool: ''' Inclusion of value in column labels. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return self._columns.__contains__(value)
[docs] def items(self) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TSeriesAny]]: '''Iterator of pairs of column label and corresponding column :obj:`Series`. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() yield from self._axis_series_items(axis=0) # iterate columns
[docs] def get(self, key: TLabel, default: tp.Optional[TSeriesAny] = None, ) -> tp.Optional[TSeriesAny]: ''' Return the value found at the columns key, else the default if the key is not found. This method is implemented to complete the dictionary-like interface. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() if key not in self._columns: return default return self.__getitem__(key)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # compatibility with StoreClientMixin def _items_store(self) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TFrameAny]]: '''Iterator of pairs of :obj:`Quilt` label and contained :obj:`Frame`. ''' yield from self._bus.items() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # axis iterators def _axis_array(self, axis: int) -> tp.Iterator[TNDArrayAny]: '''Generator of arrays across an axis Args: axis: 0 iterates over columns, 1 iterates over rows ''' extractor = get_extractor( self._deepcopy_from_bus, is_array=True, memo_active=False, ) if axis == 1: # iterate over rows if self._axis == 0: # bus components aligned vertically for _, component in self._bus.items(): for array in component._blocks.axis_values(axis): yield extractor(array) else: # bus components aligned horizontally raise NotImplementedAxis() elif axis == 0: # iterate over columns if self._axis == 1: # bus components aligned horizontally for _, component in self._bus.items(): for array in component._blocks.axis_values(axis): yield extractor(array) else: # bus components aligned horizontally raise NotImplementedAxis() else: raise AxisInvalid(f'no support for axis {axis}') def _axis_array_items(self, axis: int) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TNDArrayAny]]: keys = self._index if axis == 1 else self._columns yield from zip(keys, self._axis_array(axis)) def _axis_tuple(self, *, axis: int, constructor: tp.Optional[tp.Type[tp.NamedTuple]] = None, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.NamedTuple]: '''Generator of named tuples across an axis. Args: axis: 0 iterates over columns (index axis), 1 iterates over rows (column axis) ''' if constructor is None: if axis == 1: labels = self._columns.values elif axis == 0: labels = self._index.values else: raise AxisInvalid(f'no support for axis {axis}') # uses _make method to call with iterable constructor = get_tuple_constructor(labels) #type: ignore elif (isinstance(constructor, type) and issubclass(constructor, tuple) and hasattr(constructor, '_make')): constructor = constructor._make #type: ignore assert constructor is not None for axis_values in self._axis_array(axis): yield constructor(axis_values) # type: ignore def _axis_tuple_items(self, *, axis: int, constructor: tp.Optional[tp.Type[tp.NamedTuple]] = None, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, tp.NamedTuple]]: keys = self._index if axis == 1 else self._columns yield from zip(keys, self._axis_tuple(axis=axis, constructor=constructor)) def _axis_series(self, axis: int) -> tp.Iterator[TSeriesAny]: '''Generator of Series across an axis ''' index = self._index if axis == 0 else self._columns for label, axis_values in self._axis_array_items(axis): yield Series(axis_values, index=index, name=label, own_index=True) def _axis_series_items(self, axis: int) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, TSeriesAny]]: keys = self._index if axis == 1 else self._columns yield from zip(keys, self._axis_series(axis=axis)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _axis_window_items(self, *, size: int, axis: int = 0, step: int = 1, window_sized: bool = True, window_func: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, window_valid: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, label_shift: int = 0, label_missing_skips: bool = True, label_missing_raises: bool = False, start_shift: int = 0, size_increment: int = 0, as_array: bool = False, ) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Tuple[TLabel, tp.Any]]: '''Generator of index, processed-window pairs. ''' # NOTE: this will use _extract, _extract_array to get results, thus we do not need an extractor yield from