Source code for static_frame.core.www

from __future__ import annotations

import gzip
import os
import tempfile
from io import BytesIO
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
from urllib import request
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlunparse
from zipfile import ZipFile

import typing_extensions as tp

from static_frame.core.doc_str import doc_inject

class StringIOTemporaryFile(StringIO):
    '''Subclass of a StringIO that reads from a managed file that is deleted when this instance goes out of scope.

    def __init__(self, fp: Path, encoding: str) -> None:
        self._fp = fp
        self._file = open(fp, 'r', encoding=encoding) # pylint: disable=R1732

    def __del__(self) -> None:

    def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = 0) -> int:
        return, whence)

    def read(self, size: tp.Optional[int] =-1) -> str:

    def readline(self, size: int = -1) -> str: # type: ignore
        return self._file.readline(size)

    def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[str]: # type: ignore
        return self._file.__iter__()

class BytesIOTemporaryFile(BytesIO):
    '''Subclass of a BytesIO that reads from a managed file that is deleted when this instance goes out of scope.

    def __init__(self, fp: Path) -> None:
        self._fp = fp
        self._file = open(fp, 'rb') # pylint: disable=R1732

    def __del__(self) -> None:

    def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = 0) -> int:
        return, whence)

    def read(self, size: tp.Optional[int] = -1) -> bytes:

    def readline(self, size: tp.Optional[int] = -1) -> bytes:
        return self._file.readline(size)

    def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[bytes]:
        return self._file.__iter__()


class MaybeTemporaryFile:
    '''Provide one context manager that, if an `fp` is given, works as a normal file; if no `fp` is given, produce a temporary file.
    def __init__(self, fp: tp.Optional[Path], mode: str, encoding: str):

        if fp:
            self._f = open(fp, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) # pylint: disable=R1732
            self._f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode=mode, # pylint: disable=R1732

    def __enter__(self) -> tp.IO[tp.Any]:
        return self._f.__enter__()

    def __exit__(self,
            type: tp.Type[BaseException],
            value: BaseException,
            traceback: TracebackType,
            ) -> None:
        self._f.__exit__(type, value, traceback)


WWWReturnType = tp.Union[Path, StringIO, BytesIO]

[docs] class WWW: '''Utilities for downloading resources from the world-wide-web. ''' __slots__ = () @staticmethod def _url_prepare(url: str) -> str: '''Remove leading trailing white space, quote the path component to handle spaces. This does not handling spaces in queries ''' url_parts = urlparse(url.strip()) return urlunparse( url_parts._replace(path=quote(url_parts.path)) ) @classmethod def _download_archive(cls, url: tp.Union[str, request.Request], in_memory: bool, buffer_size: int, extension: str, ) -> tp.Union[Path, BytesIO]: archive: tp.Union[Path, BytesIO] if isinstance(url, str): url = cls._url_prepare(url) with request.urlopen(url) as response: if in_memory: archive = BytesIO( else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', suffix=extension, delete=False, ) as f: archive = Path( while True: b = if b: f.write(b) else: break return archive @staticmethod def _resolve_fp_and_in_memory( in_memory: tp.Optional[bool], fp: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Path, str]] = None, ) -> tp.Tuple[bool, tp.Optional[Path]]: ''' If an fp is given and in_memory is True, error; else, in_memory is set to False; if an fp is not given and in_memory is None, default to True, else use in_memory. ''' if fp is not None: if in_memory is True: raise RuntimeError('If supplying an `fp`, `in_memory` cannot be True.') in_memory = False if isinstance(fp, str): # just to pass Path fp = Path(fp) else: in_memory = True if in_memory is None else in_memory return in_memory, fp @staticmethod def _write_maybe_temporary( fp: tp.Optional[Path], encoding: str, extractor: tp.Callable[[], tp.Union[str, bytes]] ) -> WWWReturnType: with MaybeTemporaryFile(fp=fp, mode='w' if encoding else 'wb', encoding=encoding, ) as f: fp_written = Path( while True: # can use iter() function with for b = extractor() if b: f.write(b) else: break if fp: return fp_written if encoding: return StringIOTemporaryFile(fp_written, encoding=encoding) return BytesIOTemporaryFile(fp_written) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='www') def from_file(cls, url: tp.Union[str, request.Request], *, encoding: str = 'utf-8', in_memory: tp.Optional[bool] = None, buffer_size: int = 8192, fp: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Path, str]] = None, ) -> WWWReturnType: ''' {doc} Args: {url} {encoding} {in_memory} {buffer_size} {fp} ''' in_memory, fp = cls._resolve_fp_and_in_memory(in_memory, fp) with request.urlopen(url) as response: if in_memory: if encoding: return StringIO( else: return BytesIO( if encoding: extractor = lambda: else: extractor = lambda: return cls._write_maybe_temporary( fp=fp, encoding=encoding, extractor=extractor, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='www') def from_zip(cls, url: tp.Union[str, request.Request], *, encoding: str = 'utf-8', in_memory: tp.Optional[bool] = None, buffer_size: int = 8192, fp: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Path, str]] = None, component: tp.Optional[str] = None, ) -> WWWReturnType: ''' {doc} Args: {url} {encoding} {in_memory} {buffer_size} {fp} {component} ''' in_memory, fp = cls._resolve_fp_and_in_memory(in_memory, fp) archive = cls._download_archive(url=url, in_memory=in_memory, buffer_size=buffer_size, extension='.zip', ) with ZipFile(archive) as zf: names = zf.namelist() if component: name = component else: if len(names) > 1: samples = ', '.join(names[:20]) etc = '...' if len(samples) > 20 else '' raise RuntimeError(f'More than one file found in zip archive ({samples}{etc}); name a single file with the `component` argument.') name = names.pop() data = data_io: tp.Union[StringIO, BytesIO] if encoding: data_io = StringIO(data.decode(encoding)) else: data_io = BytesIO(data) if in_memory: return data_io # not in-memory, write a file, delete archive os.unlink(archive) # type: ignore return cls._write_maybe_temporary( fp=fp, encoding=encoding,, )
[docs] @classmethod @doc_inject(selector='www') def from_gzip(cls, url: tp.Union[str, request.Request], *, encoding: str = 'utf-8', in_memory: tp.Optional[bool] = None, buffer_size: int = 8192, fp: tp.Optional[tp.Union[Path, str]] = None, ) -> WWWReturnType: ''' {doc} Args: {url} {encoding} {in_memory} {buffer_size} {fp} ''' in_memory, fp = cls._resolve_fp_and_in_memory(in_memory, fp) archive = cls._download_archive(url=url, in_memory=in_memory, buffer_size=buffer_size, extension='.gzip', ) with as gz: data = data_io: tp.Union[StringIO, BytesIO] if encoding: data_io = StringIO(data.decode(encoding)) else: data_io = BytesIO(data) if in_memory: return data_io # not in-memory, write a file, delete archive os.unlink(archive) # type: ignore return cls._write_maybe_temporary( fp=fp, encoding=encoding,, )