axis_window_items( source=self, size=size, axis=axis, step=step, window_sized=window_sized, window_func=window_func, window_valid=window_valid, label_shift=label_shift, label_missing_skips=label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises=label_missing_raises, start_shift=start_shift, size_increment=size_increment, derive_label=True, as_array=as_array ) def _axis_window(self, *, size: int, axis: int = 0, step: int = 1, window_sized: bool = True, window_func: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, window_valid: tp.Optional[TCallableAny] = None, label_shift: int = 0, label_missing_skips: bool = True, label_missing_raises: bool = False, start_shift: int = 0, size_increment: int = 0, as_array: bool = False, ) -> tp.Iterator[TFrameAny]: yield from (x for _, x in axis_window_items( source=self, size=size, axis=axis, step=step, window_sized=window_sized, window_func=window_func, window_valid=window_valid, label_shift=label_shift, label_missing_skips=label_missing_skips, label_missing_raises=label_missing_raises, start_shift=start_shift, size_increment=size_increment, derive_label=False, as_array=as_array )) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _extract_array(self, row_key: TLocSelector = None, column_key: TLocSelector = None, ) -> TNDArrayAny: ''' Extract a consolidated array based on iloc selection. ''' assert self._axis_hierarchy is not None #mypy extractor: tp.Callable[..., TNDArrayAny] = get_extractor( self._deepcopy_from_bus, is_array=True, memo_active=False, ) row_key = NULL_SLICE if row_key is None else row_key column_key = NULL_SLICE if column_key is None else column_key if row_key == NULL_SLICE and column_key == NULL_SLICE: if len(self._bus) == 1: return extractor(self._bus.iloc[0].values) # type: ignore # NOTE: do not need to call extractor when concatenate is called, as a new array is always allocated. arrays = [f.values for _, f in self._bus.items()] return concat_resolved( arrays, axis=self._axis, ) parts: tp.List[TNDArrayAny] = [] bus_keys: tp.Iterable[TLabel] if self._axis == 0: sel_key = row_key opposite_key = column_key else: sel_key = column_key opposite_key = row_key sel_reduces = isinstance(sel_key, INT_TYPES) opposite_reduces = isinstance(opposite_key, INT_TYPES) sel = np.full(len(self._axis_hierarchy), False) sel[sel_key] = True # get ordered unique Bus labels axis_map_sub = self._axis_hierarchy.iloc[sel_key] # type: ignore if isinstance(axis_map_sub, tuple): # type: ignore bus_keys = (axis_map_sub[0],) # type: ignore else: bus_keys = axis_map_sub.unique(depth_level=0, order_by_occurrence=True) for key in bus_keys: sel_component = sel[self._axis_hierarchy._loc_to_iloc(HLoc[key])] if self._axis == 0: component = self._bus.loc[key]._extract_array(sel_component, opposite_key) # pyright: ignore if sel_reduces: component = component[0] else: component = self._bus.loc[key]._extract_array(opposite_key, sel_component) # pyright: ignore if sel_reduces: if component.ndim == 1: component = component[0] elif component.ndim == 2: component = component[NULL_SLICE, 0] parts.append(component) if sel_reduces and opposite_reduces: # we have an element return parts.pop() # we call extractor() when we might be referencing data to control if we give a slice or a deepcopy if len(parts) == 1: return extractor(parts.pop()) # NOTE: concatenate always allocates a new array, thus no need for extractor above if sel_reduces or opposite_reduces: # NOTE: not sure if concat_resolved is needed here return concat_resolved(parts) return concat_resolved(parts, axis=self._axis) @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelectorOne) -> TSeriesAny: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelectorMany) -> TFrameAny: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: None, column_key: TILocSelectorOne) -> TSeriesAny: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: None, column_key: TILocSelectorMany) -> TFrameAny: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelectorMany, column_key: TILocSelectorOne) -> TSeriesAny: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelectorOne, column_key: TILocSelectorMany) -> TSeriesAny: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelectorMany, column_key: TILocSelectorMany) -> TFrameAny: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelectorOne, column_key: TILocSelectorOne) -> tp.Any: ... @tp.overload def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelector) -> tp.Any: ... def _extract(self, row_key: TILocSelector = None, column_key: TILocSelector = None, ) -> tp.Any: ''' Extract Container based on iloc selection. ''' assert self._axis_hierarchy is not None #mypy extractor = get_extractor( self._deepcopy_from_bus, is_array=False, memo_active=False, ) row_key = NULL_SLICE if row_key is None else row_key row_key_is_array = isinstance(row_key, np.ndarray) column_key = NULL_SLICE if column_key is None else column_key column_key_is_array = isinstance(column_key, np.ndarray) if (not row_key_is_array and row_key == NULL_SLICE and not column_key_is_array and column_key == NULL_SLICE): if self._retain_labels and self._axis == 0: frames = (extractor(f.relabel_level_add(index=k)) for k, f in self._bus.items()) elif self._retain_labels and self._axis == 1: frames = (extractor(f.relabel_level_add(columns=k)) for k, f in self._bus.items()) else: frames = (extractor(f) for _, f in self._bus.items()) return Frame.from_concat( frames, axis=self._axis, ) parts: tp.List[tp.Any] = [] frame_labels: tp.Iterable[TLabel] opposite_key: TILocSelector sel_key: TILocSelector if self._axis == 0: sel_key = row_key opposite_key = column_key else: sel_key = column_key opposite_key = row_key sel_reduces = isinstance(sel_key, INT_TYPES) sel = np.full(len(self._axis_hierarchy), False) sel[sel_key] = True # get ordered unique Bus labels axis_map_sub = self._axis_hierarchy.iloc[sel_key] if isinstance(axis_map_sub, tuple): frame_labels = (axis_map_sub[0],) else: # get the outer level, or just the unique frame labels needed frame_labels = axis_map_sub.unique(depth_level=0, order_by_occurrence=True) component: tp.Any for key_count, key in enumerate(frame_labels): # get Boolean segment for this Frame sel_component = sel[self._axis_hierarchy._loc_to_iloc(HLoc[key])] if self._axis == 0: component = self._bus.loc[key].iloc[sel_component, opposite_key] # pyright: ignore if key_count == 0: component_is_series = isinstance(component, Series) if self._retain_labels: # component might be a Series, can call the same with first arg component = component.relabel_level_add(key) if sel_reduces: # make Frame into a Series, Series into an element component = component.iloc[0] else: component = self._bus.loc[key].iloc[opposite_key, sel_component] #pyright: ignore if key_count == 0: component_is_series = isinstance(component, Series) if self._retain_labels: if component_is_series: component = component.relabel_level_add(key) else: component = component.relabel_level_add(columns=key) if sel_reduces: # make Frame into a Series, Series into an element if component_is_series: component = component.iloc[0] else: component = component.iloc[NULL_SLICE, 0] parts.append(extractor(component)) if len(parts) == 1: return parts.pop() # NOTE: Series/Frame from_concate will attempt to re-use ndarrays, and thus using extractor above is appropriate if component_is_series: return Series.from_concat(parts) return Frame.from_concat(parts, axis=self._axis) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='sample') def sample(self, index: tp.Optional[int] = None, columns: tp.Optional[int] = None, *, seed: tp.Optional[int] = None, ) -> TFrameAny: ''' {doc} Args: {index} {columns} {seed} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() if index is not None: _, index_key = self._index._sample_and_key(count=index, seed=seed) else: index_key = None if columns is not None: _, columns_key = self._columns._sample_and_key(count=columns, seed=seed) else: columns_key = None return self._extract(row_key=index_key, column_key=columns_key)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _extract_iloc(self, key: TILocSelectorCompound) -> tp.Any: ''' Give a compound key, return a new Frame. This method simply handles the variabiliyt of single or compound selectors. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() if isinstance(key, tuple): r, c = key return self._extract(r, c) return self._extract(key) def _compound_loc_to_iloc(self, key: TLocSelectorCompound) -> tp.Tuple[TILocSelector, TILocSelector]: ''' Given a compound iloc key, return a tuple of row, column keys. Assumes the first argument is always a row extractor. ''' if isinstance(key, tuple): loc_row_key, loc_column_key = key # pyright: ignore iloc_column_key = self._columns._loc_to_iloc(loc_column_key) else: loc_row_key = key iloc_column_key = None iloc_row_key = self._index._loc_to_iloc(loc_row_key) return iloc_row_key, iloc_column_key def _extract_loc(self, key: TLocSelectorCompound) -> tp.Any: if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() r, c = self._compound_loc_to_iloc(key) return self._extract(r, c) def _compound_loc_to_getitem_iloc(self, key: TLocSelectorCompound) -> tp.Tuple[TILocSelector, TILocSelector]: '''Handle a potentially compound key in the style of __getitem__. This will raise an appropriate exception if a two argument loc-style call is attempted. ''' iloc_column_key = self._columns._loc_to_iloc(key) return None, iloc_column_key @tp.overload def __getitem__(self, key: TLabel) -> TSeriesAny: ... @tp.overload def __getitem__(self, key: TLocSelectorMany) -> TFrameAny: ...
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='selector') def __getitem__(self, key: TLocSelector) -> tp.Union[TFrameAny, TSeriesAny]: '''Selector of columns by label. Args: key: {key_loc} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() r, c = self._compound_loc_to_getitem_iloc(key) return self._extract(r, c)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # interfaces @property def loc(self) -> InterGetItemLocCompoundReduces[TFrameAny]: return InterGetItemLocCompoundReduces(self._extract_loc) @property def iloc(self) -> InterGetItemILocCompoundReduces[TFrameAny]: return InterGetItemILocCompoundReduces(self._extract_iloc) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # iterators @property def iter_array(self) -> IterNodeAxis['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of :obj:`np.array`, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1) ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return IterNodeAxis( container=self, function_values=self._axis_array, function_items=self._axis_array_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) @property def iter_array_items(self) -> IterNodeAxis['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of pairs of label, :obj:`np.array`, where arrays are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1) ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return IterNodeAxis( container=self, function_values=self._axis_array, function_items=self._axis_array_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) @property def iter_tuple(self) -> IterNodeConstructorAxis['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of :obj:`NamedTuple`, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1). An optional ``constructor`` callable can be used to provide a :obj:`NamedTuple` class (or any other constructor called with a single iterable) to be used to create each yielded axis value. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return IterNodeConstructorAxis( container=self, function_values=self._axis_tuple, function_items=self._axis_tuple_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) @property def iter_tuple_items(self) -> IterNodeConstructorAxis['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of pairs of label, :obj:`NamedTuple`, where tuples are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1) ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return IterNodeConstructorAxis( container=self, function_values=self._axis_tuple, function_items=self._axis_tuple_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) @property def iter_series(self) -> IterNodeAxis['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of :obj:`Series`, where :obj:`Series` are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1) ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return IterNodeAxis( container=self, function_values=self._axis_series, function_items=self._axis_series_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) @property def iter_series_items(self) -> IterNodeAxis['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of pairs of label, :obj:`Series`, where :obj:`Series` are drawn from columns (axis=0) or rows (axis=1) ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return IterNodeAxis( container=self, function_values=self._axis_series, function_items=self._axis_series_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_VALUES, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property @doc_inject(selector='window') def iter_window(self) -> IterNodeWindow['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a :obj:`Frame`. {args} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=False) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=False) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) @property @doc_inject(selector='window') def iter_window_items(self) -> IterNodeWindow['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a :obj:`Frame`. {args} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=False) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=False) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) @property @doc_inject(selector='window') def iter_window_array(self) -> IterNodeWindow['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of windowed values, where values are given as a :obj:`np.array`. {args} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=True) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=True) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.VALUES, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) @property @doc_inject(selector='window') def iter_window_array_items(self) -> IterNodeWindow['Quilt']: ''' Iterator of pairs of label, windowed values, where values are given as a :obj:`np.array`. {args} ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() function_values = partial(self._axis_window, as_array=True) function_items = partial(self._axis_window_items, as_array=True) return IterNodeWindow( container=self, function_values=function_values, function_items=function_items, yield_type=IterNodeType.ITEMS, apply_type=IterNodeApplyType.SERIES_ITEMS, ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # transformations resulting in changed dimensionality
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='head', class_name='Quilt') def head(self, count: int = 5) -> TFrameAny: '''{doc} Args: {count} ''' return self.iloc[:count]
[docs] @doc_inject(selector='tail', class_name='Quilt') def tail(self, count: int = 5) -> TFrameAny: '''{doc} Args: {count} ''' return self.iloc[-count:]
[docs] @doc_inject() def equals(self, other: tp.Any, *, compare_name: bool = False, compare_dtype: bool = False, compare_class: bool = False, skipna: bool = True, ) -> bool: ''' {doc} Note: this will attempt to load and compare all Frame managed by the Bus stored within this Quilt. Args: {compare_name} {compare_dtype} {compare_class} {skipna} ''' if id(other) == id(self): return True if compare_class and self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False elif not isinstance(other, Quilt): return False if self._axis != other._axis: return False if self._retain_labels != other._retain_labels: return False if compare_name and != return False if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() if other._assign_axis: other._update_axis_labels() if not self._axis_hierarchy.equals( # type: ignore other._axis_hierarchy, compare_name=compare_name, compare_dtype=compare_dtype, compare_class=compare_class, skipna=skipna, ): return False if not self._axis_opposite.equals( # type: ignore other._axis_opposite, compare_name=compare_name, compare_dtype=compare_dtype, compare_class=compare_class, skipna=skipna, ): return False if not self._bus.equals(other._bus, compare_name=compare_name, compare_dtype=compare_dtype, compare_class=compare_class, skipna=skipna, ): return False return True
[docs] def to_frame(self) -> TFrameAny: ''' Return a consolidated :obj:`Frame`. ''' if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return self._extract(NULL_SLICE, NULL_SLICE)
def _to_signature_bytes(self, include_name: bool = True, include_class: bool = True, encoding: str = 'utf-8', ) -> bytes: if self._assign_axis: self._update_axis_labels() return b''.join(chain( iter_component_signature_bytes(self, include_name=include_name, include_class=include_class, encoding=encoding), (self._axis_hierarchy._to_signature_bytes( #type: ignore include_name=include_name, include_class=include_class, encoding=encoding), self._axis_opposite._to_signature_bytes( #type: ignore include_name=include_name, include_class=include_class, encoding=encoding), self._bus._to_signature_bytes( include_name=include_name, include_class=include_class, encoding=encoding),) ))
doc_update(Quilt.__init__, selector='quilt_init')